72 Chapter 72: New Loophole (1/2)

After leading all the Zombies into the dungeon I gained a total of 4,000 Zombies. Meaning 4,000 Evolution cores after they all evolve.

Easy money.

From there I simply teleported underneath Confucius plaza and went to check up on the golems to see if they made it back alright.

When I got back, sure enough, my golems were in perfect shape. They do have a bunch of blood and some scratches on there arms and legs, however, it isn't much of a problem. Maybe I should create some weapons for them later.

I grab the 2 guys I captured from the Golem who was Carrying them and threw them into the elevator. Before I went up I stored the Golem into my dimensional ring and brought it with me. I'll need a Guard whom I can trust to watch the professor and Specimen. I press the button to the 44th floor. By having them on this floor I won't need to fear them escaping. The birdman already can't fly and this professor has close to 0 combat power. All I need to do to imprison them put them on the top floor with nowhere to go.

I seriously don't understand maximum-security jails. They waste so much money to trap the prisoners there, but for some fucking reason some inmates can still get out. All you need to do is chain there arms and legs and trap them on a tall floor a couple 100 feet off the floor won't that prevent anyone from escaping? Sigh. That would have saved the government so much money.

I throw them into a room far from the Elevator and the next thing I do was release the Golem. Before I do create it I'll find a hiding spot for it. I found a wall that was in the living room area and removed the wall, I then hollowed out the back of it just enough to fit my huge golem in although tightly and then place my golem in. This is just insurance, it's so if they try to make an escape plan together for any such reason I'll be able to have the Golem spy on what they say and nab them when there about to initiate the plan.

Although I highly doubt it is possible, there is always a chance and for every chance, something can happen you have to have a backup plan for the worst-case scenario.

This golem shall be my insurance. Of course, I'll also send a couple of human guards up here as well with a gun to monitor them later on but that is just so they'll think they're the guys I'm having to keep a watch on them when in actuality the true guard is the Golem. I also drip a drop of my blood into the mouth of the Birdman but only create a respawn point on the back of the professor.

I need the professor so I'll keep him alive but the birdman is a threat to me if he was ever to recover, for I won't ever want a group of birdmen dropping cars and human droppings overhead, so I'll make sure he's dead if he was to ever escape.

With this in place, I have multiple insurances in place and doubt they could escape.

I look at the time on the clock on the wall and it says 2:08 AM.

It seems there is still a couple of hours until morning.

These guys will be staying here for a while so I made my way out of the apartment and block the entrance to the room with a whole lot of random items which I picked up.