In another part of Supreme City, Zhong Mian was pacing back and forth in a spacious living room. Unlike her own villa, this house had a more casual and homely atmosphere. She had always favoured modern décor. This home looked traditional and warm.

”Please stop pacing. You are making us dizzy.” A man holding a small girl in his arms spoke up with laughter.

The man was Kong Ou, Zhong Mian's boyfriend. He looked perfect in every way. He had classic handsome looks and a friendly aura. He was a little bit shorter than Mian, but she did not tower over him. They still looked well-matched.

The little girl with him was his daughter, and she was three years old. She had been a lucky or unlucky accident from one of his many flings. It could be said that she had come about because he had been careless due to his being muddled and emotional.

The background was not overly complicated. He had met a certain girl and had fallen in love with her unexpectedly. However, that certain girl was not interested in him at all. He had realised that she had never even truly noticed him. He might as well have been air.

When they had gone their separate ways, he had become depressed. This led to a period of hedonism. He could not even remember most of the women he had been with during that time. One of those flings had led to the appearance of the little baby.

At first, he had been opposed to the idea of raising a child. He had even tested the DNA in an attempt to escape. With the results out and a crying baby in his arms, he had had no choice. It was not like the mother had any interest in Little Wen.

Now, he could not love his little daughter more. He also had a beautiful girlfriend who was always willing to lend a hand when needed. In addition, his medical career was going smoothly. It could be said that he was content with his life.

All that was left was to make everything official.

”Kong Ou, you do not know my brother. He is a very judgemental person. He can make you confess all your sins with a single look.” Mian stared down at him.

”I can't tell whether he is a holy existence or the devil in your mind.” He contemplated the matter.

When Zhong Mian described or talked about her younger brother, there were a lot of contradicting thoughts. On one hand, she looked like she loved him too deeply and thought that he could never do any wrong. On the other hand, she seemed to fear him, even though he was ten years or so younger. It was almost as if she thought he would call hellfire and brimstone on her if she did anything that displeased him.

”Do not take this dinner so lightly. If he approves, dealing with my parents and getting officially married will be a breeze.” She rebuked.

”Of course, I am taking this seriously. I proposed to you a long time ago. You are the one who has been taking advantage of me without giving me a proper title.” He laughed.

Zhong Mian snatched up Little Wen from him and held the girl in her arms.

”Don't be vulgar in front of WenWen.” She sent a scathing look his way, causing him to lift his hands in surrender.

”Go get ready. The nanny will be here in no time.” She added.

”Should I wear my hospital scrubs to prove that I can provide for you?” Kong Ou asked.

Zhong Mian started to seriously consider it.