Hu Lei looked at Murong Fai and felt a sense of nostalgia. The more she looked at his face, the more she remembered her father. Perhaps it was an illusion in her mind. However, she could not help thinking that her life was finally turning around. Even though she had lost her father, she might be able to gain a brother.

So far, she was found him to be satisfactory. He seemed smart, flexible and kind. Moreover, he was not without a temper. She had provoked him in good humour after approaching him because she had wanted to what kind of person he really was.

Her only concern was his enthusiasm in relation to medicine. It was not that she had anything against doctors. However, if she and Murong Fai formed a sibling bond, she did not want him to go the same route as her father.

It would be a shame if this adorable boy became drawn into that dark web. For a moment, her mind saw her father bleeding out on the floor. And then, that familiar person turned into the cute teenager before her, both dying and lost in a sea of darkness.

No, she could not allow this boy to become like Hu Ming.

If she had not been so ambivalent about the actions of her father, he might not have had such a sad ending. She should have stopped him when he had started thinking that human experimentation was alright. She should have tried to give him a reality check every time he offended people, and they came seeking for retribution.

Instead, she had been complacent. In fact, she had enabled him. At the beginning, she had trained so that she could be able to protect herself and her father. However, she had become his accomplice in his questionable and illicit quests.

It was partly her fault that Hu Ming had met such an undignified ending. For him and herself, for their redemption, she would ensure that Murong Fai would not become twisted and without moral limits like she had.

Her eyes drifted back to the medical documentary on TV which was seemed to be coming to an end.

”Why do you want to be a doctor?” she asked, turning her eyes to the still mad boy.

His face became brighter like a young child. Murong Fai did not look like he was fifteen. He would pass as a twelve-year old boy or younger, especially with that happy face.

”I want to treat children. When I was small, I suffered so much. I have never even gone to a park or camping or anywhere fun. If there are children who have the same bad fate, I want to help them experience fun things.” He explained like a little model student giving a speech.

”Mmmh… that is very noble of you. But you know that the world is complicated, right?” She asked lightly.

”What is complicated? Things will be simple if you want them to be.” He responded, with a tilted head.

For some reason, Hu Lei felt gratified about this boy. His life couldn't have been simple, yet he could think of something like this. Unfortunately, pure people like him were the easiest to dye black. However, for now, he was perfect.

She felt like she had achieved her purposes for the first meeting. In addition, she was tired and Ah Feng was waiting outside for her. She would need to think about Murong Fai a little more before deciding on her next step. It would probably not be easy. After all, if she wanted to get to know this little brother, she would cross paths with her forgotten mother.

She could not act rashly.

”Then, I will root for you, little young man.” She finally said with the maturity of an elder sister.

”I don't want to be called little by someone like you.” He immediately got inflamed. ”My name is Fai.”