Chapter 479 - KARMIC DEBT (1/2)
When dinner time came, the three people ate in quiet dignity. For Hu Lei, it was unbearable. She liked chatting while eating. She felt like talking made the meal more pleasant. If she had a good conversation, she would even eat more.
However, it was difficult to bring up a good topic of conversation with the two people. Zhong Feng seemed guarded against Yuan Haoran while Yuan Haoran focused on his food like it was the most pleasant thing on earth.
In the end, she pushed the food on her plate around, but she did not eat much. It was not only the quietness in the room that affected her appetite. The old woman's skills were not bad, but she did not like the prepared fish.
After giving birth to Xiao Bao, her original dislike of most foods returned. She could no longer stand the foods she enjoyed through her pregnancy. Her spirits declined even lower when she saw the soufflé. Eggs were more abominable than ever.
Finally, dinner ended, making Hu Lei sigh with relief. She wanted to begin talking about Martial Island and Kaito immediately.
The three of them retired to the den, and the old woman served them port wine. Hu Lei sipped on the beverage and found it was quite pleasant. She did not want to drink too much because she would be returning home the next day to Xiao Bao.
Still, she did not worry too much. Her blood-alcohol level would be zero by the time she returned home, even if she drank a little more.
”So, what can I do for you?” Yuan Haoran asked as if the three of them were old friends.
Zhong Feng frowned a little. ”Before we can say anything, I would like to ask why you were so accommodating to us. You have made a lot of effort to avoid being discovered by me. And now, you are unafraid to give us your name.”
Yuan Haoran looked to the fireplace and admired the beauty of the flames.
”I would like to ask the same question. You have always looked for me with intentions of hostility and violence. Yet, you have dined at my table and are willing to spend the night in my lair. Are you not afraid for your life?” He asked with a lifted brow.
Zhong Feng glanced at Hu Lei before turning back to the other man.
”We need your help for an urgent. You are our only lead.” Zhong Feng responded candidly.
Yuan Haoran laughed at the honest response.
”I wanted to meet Hu Lei. She is remarkable. You are lucky to have her.” He looked at Hu Lei, who was listening quietly. ”I always thought that she would be a breakthrough in the research I ordered from the International Health Alliance. And when I realised that it was a dead-end, I wanted to recruit her to my side.”
Zhong Feng felt like the world was spinning in the wrong direction when he thought about the current situation. If someone had told him that he would be having a civil conversation with someone who had robbed him of years with Hu Lei, someone who had contributed to the suffering that still caused her nightmares…
He would have laughed them out of the room.
But strangely, he could now understand how Hu Lei could get along with people like Frank, even after the unpleasantness of attempted murder. Sometimes, facing the monster in the light of day made even the evilest creatures seem a little less scary. And, there were no enemies forever, just benefits.
”What were you looking for?” He asked.
”A cure for something that cannot be cured.” There was a flash of deep pain in his eyes.
Silence fell in the room. Zhong Feng did not know how to proceed because Yuan Haoran had turned closed off after that statement. It was as if he sunk into a deep well of sadness, unable to extricate himself.