”Feng'er has not come around for quite some time.” Chu Ling said suddenly after sipping a cup of fine green tea.
Zhong Tian looked up from the newspaper at his wife. She looked as beautiful as always, but the sadness in her eyes could not be concealed. He thought about the news that he had received yesterday and wondered whether he should tell her.
”He has been quite busy.” He responded in perfunctory tone.
Chu Ling looked closer at his face and realised that he was concealing something. Whenever Zhong Tian hid something from her, he always looked a little too relaxed and casual.
”What do you know, Zhong Tian?” she asked sternly.
Zhong Tian cleared his throat awkwardly and put his newspaper aside.
”There is nothing to worry about, LingLing.” His voice sounded even.
However, he had not used that childish nickname for a very long time. They were already old, and it was strange for him to revert to his old teasing ways. Therefore, this action reinforced his wife's thoughts. He was definitely hiding something.
”Tell me!”
Zhong Tian though about his options before finally bowing to the pressure of his wife's blazing eyes.
”Feng was at the hospital yesterday.” He paused.
Before he could finish his thoughts, Chu Ling stood up.
”Is he alright?” She asked in a shaking voice.
When Zhong Feng had been younger, he had been in poor health for quite a long period of time. It had been a difficult time for everyone. Therefore, the possibility of him being sick brought back bad memories.
”It's not like that. Can you please listen to the end?” Zhong Tian looked helplessly at Chu Ling.
”Do you even know how to talk? You should not pause so carelessly.” She gave him another stern look before sitting down.
”It is like this. Zhong Feng brought a girl to the hospital. No one knows her identity for sure. They consulted Doctor Shui and left together.” He explained. Doctor Shui probably knew her identity, but he was close Zhong Feng. So, he would not reveal any information.
”Oh, who is the girl? I didn't know that he was seeing someone.” She looked thoughtful. ”Maybe it is that Bei Gong girl. I have seen some rumours on social media. Even though I don't know her character, her family is not bad.”
Zhong Tian sighed.
”I think my people would recognise such a prominent character. I am afraid that the truth might not be so straightforward or good.” His voice sounded strained.
”What do you mean?”
”It is possible that Doctor Hu's daughter is back.” He let out the words unwillingly.