105-105 Completion Ceremony (1/2)
とはいえ工期は予定よりも大幅に短縮され、水道の開通も早まった. 最早俺の相棒とも言える『黒い剣』が、今回の工事でとんでもない活躍をしてくれたのだ.
あまり手先が器用でない俺は最初、石の部品を壊しまくり顰蹙(ひんしゅく)を買った. だが、その後も諦めずに石の加工を続けていると、だんだんそれらしい形のモノが出来るようになっていった.
途中、水路の部品が十分すぎるほど溜まった為、今度は工事現場の穴掘りにも戻ったりして、俺は工事現場と工房を何度も往復した. それが水路の復旧工事を大幅に早めることにも繋がったらしい.
「おい、ノール. 呼ばれてるぞ?」
「おいおい、朝の親方の話を聞いてなかったのかよ……? とにかく前に行け. あそこに立ってる偉い感じの人の前だ」
...... I didn't think it was possible, but Lord Noor, ......?
It's been a while. What are you doing here?
...... This canal project is a national undertaking. My father was supposed to be here, but he's not. In the meantime, I'm supposed to be there in his place.
I was impressed by the fact that they were also busy doing work that I didn't know about, when Lean's brother looked at me.
The other day, my father and I were at a party. ...... I heard that my father and sister invited you to a ceremony in Mithra the other day. I thought you were going with them today.
Yeah, they did invite me. ...... I turned them down.
...... Turned you down?
I had this completion ceremony today. Is that a bad idea?
...... No. If that's what my father wants, I don't have to tell him.
He now looked at the 'black sword' on my shoulder.
...... What is that sword? ...... Why are you still carrying it on your shoulder at a time like this?
”This? It was very useful for the construction. I thought I'd bring it along anyway.
The Black Sword is on ────?
For a while, Lean's brother stared at the black sword on my shoulder with a mysterious expression, but when the area began to buzz, he suddenly came to his senses and handed me a wooden box containing some small coins.
It was a shiny golden coin with the words ”Commemorative Completion” written on it in small letters.
'Just a souvenir. Please take it.
”Oh, thank you. ...... So, are we done? Can I go back?
...... Oh, yeah. Thanks a lot.
We exchanged a few words and parted, and the memorial ceremony went on.
I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but I think it's a good idea.
I arrived at the Adventurer's Guild.
When I arrived at the adventurer's guild, I handed the request completion form to the guild master, who stamped the form as usual and placed the leather bag containing my living expenses on the counter.
──── Noor. I'm really sorry for your troubles. I heard you did a great job this time. Here, this is your reward for what you asked for. Take it.
But there's something wrong with you. He's congratulating me with his mouth, but for some reason he's got a heavy atmosphere behind him.
”...... What's up ......? Is there something wrong with ......?
I'm sure you've heard of it, but I'm not sure if you have.
”...... Hey, Noor. You know what? Today, my guild received a tremendous amount of money. It's from both the Building Guild and the Royal Stone Workers Guild. I'm sure you know that. ...... That's all for your work.
”...... Really? Is it a lot?
I'm not sure what the breakdown is since I leave the money to my uncle in the guild, but I sure feel like I worked a lot. I have a feeling that I earned a lot of money.
I'm not sure how much I've earned. ......? I've already got enough money to buy ten or twenty inns and bathhouses in the capital. I'm not sure what to do. You can't believe ...... that even if you hunt ten big ones, you can still get change. It's incredible. I'm not sure what to make of this.
I'm sure you'll be happy to know that we're not losing any money.
If you're in the black, good for you.