Chapter 61: Encountered (Finally) (1/2)
While they were waiting, Mike remembered to ask Tal a question that he'd kept forgetting.
”I've been meaning to ask. What is the meaning behind the chants you use prior to activating your magic?” He asked the elf.
A derisive snort emanated from the other mage, as if he couldn't believe that someone could ask that kind of a question. He quickly returned to 'ignoring' them.
Tal tilted her head, a little confused herself. ”Chants improve spellcasting. Focus mana. Increase efficiency. Create known outcomes. But take time. Didn't know?”
Mike rubbed the back of his head, a little embarrassed. ”Honestly, no. I usually just channel some mana, and mentally command it to do whatever I need.”
Tal looked shocked, although casual observers would have a hard time telling.
The mage scoffed, no longer able to help himself. ”Unless you had truly fantastic mana reserves, practicing magic in such a way would leave you exhausted after a few spells. It's wasteful and unnecessary. Where did you learn to use magic?”
”I'm self-taught.”
The mage sighed, ”No wonder. Alright, I'll be giving you a free lesson on the nature of chanting as it pertains to spell casting, because I can't stand to see the uneducated.”
He cleared his throat. ”A large part of properly learning to control magic is the memorization and usage of chants. Even the most powerful casters, with access to skills like Chant Omission, still make use of mental chants. The only time free casting, as your method is called, is useful is when one needs to achieve a result they do not have a chant for.”
Although the man was being a bit of a prick about it, this kind of information was something that Mike had not heard before. After dealing with Morris on several occasions when he was in instructor mode, Mike could handle listening to the self-important mage.
The way he was giving his lecture reminded Mike of an arrogant teacher, but there was something compelling about the way he expounded on the finer points of magical theory. Even Tal seemed to be paying close attention.
The man continued. ”There are a number of factors that influence the efficacy of chanting, not the least of which is the kind of magic being practiced. For elemental magic, which I presume you use?”
He paused long enough for Mike to nod.
”Elemental magic is more instinctual than other branches. For elementalists, a chant is a tool to improve the spellcraft. In other branches, such as Arcane, chants are necessary to produce magic at all.”
Mike felt like he should be taking notes.
”Now the most important aspect of chanting is the language used to issue the chant. Depending on the type of magic-”
”Now is not the time for a lecture.” James broke in. ”We will have enemies on us in less than five minutes, and I need a quick rundown of your individual capacities so I know where to place you.”
He pointed to Mike first. ”What can you do?”
Knowing that whatever was coming would likely require all of his skill to overcome, he decided to reveal the majority of his abilities now.
”I'm an Elemental mage. I can use all four of the basic elements, but I'm at Intermediate Level in water and fire. I can also using elemental healing magic.”
The lecturing mage simply stared at Mike, a look of disbelief clear on his face.
James was slightly taken aback, but evidently felt that now was not the time to question the absurdity of the youth's statement. ”So you can use mid-tier fire magic? How much damage could you do, if you let loose?”
Mike thought the question over, and realized he didn't have a clear answer. The closest he had come to really letting loose was during his fight against Brutus. Judging from the amount of damage he had done prior to the activation of the Hidden Skill, he estimated that he could devastate a kilometer square or so without too much difficulty.
”I'm not certain, since I've never had the opportunity, but I could probably destroy a few city blocks if I tried.”
The mage interjected. ”There is no way that a spell caster this young, without any formal training or understanding of chants, could unleash that kind of power.”
Mike shrugged, not really caring what the mage thought. ”Believe it or don't.” He looked over at James, ”If you put me on the front lines, I can probably do the most damage.”
James hesitated, obviously deliberating whether or not to trust Mike's word. Finally, he nodded his assent, and turned to the other two. ”Well?”
Tal stepped forward. ”Pact Mage. Three contracts. Earth, Air, Ghost. Best as support.”
Mike finally realized that the bound armor that he had grown used to seeing following Tal around, was currently absent.
James nodded again. ”Place yourself behind the center. You'll have free range to maneuver where you are needed.” He turned to the man dressed as a mage, expectantly.
”Victor Malmis, former faculty member of the Arcane College of Toluthin University in Gildusi. I am well versed in several-”
James cut him off. ”I don't need to know your life history, just tell me what you can do in combat.”
Rather miffed, Victor answered shortly. ”I can use arcane magic to create bolts of energy, shields, and move objects.”
The group leader thought for a moment. ”Alright, I'm going to put you with our largest group of archers. Do what you can to shield them from hostile fire.”
”Well, that's a bit of a waste of my skills, I might be better utilized in a more supervisory-”
He was cut off again, this time by one of the archers placed in a nearby building.
”We got incoming! One Tir class and a swarm of Kal class demons on their way. Civilians are in our line of fire.”
Mike hurried over to the makeshift barricade, leaving the group leader to sort out Victor. Taking a spot near Brenden, he scanned the area. He could see a dozen or so people desperately running from the oncoming demonic horde. A massive red scaled feline-looking thing was casually slaughtering the stragglers.
”Hold the line! If we break formation we'll be overrun.” James called from his position.