Chapter 130 Afternoon Tea (1/2)
Regaleon has been spending time with me in my courtyard since this morning. He haven't left my side since then.
”Leon, are you not busy today?” I asked while sipping my tea.
Mid day has went by. Me and Regaleon are leisurley taking our time indoors, drinking afternoon tea with some snacks. He was sitting across me, inbetween the tea table.
”I have finished all my work beforehand. And so, I have time to spend it with my beloved fiancee.” Regaleon said while sipping his tea. ”And you just had such a bad experience last night. Of course I would want to accompany and comfort you.”
I remember what just happend last night. Last night there was an assasination attempt towards me. Good thing William and Regaleon was there to help me out.
I internally sighed to myself. 'I am still soft hearted.'
I know fully well that the men last night were bad and ready to do bad things towards me. But I still hesitated to take their lives with my own hands.
”What are you thingking?” Regaleon asked me. He was looking at me worriedly.
”Hmm, oh it's nothing.” I simply answered.
”It is not nothing, is it?” Regaleon stood up from his seat and sat right next to me. ”You are worried about something, I can feel it.”
Regaleon gently encircled his arms around my waist from my back and pulled me into his embrace. He sank his face at the back of my neck. I can feel his steady breath and hear his heart thump.
”If you don't want to tell me what you are worrying about, I understand. I just wish I can do something that can help ease up your worries.” Regaleon whispered behind my ear.
Regaleon's breath tickled me and shivers ran from my shoulders to my arms.
'This man can really stir me up with just a whisper.' I thought to myself, embarrassed.
”I-It's not that I don't want to tell you.” I said shyly. ”I am just ashamed. After everything you thought me, I wasn't able to become strong. I still needed you and Will to protect me.”
I can feel Regaleon's arms thightening his embrace around me.
”You are strong Lili.” Regaleon said. ”It's just that your heart is pure. And I would want to leave it that way.”
Regaleon really knows me well. He knew that I was hesitant to kill other people.
”I wouldn't want your beautiful hands to be stained with so much blood.” Regaleon said with a sad tone. ”Leave such things to me Lili. I will not let you dirty your hands so much.”
Regaleon took hold of my hand and pulled it towards his lips. He gently kissed the back of my hand with such sweet action that my heart was beating faster inside my chest.
”Leon, my hands have now been stained.” I said softly. ”I have killed someone.”
I remember the man thay I stabbed with my ice sword. It sent shivers down my spine. Regaleon hugged me tightly once more.
”I know.” Regaleon said. ”But it was for your own safety, Lili. You didn't kill him because you wanted too. You did it because you 'needed' to. You are still my pure Lili.”
My heart felt calm with Regaleon's words. He was right, if I was forced to kill that man for my own safety.
”I don't want to admit it, but William also did a good job protecting you.” Regaleon said.
I was shocked that Regaleon praised William. He was always at odds with Will when they are in the same vicinity.
”Well he did a good job until he let you run off alone to fend for yourself.” Regaleon made a mocking tone. ”What would have happened if I didn't get there on time? And so I will only give him a seven out of ten score.”