288 A starving tigress (1/2)

”Please wait, Young Master Long,” Kim cried.

Jeremy who was just walking through the door stopped and turned around to look at the breathless man, cocking an eyebrow.

”Please wait,” Kim begged.

”Are you going to waste more time of mine?” Jeremy asked coldly.

”Please, Young Master, I know your time is precious. But please, can you take a short time, just a tiny little time and read this proposal. I…” Kim gulped as his shaking hands holding out the proposal.

Jeremy crossed his arms. He did not make a move to take it from Kim.

Kim's face turned paler. This was his future. He must make this project a reality! He must make Young Master Long approve this project! By hook or by crook, he must succeed!

His career was on the line.

”Please, sir. I can assure you this project will bring triple return if you invest in it … within… within a year.”

Jeremy chuckled. Triple? Within a year?

Even for his most confident project, he would not dare to promise that. Clearly this man in front of him was taking him as a green boy in the world of business.

”Since the moment you submitted the proposal until this moment, have you done anything to it?” Jeremy finally spoke. Maybe he was feeling sorry seeing how paled this Kim looked right now. But it did not mean he would accept the proposal based on his sentiment and emotion.

Business is business.

”Err… no…” Kim's voice was small when he said it. His heart pounded.

Still not taking the proposal, Jeremy simply nodded his head toward it, ”Let me give you a piece of advice, go back to the office and review back the proposal. Compare the budget with the location you're proposing. Is it worth to spend that much in that area?”

Kim blinked his eyes in a puzzle. What… what did Young Master Long say? What did he mean?

Jeremy sighed when he saw the puzzle in Kim's face. He leaned forward to pat Kim's arm and then turned around toward the car waiting for him. Today he came to work with a driver because he was still sleepy when he woke up. He did not feel like driving when he was so sleepy.

”Where to, Young Master? Back to the office?” the driver asked politely before pausing. There were two offices so which one?

”Full Moon,” Jeremy said shortly.

”Yes, sir.” The driver sighed in relieved and quickly drove the car toward the office.

The traffic was bad. Jeremy checked the time a few times, groaning to himself on how much time they wasted now stuck in the jam. How much time did he have to waste before he could do his work?

Without thinking, his hand taking out his phone and his fingers started to tap on the screen. Might as well spend the time meaningfully by sending a message to his love.

He frowned. He had to plan carefully for tonight's date. She seemed a bit tired… no… she was exhausted last night. He had to cut his plan short when she told him to send her home so she could sleep. He did tell her they could sleep at his place but she refused vehemently. She wanted to sleep in her own bed.

He quickly searched for a restaurant and found the one he wanted. He dialled the number to book a table for two and left more instructions for the restaurant to prepare. When he was done, he dropped the phone to his side and rubbed his hands full of anticipation. He could not wait for their date to start.