13 Chapter Four - 2 || The Andelrins (2/2)

My World To Live Chryiss 31120K 2022-07-20

Chona capped the bottle and placed it back in the box before handing the entire container to Essairyn. While she enjoyed smelling the handmade perfumes, Chona continued cooking the stew. Ten minutes later, the meal was ready, and they all began eating.

The Andelrin's made light conversation with Essairyn and described Reisparte in greater depth. She in turn listened and imparted her thoughts on Chona's perfumes.

The family's happy chatter and the fire's cozy warmth made Essairyn pleasantly wistful. Her thoughts wandered, and she looked up at the night sky. It was a starless sky, devoid of a galaxy, outside of her universe.

Yet, it was softly lit with glowing drifts of languid light that bobbed airily above the world. Somehow, the similarity of the sight to Earth's stars made her feel at ease. Perhaps, even now, she was searching for familiarity, for some solid ground in this strange world.

After dinner and cleaning up, everyone prepared to go to bed; Chona and Jerry headed inside the tent to sleep, and Banran went inside the wagon to sleep while watching out for thieves.

Essairyn lingered outside the tent door and gazed up one last time at the magic lights. Each illuminated the dark like a nightlight.

”Akari,” she whispered almost soundlessly, ”I'm glad..”

The fox perked up her ears and peered inquisitively at the girl in the dim light. Essairyn smiled wistfully at Akari.

”..that you're here with me.”

The fox turned away bashfully, mumbling, ”H-huh, what are you even saying? Come on, let's sleep.”

The girl gave an inaudible chuckle, and the fox gave a sheepish huff as they entered the lamp-lit tent. Chona was readying Essairyn's covers, and Jerry was already half-asleep beside his mother.

She patted the pillow and gestured for Essairyn to sleep. The girl settled into the covers, and Akari nestled on top by her side.

”Good night,” Chona murmured, extinguishing the lamp.

”Night,” Essairyn murmured back, ”…Good night, Akari.”









Banran's eyes flickered somnolently open. The wagon was wobbling, and he could hear the nervous neighs of the horses. Something had spooked them, and something heavy was scuffling by the back door.

”Thieves?” he hissed softly.

He stood up sluggishly in the darkness and searched under the seat for his magic rifle. He grabbed ahold of it, lifted it in position, and stalked carefully to the door.

As he neared the door, the scuffling stopped. Banran inhaled sharply. The sound was moving to the right. Whoever or whatever it was, it was heading toward the tent.