129 We will eat in my place (1/1)
When I wake up I saw that Sophia is lying in my arms. Don't knowing how it happened I look at her eyes. Time has pass don't knowing when and I still look at her face I couldn't look somewhere else only there. After I don't know how much time pass she finally wake up.
”Hi beautiful” I said to her
”Oh hi” she said to me while rubbing her eye
”Oh nothing I just don't wanted to wake you up” then I add ”your face look too peacefully but now when you is awaken I can finally get up” I said to her while getting up and going to do what I need from some time.
When I enter bathroom I remember that yesterday I haven't take a bath so I start doing it now. When I felt that water is going around my body I hear that doors open and Sophia coming inside. When she start peeing one thing come to me 'oh you doing the same thing I done when we were in trip'. From my thoughts doors to shower open that cause waking me up. Not turning around I said ”what you doing”
”I came to you to take a shower too. Oh he is so small” she said to me while looking down on me. I could see her head going close to my arm
”Oh he is small now but after waking up its beast” I answered her while feeling her breast on my back. Then I make fast decision and I said to her ”I will be going to kitchen to look what I could make for breakfast if there is nothing we will need eat fast food” and I start going out. Then I hear her words ”ok”. I start wiping and going necked to bedroom for my boxers and t-shirt.
At first I mix drawers but after third attempt I find correct and I put it on me. Then I go to kitchen and while looking what he have there its nothing or to trash. Then I close doors and decided that we need but things to fridge and freezer.
When I close doors to them and start making juice Sophia come and then I said to her ”we need made shopping and eat outside”
”Ok” she answer me while taking juice what I made. When she drinks it she said ”lets change and go for eat shopping and taking rest of things from your flat”
”Ok” I agree with her plan and we go to change. After we done it we go to her car. Our drive to place where we will eat goes with some problems like always no place to park. After some time of searching we find one and park there. 'Mall like always busy' I said to myself while going out from car to buy some sandwiches from Subway while Sophia is waiting for me.
When I come there I needed to wait for some time queue is so long that I start playing on my phone while moving slowly from it saleswoman words wake me up ”your order”
”This and this” I show her on menu.
”Ok” she answers me and after some wait it come to me. Then I start going to car where Sophia is waiting for me. When I come I said to her ”we will eat in my place before moving things ”
”Ok” she answered me. Travel to my flat go not easy smell of food kill me and I wanted to start eating but I resist of doing it and eat with Sophia. When we finally come in front of my building we go out from car.