Chapter 62: Fortify Thine Heart (1/2)
[AHHH! Why did I say that?!]
Sera had been trying to play it coy, wanting to establish a good first impression. However, some combination of the stress of her near death experience, and relief due to her sudden salvation, had caused her to speak impatiently.
The man frowned at that. ”Hey! I came over here as quickly as I could. In case you hadn't noticed, I literally flew here.”
She grabbed his arm and pulled herself into a standing position, before placing her hands firmly on her hips.
”Yeah, and I was almost eaten by that big can demon thing! If you had been even a second later, I'd be dead! I saw you over at the barricade, you could've gotten moving a lot faster if you wanted to!”
[GAH! Why am I acting like this?! He's going to hate me!]
The man was at a loss for words. ”Well, I was going to, but….I saw, er...I felt…” He trailed off, rubbing the back of his head, and looking embarrassed.
[Good, he's no longer angry. Now I just need to sincerely thank him for saving me, and we can start fresh.]
She folded her arms haughtily, ”Hmph, at least you did save me, even if you were almost late. So I guess I should thank you.”
(Mental facepalm)
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Mike had briefly glanced around to ensure that the other surviving civilians were able to get to safety, before offering a hand to the silver-haired woman. That was when the trouble started.
He was a little confused by the woman's actions. Most people would be happy to be alive, but she had immediately started complaining. Some part of him was already regretting saving her.
[Maybe it's a strange stress reaction. She couldn't really be a tsundere, right?]
He had never been particularly fond of the trope, finding the concept more annoying than attractive. He preferred less emotionally scarring romantic interests.
She had brought up a good point, though. If he hadn't been staring at her distractedly, he could have rescued her faster. That moment of hesitation could've have meant the difference between life and death.
[Just this morning I promised myself that I would do better, and I almost messed up again.]
The realization had left him feeling guilty and a little embarrassed.
[Maybe she does have a reason to complain. Although she doesn't need to be so hostile about it.]
She finally, reluctantly thanked him, blushing slightly as she did. He found himself staring at her again. Her furrowed brow, and the tinge of red in her cheeks softened her icy features.
While not quite a traditional beauty, the woman could definitely turn a few heads.
She was clearly embarrassed herself, and the obvious disconnect between her feelings and her actions amused Mike.
[Hmm, I can kind of see why some people might like this sort of thing.]
A call from the barricade saved them from further awkward interactions.
”Quit flirting you two! You've got demons coming in behind you. Get back to the barricade!”
Mike snapped a quick glance behind him, saw another swarm of horrors already clawing over the disintegrating bodies of their fellows.
He looked at the silver-haired woman. Despite her actions, he could tell she was on the verge of exhaustion.
”Can you run?”
She grimaced, ”Maybe....but I don't really trust my legs right now.”
”No choice, then.” He replied, getting himself ready.
Mike scooped the woman up into a classic princess carry. She was surprisingly light.
”What are you doing?! Let me go!” Her face flushed fully this time in a mixture of anger and embarrassment.
[She's awfully feisty for someone who's supposedly exhausted.]
”Hold on tight, this is going to be a bit rough.” He said while preparing his mana.
”What do you meEEEEEEE!!' Her question morphed into a scream as a blast of wind lifted the pair into the air.
This was a particularly complicated use of Air Magic, especially since he was still at the basic level in terms of skill. Not only did Mike need to use small jets of air to correct their travel path, but he need to accurately direct a cushioning force to guarantee their safe landing.
This was all made more difficult when the woman started grabbing him in terror and screaming non-stop.
”EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” The woman was clinging to his neck, head buried in his shoulder. A small part of his mind took notice of the sweet floral scent of her hair.
The rest of him was starting to panic a little. They were coming in way too fast, and he could see adventurer's scattering out of the way below.