90 War and leaving the mountain? (1/2)
I look at the screen and try to think of a solution. But I can't think of anything.
”That's a formidable defence they got there.” Chiffre looks at the screen with an annoyed expression.
You could call this an emergency meeting. I have the ambassadors here. Nicosar and Arthur. Celes, Tanja and Sandra. Fuck, I simply called everyone with the slightest bit of battle power from Chimera.
The tracking device of the Arcane Community worked perfectly and led us towards the enemy base. I call it base but it's more like a gigantic fortress composed of multiple planets.
There is a huge planet in the centre of the configuration. This planet is surrounded by dozens of smaller planets in a very tight and complex gravitational dance.
It's something completely unnatural and so we can already guess that this construct was most likely made by Amaru.
There is just one problem. The planets are infested with countless demons. And some of them seem to have the ability to use pathways!
We already lost a scout ship to those things. They kept appearing around it until the crew had to abandon the ship.
”I say we go in there with all hands and crush everything! No need to hold back!” Celes waves her fist at the screen.
”Hold it! What if we somehow set off the Spheres by doing that!” Miruliru doesn't seem to like the idea.
”They will be set off either way. Our enemies aren't using the Spheres as a threat. It's rather a question of why they didn't activate them. The only reason could be that they aren't ready yet. So by going in earlier, we may stop them from using them on a large scale.” Chiffre explains his thoughts to us.
I close my eyes to relax. Millions of worlds gone, just because some type of epic fools had to play with fusing souls. Every idiot should be able to tell that something with multiple personalities is bound to go mad with time.
”So the only question is how to utilize our forces and abilities!” Nicosar puts up a stance while looking at the screen.
”We should go in with all our forces together. Those demons could overwhelm smaller groups very easily by using pathways.” Zanders shakes his head.
~May I make a suggestion?~
”Oh? Warden. It's unusual for you to talk on your own.” I answer Warden's voice which interrupted our conversation.
~I am sorry for being rather simple minded in following my purpose. But the current situation is directly connected to my orders. So to get to my suggestion. I will take Asheim there and destroy those planets.~
”Could you repeat that?” -Miruliru
~I will take Asheim through a pathway like the Arcane Community did with their moon. Then I will utilize my weaponry to destroy those planets.~
”You can destroy planets? And you are talking about it like it's no big deal?” -Gwalonna
~I am the Warden. I am tasked to stop the great Calamity from ever emerging again. It would be pretty stupid if I didn't have the abilities to do so. I was created by the Bright One after all.~
”Oooh. If it's like that! Come here and smash that planetary fortress!” Carne waves at the screen with an expectant gesture.
~It isn't that easy. I need to get close enough to do it. Otherwise I can't guarantee the eradication of the demons.~
”How do you intend to get rid of the demons?” I ask Warden with a curious voice.
~By using the same magic which you used to stop the earlier incursions.~
”Warden! I thought we had an agreement in terms of spying through my ships!” I shout with an angry voice.
~I am sorry. Your anger isn't justified. I didn't break our agreement. The magic you are using was known to me for a long time. It was developed by the Bright One to stop the Calamity and return the eaten souls to the great cycle.~
I squint my eyes. ”That's hard to believe. I developed that magic by researching the affinities of my own soul. The bright one must have had a soul very similar to mine in order to create that magic.”
~Then the answer is obvious.~
”Hah?!” I am at a dead end. But Warden doesn't seem to realize that further explanations are needed.
”Explain that in detail, Warden!” -Chiffre
~If the magic was developed twice by researching a specific souls affinities. Then the soul in question has to be the same one. Souls are like fingerprints. Some may be similar, but every one of them is unique.~
~So Angrod has to be the Bright One.~
I smack my head hard. This whole reincarnation shit is becoming too complicated.
