75 Party, Ambassadors, Children and Wine? (1/2)

Until Death Golden_Time 21120K 2022-07-20

No! I tell you two, I am an adult!” Miruliru tries to explain her age to the kids for the third time. ”And I am the ambassador for the Path!”

”You don't look like an adult.” -Sister

”Is this a game? We can pretend to be very adult too!” -Brother

”I don't pretend to be an adult!” Miruliru turns red and waves with her hands.

”Hah? I don't get it.” -Brother

”I think she means that she is pretending to be a child.” -Sister

”Why would anybody pretend to be a child?” -Brother

”Because you are an adult?” -Sister

”Why should an adult pretend to be a child.” The boy looks disturbed at Miruliru.

”Urgh. That's.... You will understand once you are old enough!” Miruliru smiles and nods at her wonderful solution to the situation.

”She took the easy way out...”

”It's true... only an adult would say that! And there go my dreams of making a cute childhood friend for my first experiences with the other gender.”

The girl pats her brother's shoulder.

”It's okay. Little sister will find someone for you. Maybe the quintuplets are willing to help out.”

”By the Path! If I had known this I would have refused the job.” Miruliru stares at the ceiling with dead eyes.

”What's the Path?” The little girl in front of her asks with big eyes. Her brother, who tried to pick up Miruliru nods too with a questioning expression.

”We are trying to bring the rightful order between gods and mortals back to the multiverse. We firmly believe that the gods should be measured by the numbers of their believers. After all that's how religion should work.” Miruliru gives a proud explanation.

”But what if a god with many believers gets trashed in a fight with someone who has just a few?” The boy raises his voice.

”Wha? Of course that wouldn't happen. If a god with much power would invest it in gathering believers, he should have always more than a god with less power.” -Miruliru

”But dad trashed the evil overlords and nobody believed in him. Everyone believed in the evil guys and now everyone is happy that they are gone.” -Sister

”The people fear daddy. Does that count too?” -Brother

”Of course it doesn't count if the people fear someone!” -Miruliru

”Yeah. This is complicated brother! Does that mean that mom is stronger than dad? Everyone says that she is a beautiful and gentle flower. Everyone loves her.” -Sister

”Mom is surely stronger than dad! But I don't understand why she is called gentle by the people.” -Brother