Chapter 478 - DEMON KING’S NAME (1/2)

The man, who was known as Demon King on Martial Island and to his subordinates in the outside world, stepped forward and walked closer to Zhong Feng and Hu Lei. His eyes had a penetrating intensity as if he wanted to see through to their core.

Despite his youth, Zhong Feng felt a sense of danger emanating from him. He also strode forward and shielded Hu Lei behind him.

The red eyes focused on Zhong Feng for a long moment before the man spoke up. His voice was gentle, and his speech refined, but these factors did not comfort Zhong Feng. If anything, his words made him raise his guard even higher.

”You caused me a bit of trouble in the past, Zhong Feng. You are an impressive human.” He said.

Zhong Feng frowned a little, wondering why this person said those words as he did. It was like he did not consider himself a part of the human race. Still, Zhong Feng would not refuse to respond to the complaint. He had long wanted to express his dislike and grudge against the man.

”No less than you caused me.” He said. ”I have a good mind to punch you in the face.”

The man looked at him with a hint of something unsettling in his eyes, as if he wished that Zhong Feng would proceed with his threat. However, that flicker of emotion only lasted for a fraction of a second. Once again, he became calm and without emotion.

”I might not be a match for you in the technological scene, but I am stronger than I appear.” He still said to Zhong Feng. ”I fought for my life since I was a small child. It would be difficult for you to beat me. Moreover, you lack a killer instinct.”

The eerie red eyes turned to Hu Lei. ”But your wife has it. If she put her mind to it, I would find it difficult to defeat her. It is too bad that she has chosen a simple life in Supreme City instead of dominating the world.”

”There is still time. I might yet decide to take over the world.” Hu Lei spoke up in response.

”Indeed. It is not too late for you to rise to the summit.” The words had a hint of amusement.

Hu Lei stepped out completely from behind Zhong Feng and looked at the man with intensity in her golden eyes. He looked back at her, the two pairs of unusual eyes clashing in a strange altercation. After a while, Hu Lei's eyes softened a little.

Zhong Feng did not know the reason for that look, but he did not like it. He felt a rush of possessiveness welling up in his heart, and it caused him to place a protective arm around Hu Lei. She looked at him and smiled, but she did not mind the gesture.

She turned back to their host. ”We are in your home as guests. You should introduce yourself.”

There was some hesitation before the man bowed his head in the slightest and almost imperceptible manner. The minute gesture elevated his appearance of elegance. He looked like royalty from the forgotten times.

”I am Yuan Haoran. Welcome.” He said.

Yuan Haoran…

The name was not unusual, but it felt like an insurmountable feat for the two of them to discover it. Even Frank had not spoken his master's name through the journey. Therefore, it was, without a doubt, a major accomplishment.

”We would like to speak to you about a matter of utmost importance.” Hu Lei spoke up seriously.