”But Angrod is Angrod! He doesn't remember anything of being an Ascended?” -Celes
~All remaining Ascended returned to the great cycle of life and death. Like I said. But I never said that they couldn't rise again. And that's what they believed would happen after enough time. Most likely many of you have the soul of an Ascended.~
~It's actually funny to see that you gods seem to be caught in an endless wheel. Even if you think that you managed to escape your fate... you end up in your old positions again.~
”That's not funny Warden! Fuck you! I would disassemble you if we wouldn't need you.” I scream out towards the ceiling. This is frustrating!
”That's not funny Warden! Fuck you! I would disassemble you if we wouldn't need you.”
~Funny. That's a translated recording of the Bright One. He said the exact same words once, if you overlook the grammatical language differences.~
I start to type at my console but moments before I can press the -delete- button, multiple ambassadors, family members and friends jump on me like I would carry a football and just entered the death zone.
*****At another world in another time.*****
”So you will now walk into this city and concentrate on the things I taught you Sharid.” Nazareth is standing beside me at knee height with crossed arms.
”Yes, ~Master!~” I am so excited! After a year of training under him and secluding myself on that mountain, I am finally able to come back to civilisation!
”Don't use your ability on me! I am still a god and you are just a mortal! Don't forget that!” Nazareth snaps angry at me.
”I am sorry master! It wasn't intentional! I am just so excited!” I actually jump a little up and down. A bed! Real food! A warm room! No rocks! No snow! No nuts and mushrooms for dinner!
”Do we have to train another year? You know what happens if you lose control like that?” Nazareth gives me a sharp look.
”Nooo! I will manage! Absolute control! I wont fail! Please let me try.” Calm down! Breath in, breath out! Cool and calculating thoughts! Don't let go of your voice. Always the right expression. No accidental arousing smile.
My thoughts are logical and cold. I have my body under control.
”Hmm. Kay. Then let's try this. It's morning now. You walk down into that city and do your business. You are a normal adventurer! After you took care of your clothing, you buy supplies and entertain yourself until evening. Maybe you even manage to find a party in order to go your own path from now on.” Nazareth looks up to me.
”I will stay here and look from afar. In the evening you come back and I give you my judgement. If you pass this test you can go. Otherwise it's the mountain again!” He points at the cold and icy peak of the cursed rock!
”I wont let you down!” I turn and run towards the city. Freedom!
”Don't forget about your clothes!” Nazareth calls after me.
That's when I look down at my body and realize the torn rags I am wearing! A year in the mountain wasn't beneficial on my equipment. Uwaah! I look like a lightly dressed barbarian! And I am dirty! First stop is a clothing shop!
After a few minutes of walking I arrive at the city gates.
”Stop! Barbarians and beggars aren't allowed in this city!” A city guard stops me from entering
”I am sorry. But I was on a long journey and that's why I look like this. I am certainly no barbarian and no beggar! I have many valuable materials. Just give me the chance to sell them.” I try to reason with the two guards who are now blocking my way.
”Hell no! Fuck off! We know your kind! Surely you will sell your body to get money!” -Guard One
”There are laws against scum like you in our town! No entry! Try at the next city!” -Guard Two
Bastards! Who do you think you are? And what if I am a barbarian or a beggar? Does that make me less human? So I am not even allowed entry to the city!?
”~I would really appreciate it, if you two would make an exception for me. Who knows? If you show up at the inn in the evening, I may have a little surprise for you.~”
”Ah...” -Guard One
”S... Sure go ahead.” Guard Two steps aside and I stroll past them while waving my hips.
”W... we will be waiting!” Guard One calls after me.
Kukukuku. This was too easy! Maybe those abilities of mine aren't so bad after all? I make my path through the city until I arrive at a good looking shop for clothes.
”This one looks exquisite!” I talk to myself while I enter the shop. ”Hello? I need a full set of clothes!”
A snobbish looking vendor turns around to greet me. His face distorts in disgust as his eyes lock onto me. ”This shop doesn't have charity handouts! Leave or I call the city guard! Beggars are thrown out of the city without questions!”