9 Meeting The Titan King (1/2)
”Kyaaaaah!!!” Maria braveheart screamed on top of her lungs, her scream is filled with joy ” Finally! Finally!! a daughter, come here you little thing ” Maria caught Mikasa in her chest with a huge. After yesterday's Accident, Ace brought Mikasa with him home, he wasn't worried about what his family will think, he was sure his family will do what he want and if Roger refused he will be punished because Maria is the one with the most authority.
As Ace predicted Maria loved Mikasa instantly, but unfortunately he will need to cut her happy moment now ” Mom let Mikasa go, we need to bury her parents today ” hearing this Maria didn't have any other choice but to let her go but first ” come with me Mikasa, I have some clothes for you to wear ” Mikasa looked at Ace first, he saw her gaze and knew what she want so he just nodded. Mikasa followed Maria inside the house to change her dirty clothes.
” Look here Mikasa, I have a lot of clothes for you, one for the summer and others for autumn and even winter and spring... they will look cute on you ” Maria was going through a lot of clothes that she was collecting, she never knew what she will give birth to so collected clothes for both genders from age 1 to 20 years, she even had a Room full of clothes. Mikasa was looking at Maria with a strange look as if she want to say ' How much clothes do you have ' but she didn't dare to be rude to some who is taking care of her now.
”oh!! here it is, come here Mikasa I will help you remove your clothes...” Mikasa came near Maria to help her Remove the clothes ” give me that scarf, I will give you another one new ” Maria reached for the blue scarf but Mikasa was holding it with a trembling hands, Maria noticed and looked at Mikasa with gentle eyes and said ” you like this one? ” Mikasa only nodded
” it looks good on you ” said maria as she brought the clothes to Mikasa ” wear this Mikasa ” she helped Mikasa Wear the new clothes, she gave her a long black skirt and a blue T-shirt and a long brown coat, she lookedlike any daughter of rich people.
At the cemetery the Jaegar family and the Braveheart family are standing in front of two graves, it's the graves of Mikasa's family, Grisha, Eren and Carla said a few words like ” may you rest in peace ” as for Ace, Maria and Roger they all nearly said the same thing.
Ace said ” I will take care of Mikasa and she will never suffer again ” and Maria said ” your daughter is now my daughter, I will treasure her ” and as for Roger he only said few words but they meant a lot ” leave her to us ”
” Mikasa we will wait for at the entrance, say goodbye to your parents and follow us ” said maria as she left with everyone except Ace who was standing in his place with a dazed face, he was very troubled now, since yesterday he has been hearing this voice in his head, with time passing it gets louder ° give her your blood~...give her your blood~...° this what he has been hearing. he knew who the voice wants him to give his blood to, it was Mikasa. Mikasa was now in front of her parents grave, she had some tears on her face, so he decided to stop this annoying voice, he was gonna give his blood to Mikasa anyway, it just he will give it to her sooner.
Ace mad a little needle from his middle finger by his ”Crystal-Hard” ability, he pushed the needle in his thumb with a little force and mad a little blood come out, he went to Mikasa and called her ” Mikasa...”
Mikasa turned her head and said with a low voice ” What?”. Ace patted her head and said ” Look Mikasa, from now on you are my family OK? if you are feeling sad I want you to come to me and talk to me” he told her things he already said to her yesterday, he pretended he was wiping tears from her face as he sneakily planted a Single blooddrop from his thumb on her lips. after that he stopped and said and left but on his way he suddenly stopped and turned to Mikasa and said ” there is something on your lips Mikasa, remove it ” he said that and continued his walk towards the entrance to wait with everyone.
Mikasa licked her lips with her tongue, she tasted it and thought ' Blood!! I don't remember biting my lips!” . Mikasa didn't put much thought into this , but soon she felt an overwhelming feeling from her soul, she felt on the ground grabbing her head from pain, she felt like something inside of her is fighting. Like a chain is being crushed. the pain continued for sometime but Mikasa didn't scream, she just endured the pain silently. soon the pain was gone, Mikasa felt light as she got up from the ground.
” What was that!!” she couldn't point at what is this feeling but she felt like a collar of steel was on her neck but now it's broke making her feel good. Mikasa immediately forgot about that as she looked at her knees, the clothes that Maria gave her became dirty ' she will be angry at me ' .
Mikasa looked at her parents grave as she remembered that night, she looked at her mother grave and said with determined eyes ” Mother!... I will Live!!... I won't let your sacrifice be in vain... I will live with no regret... I promise you, p..p..please d..don't wiry about me...I..I..Love you!! ” Mikasa wanted to be brave in front of her parents grave but she broke down in tears as she knew she will never meet them again, she continued to cry as her tears wash away the pain from her chest.
at the entrance Maria was nervous ” why is she late?... it's been half an hour now...Ace go see-” just as maria was gonna tell Ace to go look for Mikasa, Mikasa appeared in front of them
” Sorry to keep you waiting ” Mikasa said as she covered her face with the Blue scarf as added ” I dirtied the clothes ” Maria looked at Mikasa's Clothes. she didn't mind that and when she saw Mikasa's Red eyes, she immediately understood that she was crying, Maria looked at Mikasa with gentle eyes and grabbed her hand and said ” Let's go home Mikasa ”
Those words mad Mikasa's feel warmth in her heart, she tightened her grabs on Maria hand and said ” yes! ”
Ace looked at them and smiled he thought ' they look like a real mother and daughter ' he was quite happy that his mother loved Mikasa and so does Mikasa
with that everyone left to their home, At dinner time the Braveheart family mad a little effort in their dinner this time to welcome Mikasa between them, they enjoyed the food and talked with each other, Mikasa wanted to help Maria in washing the dishes. Since a few months ago Maria dismissed her maids as she wanted to take care of her family alone since she enjoyed. Mikasa helping her mad Maria happy since with this she finally realized her dream family. A father that goes to work to support his family, A son who is obedient and amazing at whatever he do so she can brag on her neighbors, And finally a mother a daughter who work together and clean the house. This was Maria's dream since childhood.
At night time everyone in the Braveheart house is sleeping peaceful, except Ace who is sweating and struggling to sleep, he was trying to sleep when he suddenly started to loss consciousness but not from sleeping.
Ace opened his eyes suddenly and got up sweating ” Huff!!..Huff!!..Huff!! what was that?!”
Ace questioned himself, he looked around him and he was shocked to his soul, he saw grass land under him with a large and tall forest of tree ” What the hell is this place!!...how did I get here?!?” when Ace was looking around him he suddenly heard a sound that will send despair into any human being in this world
Ace's face was in disbelieve he got frozen in his place, he knew what this sound meant. ”A TITAN!!” he screamed. the sound came from the Forest, Ace looked in front of him with his legs trembling.
From the giant tree a huge Human-Like creature emerged from it, Ace looked up and he was shocked...why??...Because he could recognize this titan...why??...BECAUSE IT IS HIS TITAN FORM!!....His Titan King!!
”h..h..ow can you be here??” Asked Ace with a confused face, his trembling legs stopped as he thought ' if it's my titan, then it probably won't hurt me...probably'
A moment of silent passed before a majestic and deep voice spoke ” So we finally met. Master ”
Ace felt a little pressure when the titan spoke ' it can speak??!!... Master!!' Ace had many question but he knew that they are not that important now so...
” How did come here?? can you answer me??”
” it is because I called you here ” said the titan
Ace tried to understand what he mean by that, then he remembered his consciousness was being pulled by something, he looked at the titan and said ” Are we inside my mind??”
” Oooh!! as expected from my Master! yes we are... and the reason I called you here is to talk about your power ”
” My power?? why??” asked Ace