Chapter 426 - My love doesnt need material things (1/2)

He looked at the spread of food on the table with a proud smile. Instead of taking a seat at the head, he took the seat facing her favorite seat. She went to take off her mask so she did not see the naughty look on his face as he eyed the food.

”Let's eat,” he said when she returned and took her seat.

The first thing she reached was the drink. She liked soya bean milk. She took a sip and put it down with a sigh. Her stomach was happy to see the fried bread and congee. She loved dipping the bread into the porridge and eating it leisurely. She did not have to rush and watch over the watch so she will not be late.

He smiled seeing her enjoying the meal. It made him happy.

”I saw the flowers, by the way,” she suddenly said as they were having their breakfast.

He put down the fried bread he was eating and looked at her nervously.

”Do you like it?” he asked.

She took a sip of her hot soya bean milk to wash the fried bread she just chewed.

”Hmm... I hope it's not too expensive,” she murmured.

”You know I can afford it,” he replied hurriedly.

She stopped herself from saying what inside her mind. She wished to say that their love should be represented by material things. It was enough for her if he treated her well and trusted her as well. Of course, she felt happy when he bought her flowers and chocolates. Yes, she loved chocolate so much. But she felt so stressful;l when he spent too much money to prove his love to her by buying her things like expensive flowers and jewelry.

She knew it would hurt his feeling if she said that. She was being difficult again, she knew. She was not like other girls who loved being pampered by their boyfriend. She preferred to spend time quietly with her boyfriend at home. She did not need to be dr.a.p.ed with expensive jewelry and clothes.

”Love, stop worrying. You know I can afford everything I give you. And I will work harder to give you more,” he said when he saw the expression on her face. He knew sometimes it stressed her so much when she saw how much he spent. It was all due to her upbringing. Despite trying to get away from her parents' bohemian lifestyle, she still, unconsciously, embraced some of the thinkings. Luckily the family stayed away from the drug which was common to the bohemian life but he could not remember seeing her in short hair. Even her father has long hair and always tied up into a ponytail.

He reached out to cup her cheek gently. ”Don't worry.”

She bent down to avoid looking into his tender eyes. Her heart was pounding hard. It felt like when she was younger and fell in love with him for the first time. It did not need him to shower her expensive things. He only needed to treat her gently and sincerely, and her heart was heading into his arms.

She closed her eyes and told herself to be stronger. She could not allow this moment to lul her and forget about what he did. She could not just forget the reason behind her frustration and anger just because he reminded her of the moment she fell in love with him.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href=”#&apos;t-need-material-things_51696517035116325”>#&apos;t-need-material-things_51696517035116325</a> for visiting.

He sank his teeth to his bottom lip when he noticed the conflict look on her face. He had the feeling that she was fighting internally about them, about their relationship. He stopped himself from speaking. He knew it would only backfire if he kept pushing her to accept him. He needed to be patient. Although it seemed like she already accepted him but he knew she was still holding herself back. He was still under probation before she would break the wall around her heart.

And he would wait for that moment to arrive.

He leaned against the door panel as he watched her washing the dishes. Their breakfast ended well. No argument or quarrel. He held his tongue and watched her devouring her food with a smile on her face.

”So, are you going now?” she asked as she patted her wet hands with a small towel.

”Hmm... you should go back to sleep. I'll call you later with your lunch,” he cupped her cheek gently. He did not kiss her lips just like he wanted. This touch, in his opinion, would show his capability to hold himself. He wanted this to prove his love.

”Hmm...” she nodded. She walked him to the door.

He stood there, unwilling to move. He wanted to spend more time with her but...

”You should go now,” she told him when she saw him barely make a move from the door.

”Hmm...” but he still not moving.

”Go. I need to sleep,” she pushed him slightly.

He leaned to kiss her forehead gently before he started moving toward the elevator. He could no longer postpone this. He also did not want to disturb her resting time.

She locked the door and walked into her bedroom. Her stomach was full, finally, and it was time for her to catch her sleep.