Chapter 129 General McGregors Arres (1/2)
General McGreagor was pushing his horse to gain speed. He had a bad feeling when he saw thick smoke come up from the direction of the camp.
Not long his horse came into the clearing. There he saw the camp that his west army set up. He saw smoke coming up from burned tents. There was no one on sight.
”Hiyah!” He let his horse gallop towards the camp.
General McGregor's heart was pounding like drums inside his chest. He remembered his wife who had come to the camp prior to him.
'Is she alright, is she safe?' These thoughts were swirling inside his head.
”Anyone here?” General McGregor shouted. ”Anyone, please answer me!”
The general got of his horse. He pulled out his sword and treaded slowly. The camp seems to be deserted. He looked at the tents that have been burned, they were still some embers left burning.
While walking slowly, he assessed what had happened. He deduced that the fire broke out at dawn, and because the tents were made of flamable materials, it burned instantly. The fire ate at least all of the things inside the camp.
”But where are my soldiers?” He asked himself. He hasn't seen any bodies yet.
It was so quiet in the burned out camp, it was like a ghost town. That was when the general heard foot steps. He put his guard up at in instant.
In some meters from him, a man wearing black clothing with his face covered with a mask emerged behind some debris. He then saw this man holding his wife hostage.
”Dear!” The general's wife was crying in fright. Her face was stained with tears. ”Help me, husband.” She pleaded.
”Who are you?!” The general asked the masked man. ”Let go of my wife!” He howled while pointing his sword towards them.
”Easy there, general McGregor.” The masked man said. It was Dimitri who was holding general McGregor's wife hostage. ”You wouldn't want your wife to get hurt now, would you?”
Dimitri pulled a knife from his waist and held it againts the wife's throat.
General McGregor gritted his teeth in anger. ”What do you want?” He asked.
”What I want is simple, I need you to surrender peacefully.” Dimitri said calmly.
”May I ask first, where are my men?” General McGregor looked around the empty camp. He can't feel any presence in the vicinity.
”More than half of your men was killed before sun rise.” Dimitri replied with a flat tone.
”What?!” The general can't believe that his west army's men that he had trained and nurtured for years was defeated just within a few hours.
”Do not worry general, we have left alive the ones that surrendered. Well there are some which are still loyal to you. I am sure they would like to see their general before they die.” Dimitri said with a frightening tone.
With a wave of Dimitri's hand, a handful of soldiers with their hands tied at their backs, were escorted by men with the same black clothing. The men in black let the soldiers kneel on the ground.
”General, I am so sorry.” The soldier in charge said. He was covered with blood that was flowing out if his wounds. ”I wasn't able to protect the camp. Our men died in such a pitiful state.”
”I do not blame you.” General McGregor said to his subordinate. ”I will surrender, if you let my remaining soldiers live.” The general tod Dimitri.
The general knew that the men in black were not normal people. He can see the ruthlessness in these men eyes. He knows that the safety of his men that surrendered are now tied with his surrender.
General McGregor may have committed treasons against his country, but he still has honor as a general. He still has compasion towards his subordinates that was with him all these years thru thick and thin.
”No, general!” The soldier in charge shouted. ”We would rather wish to die than you surrendering to these monsters!”
”Yes, yes!” The other soldiers shouted in unison.
”You...” The general felt his soldiers loyalty. He felt a prick on his heart.
”General, please escape and fight another day.” The soldier in charge said. He pried himself out of the man that was holding him down and charged towards Dimitri.
”Hyaaahhh...” The soldier in charge shouted.
”Nooo!” General McGregor shouted. He knew that the soldier in charge made a suicide move for him to have a chance on escape with his wife.