74 Party, Ambassadors, Harem, Children and Wine? (1/2)
Right now I am sitting together with Carne and Mawu at a table. We arranged a big hall in my crystal palace for about sixty people. Mostly just ambassadors and their confidants.
I was concerned about Carne. But not any more. Looking at him I believe it's very unlikely for him to be manipulated by the Council from behind the scenes....
”We are fellow rulers aren't we? So why do you have just one woman!? Isn't there a whole world of them for you?” Carne takes another sip of the expensive wine, while trying to hold onto the four girls, who are his confidants.
Carne has steel blue hair and looks like an average human in his thirties. Strangely enough he could be some guy from next door, if it wasn't for his gaudy clothes.
He is an idiot! His community should be called the Carne Harem and not the Carne Empire! Why do these girls stay with him? It can't be because this alcoholic is a prince charming.
”But I have to admit that your wife is quite the hot device if I found someone like her, I could go monogam for a little while too.” -Carne
I smile at him. ”If you even look at her, you will wish yourself back to the times when you were a mortal.” Why did I say that?
”Aw! Come on. Don't be so bound up!” -Carne
”It's rude to say something like that to your host.” -Girl number one
”Yes honey, don't make a ruckus here.” -Girl number two
”Yes. Yes. My lovely birds! Carne would never do something to make a woman sad!” -Carne
”Maybe your girlfriends are the true rulers of your community in reality.” Mawu takes a sip of his drink and closes his eyes to savour the taste.
”THAT! Can't be ruled out!” Carne points to the sky and takes a comical pose.
”Back to the topic. Are you sure that the Council members, who fell into your hands don't know what's going on?” -Mawu
”It's unfortunate, but it's true. Enyo's mind is toast. After looking at her for quite a while the healers are sure of that. It's the same for El Shaddai's soul. That I blew it to pieces didn't really help. After we pieced it back together, there wasn't much more to do than releasing him as a mortal again.” I shrug my shoulders.
”Hoh? You released him!?” -Carne
”He was reborn in a medieval world as a female slave.” I take a sip of my drink while the others stare at me.
”I am sure you had a hand in that?” -Mawu
”Karma is a bitch. Making me angry doesn't help either.” I grin viciously at them. ”As for Tjenemit.” I take out my Tjenemit globe and show it to them.
-I told the master everything, I swear!-
-This unworthy one doesn't know anything more than he already told-
-The trash is ready to be redeemed by reincarnating as a mortal.-
-The grace of god would be limitless if this one was allowed to die and reincarnate as a mortal.-
-Forgetting this one's path to salvation would be the greatest mercy.-
-This one awaits the end of his …...
I put the globe back into my pocket. ”As you can hear, he isn't really helpful. He wasn't influenced by this black hole thing. His mind is still intact. Though I don't understand the reason for it.”
”You, mister! Know some evil spells! I never would have imagined to see a Council member begging to return to the cycle of life and death. And we really need a better name for that black hole thing. Calamity doesn't really strike it either. Those Ascended had a bad naming sense.” Carne salutes me with his glass.
”That didn't sound like his mind is still intact. But I understand your point. And about the name, how about Mind Fuser?” -Mawu
”Too complicated.” Carne scratches his cheek. ”How about just Fusion? It's a conglomerate of souls, which are fused together.” -Carne
”I don't really care about the name. As long as we have the same opinion about how to deal with it.” -Me
”Crush on sight!” -Carne
Mawu nods and enjoys another sip of his wine. ”I could get addicted to this wine. Where did you get it.”
”It's a pretty expensive creation from a very well known winery on this planet. Drinking it every day would make even me a poor guy in no time.” -Me
”I still have to get some of it for my collection.” Mawu takes another sip.