Chapter 119 The charity dinner 4 (1/2)
Harry was careful when he was following Ryn. Instead of stopping her from her destination, which was the ladies room, Harry decided to wait outside, near the door but not too close to invite gossip from others.
He did not have to wait long. Pretty soon, Ryn walked out of the ladies room, looking poise and elegance. He quickly stepped forward, pretending to bump into her coincidentally.
”Ryn, you're here as well?” he asked innocently.
”Yes,” Ryn replied, not finding anything suspicious from Harry's attitude. ”You came as well? I thought you did not come.”
He was taken aback with her question. Had she forgotten he asked her yesterday?
”You're not going in?” she pointed at the men's room when he still did not move.
”Ah... no.”
Ryn nodded dumbly. Not knowing what else to say, she tried to excuse herself to return to the ballroom.
”Wait, Ryn,” he quickly blocked the way.
She paused and looked at him questioningly.
”Erm... actually... I...” Harry was lost in words. His mind went blank suddenly.
Harry could only rub his nape sheepishly. He had nothing to say but was unwilling to let her go. When would he have the chance to talk with her face-to-face?
”I need to return to the dinner. Excuse me,” Ryn now looked serious and without wasting another moment, she used her hand to push his hand away and walked past him.
He stood there, frozen. He could only watch her entering the ballroom. Then, once his brain digested what just happened, he snapped and groaned to himself. He just lost his chance because of his stupidity. He should grab the chance to talk with her!
Ryn went to sit back on her chair. She placed back her napkin on her laps and smiled at everyone. As if she did not go out just now, she continued chatting with the people at her table.
Harry forced himself to enter back the room. He threw a look at Ryn longingly but it seemed like Ryn was back in her element and ignored everything else. She was too busy chatting than looking at him!
Was he not important for her?
”You're not coming with me?” Mika asked when Stephanie came to inform her about the press conference.
”No need. It's your time to shine. You need to learn, Mika. You can do it.” Ryn patted Mika's hand soothingly.
”You... you just want an excuse to eat more, right?”
Ryn just grinned. Only Mika could guess what exactly she had in mind.
”Greedy,” Mika mumbled but quickly put on her calm face as she followed Stephanie toward the press conference venue.
”Do you think she can do it?” Jason whispered. He did not follow Mika too.
”Jeremy is there so everything will be fine,” Ryn replied. Her focus was on the food.
Jason pursed his lips. He was worried about Mika but Ryn told him to believe in Mika. He should do that to increase Mika's self-esteem.
”Don't worry,” Ryn told him after she swallowed her salmon. Luckily she managed to ask another portion of the salmon! So happy~
Later that night...
Mia skipped into the mansion happily. Her hands were full with her new 'treasures'. She would make a new altar to put these treasures!
Harry, on the other hand, walked into the house slowly. He felt so down after what happened during the dinner just a few hours before.
When he entered the house, the butler quickly approached him and took both the jacket and the car key. Instead of using the driver, he drove by himself.
The old butler frowned. What happened to their young master? Young miss looked so happy holding something but young master?
”Would you like something, Young Master? Warm milk? Your... nanny?”
Harry paused and stared coldly at the butler, ”Excuse me?”
The butler gulped. ”I... I'll bring warm milk.”
Harry rolled his eyes and walked upstairs to his room. He could not see his little sister. She must be squealing and jumping in her room. Even when they were on the way home, Mia could not stop shrieking and babbling. She even said something about printing the pictures she took and framed them. So naive.
Instead of taking a short shower to wash off all the hair gel and sweat, he slumped himself on the bed and sighed heavily.
Ryn seemed to drift apart from him. He needed to do something. If he did not do anything, she would go further away from him.
He must do something.