10 Origin (1/2)

I'm back baby, you thought i was gonna quite did ya??shhtfkup! BUT no!!! I am back with new chapter(Source: Pewdiepie )

I come back for a month then disappear for a week. for taking the exams I failed in. I don't know how many I failed but they won't be more than 3 so less than a week


After Ace and the rest had fun to the evening, they went back to their home, Mikasa went to help Maria while Ace just said ” Mom, I am tired, I will sleep early” he told his mom and went up stairs.

' Hmmm, today I will meet the king again... hope I can learn something new ' thought Aceas is preparing His bed. it didn't take long before Ace lose his consciousness like yesterday.




Ace woke on the green grassland in front of the giant forest, just like last time loud footsteps are coming from inside the Forest. unlike last time Ace wasn't scared.

” Welcome master...You came earlier than expected ” Said the king ( I will just call the Titan King ”King” )

” I was excited to learn new Stuff” said Ace

The King mad a creepy low giggle and said ” Well...let's start by some information... Right...let's start from the beginning ”

”Beginning!?? why??” Asked ace with a confusion

” it's about your origin and how you were born, as you knew or may not knew, a body that can be as hard as rock and a long life span can't just magically appear in this world. so there must be some preparation first, don't you think?? ”. Said the king like he was stating the obvious

Ace was shocked all this time his powers were given to him by Barbarossa ” Didn't Barbarossa gave me my powers?? ” asked Ace

The king said ” he did gave it to you...but to give them to you all at once will cost him all his power or even his life... so listen carefully to what I say...” the king said with a serious tone

” First of all, when you decided your wishes Barbarossa came to this world to make them real...he chose 4 people from this world 10000 years ago meaning before those wall came to existence, 2 females and 2 males... he made them form 2 families

” The first family got the power of longevity and the second got the power of physical strength from Barbarossa, their power was weak at the time since they were only stronger than normal humans by little and they could live only to 100 years but with each generation they got stronger and Lived longer.”

Barbarossa gave themmissions. the first is to keep their blood pure which means marriage of siblings between the two families.”

” but there is a draw back....after giving birth the parents will die after their children became independent ”

”Barbarossa told that the purpose for their existence is to give birth to a king after a 10000 years. and there is a sign that the birth of the king is near which is... ”

” the families will always have twins ( male & female), Until the day only one single child will be born, then the two families will have to look for each other and join together.