Chapter 118 The charity dinner 3 (1/2)

Finally, the bidding session came to an end.

The guests then were ushered to their respective table for the dinner. Well, mostly the parents and adults.

The girls were so happy with their new treasure. Although it looked like they were in war just a few minutes ago, fighting each other to own their idols' belonging, now they became the friendly fans back, sharing their passion under one fan club. They started to discuss about their love and their new treasure, squealing when they saw their idols walking toward them.

”Stay calm, girls,” Mika reminded, holding her excitement tightly.

The girls nodded. Their eyes sparkled brightly seeing the men getting closer to them.

Even Jeremy joined his band members to spend a little time with their fans. It was some sort of thanking them for eagerly buying their items in no time. The cheapest was actually five times the current price. They spent a few minutes chatting and taking pictures with the girls.

Then, Jacob, Jeremy's personal assistant, hurriedly ushered them to their table. Jeremy and his groupmates were divided into different table. Only Mika, Ryn and Jason shared the same table. Jeremy took the chance to discuss more about the charity with the director of the orphanage homes and what his vision for the kids. He also included the VIPs in his table with the discussion.

The dinner started officially with the host welcoming Mika, as the director for the event today, for a short speech. Mika squeezed Ryn's hand before walked to the front. She thanked everyone who came and participated in the auctions. She also thanks the parents for willingly bringing their daughter to come, which was replied by laughter from the bemused adults. She also expressed her hope that the money used for the charity would inspire the orphanage kids to study well and eventually reach their goal. She ended the speech with another thanks to everyone for coming to the dinner.

The second speech started after the performance by the orphanage kids. They even played their own musical instruments. Apparently, the group leader always stopped by at the home to teach the kids music. In fact, the performance was taught by the leader.

The second speech was given by the director of the orphanage home. Just like Mika, he thanked everyone for coming to the dinner and donated quite a lot of money for the renovation of the home. He promised to help the children achieving their dream, even taking a chance to show off the achievement of the kids in academic, sports, arts and music.

Then, Stephanie took over by announcing the amount of money they managed to collect. Everyone was surprised with the amount, even the team, as they were actually thought it would not reach half of the amount they got.

Jeremy, Mika, Ryn, Jason, the director of the orphanage home and the higher-ups in the foundation all went up the stage and bowed at the guests.

Everyone was a bit taken back seeing Ryn was there as well. The girls especially recognized Ryn as the woman having the gossip with Jeremy. Their eyes widened in shock. What did that woman doing there on the stage with their precious Jeremy?

Once they were done with the thanking, they went back to their table. The dinner continued with everyone having their meal and being entertained by instrumental music.

The girls were actually nervous as they thought Jeremy would come to their table to chat but Jeremy just stayed at his table, chatting with the director and some of the VIPs there. Mia was waiting as well but having receiving the glare from Jeremy to behave herself.

Even Jeremy was trying hard to behave himself. He was not allocated to the same table as Ryn, which frustrated him, but it did not mean he would go straight to Ryn's table to chat. He needed to stay calm and behave himself. There would be time for him to chat with her tonight. He believed it.

The dinner went on and on but still, he could not find the chance to talk with her. That Miss Long really controlled her too much!

Harry gripped his hands, trying to control his emotion desperately.

”Mia, introduce us to your brother,” some of the girls asked Mia. They ignored their parents' warning and went to Mia's table when they noticed how handsome Harry was (their parents told them to behave themself and do not go interrupting their idols eating). His face was quite familiar to them. Where did they see him before?

”Oh, this is my brother, Henry. He's a model,” Mia introduced proudly.