128 Bathtub is unused (1/1)

Hearing words from delivery man I go to my bag and while taking 50$ for delivery and tip for him. After some time he come to my floor and seeing me he come closer while saying ”Miss Sophia”


”Here is your order” he said to me while giving me box with pizza.

”Thanks and no rest” I said to him while exchanging pizza and money

”Thank you very much has a nice food”

”Thanks” I answer him and I wanted to turn myself when he stop me saying ”oh I will totally forgot here are souse to it” and he give three of each

”thank you and save trip” I said to him while turning around to enter home and closing doors with my food this box is to big that I could take it with one hand. When I hear doors are closed I go to table where Greg place plates folk and knives for us and we start eating. Seeing that Greg hasn't touched any of souse I start taking one and placing on pizza.

It takes me some time but when I have good proportion of each I start mixing it. When they are alone they don't taste good but when I mix them they taste become better.

When we finish eating we go one again on couch to watch something. I don't the same what before and I lay on him. When one series come that I totally forgot about it but when I was young I watch it but not regular I start watching it with more interest. Then I hear Greg

”I will be going sleep now”

”Ok I don't know when I will come to you” I answer him while not taking my eyes from it. This episode explained one thing I always wonder why main character hate that person. When most interesting part comes ads show up then I hear Greg

”You prefer sleep from the wall or nope”

”Nope” I answer him while saying in mind 'it's too cold from it'

”Ok” I hear his words while he goes to bedroom.

I couldn't sleep now because of my long sleep in plane. When adds end I watch to the end of this episode and I turn off TV while grabbing my phone to check if some new messages from my friends show up.

When I start reading about what they talk I could feel that they bored from doing nothing. When I finish doing it I go to my laptop to checking my work email. When I open it I have more that hundred messages so I start reading each. it take me around two hours when I finish I said to loud but not too much to not wake up Greg”this is exhausting I need shower I stink”.

And I do what I wanted I go to shower. While taking short shower I said one again ”oh my bathtub is unused I could use it tomorrow” and I go out from there. When I finish dry my hair I go to bedroom.

I turn off lights while being on corridor and I use only light in my phone to not wake up Greg, when I'm inside of our bedroom I saw that Greg is everywhere on my bed. Then I start waking him up while saying ”move I can't lay here”

After some time I hear his response probably while sleeping ”ok come here” and I saw that he lay on his side while opening his arms for me to hug him while going sleep.When I lay on place that he makes me I start falling asleep fast while listening to his breath. Don't knowing when I fall asleep while he grabbing one of my girls.