89 Support group and aftermath? (1/2)
****Seria's and Aengus's first day at school***
”She really did it! I can't believe it! She sent us to school! A school! For us!” Aengus continues to rage about our newest.... situation.
I pat on Aengus's back while I try to comfort him.
”And to think that she would even go as far as sending us to a boarding school!!” Aengus drops his head onto the desk.
”It will be okay big bro! We will endure and pull through! And when we are back at home, she will have forgotten her anger and take us back.” I smile at him.
”Urgh! She will never forgive you that stunt you pulled on her! I would like to know why I have to suffer too! I did nothing wrong!” Aengus glares at me.
”I am sorry big bro! If there is anything I can do to make up for it, just tell me.” -Me
Aengus just sighs and looks to the front of the classroom. It's our first class and there are about thirty students.
”I heard that the Andros quintuplets are going to this school too! Maybe we can meet them?” I am trying to cheer Aengus up. He has a crush on one of the Andros girls. But I fear that he has no hope of winning her over because she doesn't even consider him.
On top they know our parents from our stories. If Aengus wants a girlfriend..... he would have to finalize it before she meets mom and dad.
There are children of various ages inside the classroom. It's a little strange. Shouldn't we be separated by age?
That's the moment when a teacher enters the classroom and everything goes silent. It's a completely strange reaction for children of our age if you think about it.
But the teacher doesn't seem to be disturbed and simply starts his introductions.
”Hrm. Hello, all! I am Samarin. I will be in charge of this class. Curse your fate!” He takes a meaningful look at us, but nobody raises his voice.
”Well. I don't like too long introductions. So we will directly start with the work. First get the tables to the side and form a circle with your chairs.”
The teacher's instructions are followed without big problems and less than five minutes later the whole class is assembled in a circle. Everyone looks with expectant eyes to the teacher.
”Well, first let me tell you that this is no normal school. Your teachers here are aware that you all are more than what you look. We know that it's hard to be treated like a child despite having all that common knowledge of your former lifes. Even if you don't remember everything of it.” Samarin takes a look around the circle.
”I would be happy if you don't think about this as a class. Think about it more like a support group! We will talk about our issues and everyone will listen. Then we will try to find a solution together. This is the primary purpose of this school, despite of what your parents think. Of course you guys can still work on your abilities too and every teacher at this institute will help you.” -Samarin
Samarin takes out a little notebook and a pen in order to take some notes about us. ”So let's start with you little miss. Please tell everyone who you are and why you are here.” Samarin points to a little girl right beside him. She can't be older than five and has troubles not to fall from her chair.
”Uuuhm..... I am Maria. My hobbies are painting and reading books! I got into trouble with my parents because they always treated me like a child! After a while I got so fed up with it that I started to behave like a real five year old. I showed them what it meant to leave dangerous equipment lying around and set the house aflame. They were unable to cope with it and so I landed here. Please take care of me.” The little girl waves at the class.
The introductions continue until it's my and Aengus's turn.
”Hi, I am Seria and....” But I get interrupted by silent whispers around the classroom.
”So they belong to that family?” ”They have that monster as a father?”
”Dad isn't like that! He just hit me once and I deserved it!” -Aengus
”I pity them...” ”So the monster is hitting them!” ”Better to not get too close to them.” ”Poor guys!”