Chapter 127 - Absolutely, Positively 1: A Mother (1/2)
”So, how was it?”
The slender woman paused from removing her shoes by the doorway and looked up to face the owner of the voice. The room was dark saved for the dim light from the stairs on the far right side which illuminated her pale skin. Her beautiful, elfin face, with her huge pair of eyes, pointed nose and rosy lips was half hidden in the shadows but the smile which painted her earlier solemn face lit up the place.
”You're still awake!” she exclaimed a little sternly but the twinkle in her eyes removed the seriousness of her voice.
The little boy standing a few feet away from the woman pouted, the same way his parent always did when told off. He wasn't sulking though. He was after all genuinely concerned with the way his mother's evening went.
”How was it?” he asked again in that endearingly small voice of his and his mother sighed as she smiled again.
Jena Wang studied her son— the son who was her total opposite in looks aside from her signature pout. Sam's skin was tanned whereas hers was milky-white. He was such an active child whereas she was one to keep still in one place. The child must have taken after his father, Jena thought, but quickly pushed the idea away as she cleared her throat.
That was dangerous territory akin to a can of worms she'd better off not touching.
”Come here,” she beckoned softly and Sam didn't think twice to run towards her and let himself be engulfed in a bear hug while giving one back. ”Hmmmmnnn… my baby smells like powder,” she stated as she lifted the boy and sniffed at his neck, making her son break into giggles. ”Mama was tired but now I have a lot of energy!”
She attacked the squirming little boy in her arms with tickles, and the latter helplesslay laughed as he tried to fend her off.
”Gee, mom, I'm already big,” Sam protested as he flailed his feet, making Jena put him back down.
”Big or not, you're still my baby,” she said stubbornly, making the other giggle more.
”Ah, but my baby really has grown bigger. Mama can't lift you up as easily as before. Did my baby eat a lot?” she teased as she took her son's hand and guided him inside the house, up the stairs to where their rooms were.
”I eat a lot so I can become bigger faster,” he said proudly. ”Nana said I am taller and bigger than the other kids my age,” he added.
Nana was the old lady next door who babysat for Sam when she's at work and he didn't have school. Also…
Indeed, Sammy was a tall boy— a far cry from her petite stature. This was why her thoughts had been wandering dangerous territory lately. Sam didn't look like anyone in her family. Not at all.
”Ah, but mama doesn't want you to grow up fast. I want you to be my little baby longer,” she complained jokingly but her son was no longer in the mood to joke.
”Mom, you didn't answer my question,” Sam complained, his pout back in place just as she tucked him back into his bed.
This boy… She had tried her best to keep out of topic but he was too smart to remember what he wanted answered.
Tonight, she went on a date and he was very curious as to how it went. After all, he wanted his mom to have a love life and so it was his idea to push her to go out.
Jena sighed. There was no use in ignoring her son's question. When Sam's into something, there was nothing that could distract him from getting his answers. Honestly, he was like thirty-seven instead of just seven in age. She was such a gullible person— bordering on scatter-brained when she was a lot younger and so she wondered again where her son got his sharp and very mȧturė mind.
Sam's affinity and excellence in math and science too were a huge wonder to his parent. Again, her thoughts trailed on a dangerous path with Sam's father and she shook her thoughts away.