14 Chapter Four - 3 || Ambush (1/2)
He whipped the door open and jumped out, ready to fire. In the dimness of the early morning, he spied a large black creature grappling with the protective spells that had activated around the tent. The magic stakes emitted a blue light when triggered, and Banran squinted as his eyes adjusted to their brightness, and he made out the creature's details.
It was a reptilian jaguar with amber irises and blood red pupils, and forearms that extended into leathery wings. The sight of it nearly made Banran shriek in alarm. The enraged beast demon was assaulting the magic barrier with astounding force. At the pace it was going, he deduced he had only a minute to stop it before the spell shattered.
Banran took a shaky breath and swallowed hard as he centered his rifle on the beast. He turned the weapon's knob to the fifth gear, the highest magic setting.
Usually, only the lowest gear would be needed to quell a regular animal or human, regardless of whether it was a spirit, demon, elemental, or non-elemental. The second could kill, the third would, the fourth would for a much larger animal, and the fifth could hurt third tier demons and spirits.
It was a typical magic rifle for non-magical travelers to protect themselves. Fully loaded, it could hold three fifth gear shots. One fifth gear shot was equivalent to five fourth gear shots.
While the chance of meeting a third tier demon on the road was rare, Banran didn't want to take any chances with the reptilian jaguar. It was clearly stronger than a normal beast demon, and he had a hunch that the fourth setting wouldn't be enough.
If he didn't kill it in one powerful shot while it was oblivious to his presence, then he could be risking his own life trying to fire several less powerful shots once it did notice him.
Steadying his resolve, he braced himself for the recoil and let the fifth gear magic bullet fly. It hurtled toward the demon in a beam of copper light and hit it squarely in the side. The monster yowled in pain and dropped away from the tent.
Essairyn woke up with a start. She looked bewilderedly around in the dim light before realizing that Chona and Akari had also jolted awake. Jerry tossed fitfully in his sleep but slept on.
”What was that?” Essairyn whispered edgily.
”I-I don't know,” Chona stammered anxiously as she fumbled above the pillows for the lamp.
Akari stood up apprehensively and flattened her ears against her head. ”There's something outside.”
Essairyn carefully got up from the covers and walked toward the front of the tent. She heard the thrashing and growling of some large creature nearby.
Outside, the jaguar beast was writhing tormentedly on the ground. It turned toward Banran with a crazed look in its amber eyes that were slowly turning more red. Even as it struggled to get up, the demon's eyes were furiously fixed on him, making his skin prickle in dread.