Chapter 126 - Jena Wang (1/2)
Yanee would just be staying in South Korea for three days so she didn't bring much luggage. Aside from light cosmetics with a specific brand she liked to use for makeup and lotion, she's not picky on other things such as shampoo. The bath stuff they had at the hotels suite was good as she had tried it last time as well so she was satisfied to use them again.
As soon as she put her luggage in the armoire, the phone to her suite rang. At first, she wondered who it was since Tohru would not call her in the hotel room but call her phone directly. But then who was she kidding? This was the Grand Blue Hotel. There wasn't anyone else who'd know she had arrived in Seoul the fastest without her informing them herself except Jisoo and Yushin, the owners.
She hadn't even sent a message to Tohru yet. Remembering that tidbit, she took out her mobile phone and hastily sent a message to the potato with one hand as she used the other to answer the phone.
”Yanee, you're so slow!”
Jisoo's childish complaints ȧssailed her ear and Yanee couldn't help but laugh. She could totally imagine her throwing a tantrum. Even with her status, Jisoo loved to play around without a care about her image.
”Sorry Big Sis! I was putting my luggage away in the room.”
The suite Yanee was staying at had a single room and a living room. The phone was in the living room. Normally, there should be one next to the bed as there was one last time, but there was none now. Jisoo might have asked someone to remove it so that Yanee wouldn't be disturbed when she slept.
”Unforgivable,”Jisoo continued to tease her and she could totally see her pout. ”You made Big Sister wait for so long…”
Yanee laughed. She had no choice but to give in to what the other was obviously scheming to happen.
”What will make Big Sister forgive me then?” she asked and as expected, Jisoo invited her to dine out.
”I'm not sure if I can do that today Big Sis. Will tomorrow be okay?”
She would be interviewing both Jena and Nixie later and she had no idea what time she'd finish. Also, after that, she had to fix her notes as well. She had time but only the next day.
”No problem! I already know you will be going to the hospital to interview Jena and Nixie today. Tomorrow is fine. I will just pick you up at the hotel— ah but we can talk about that later. I will be visiting Jena as well to bring dinner,” Jisoo agreed and Yanee was not surprised.
Jisoo was the Big Sister among all the Big Sisters. Since Jena's at the hospital and her family was in another country, she's the one taking good care of her needs. She kicked Alvin out too. The guy, Jena's husband had an important deal but he didn't want to leave his wife at the hospital alone. If not for Jisoo he would have cancelled his meetings and lost an opportunity.
Alvin and Jena were supposed to be working together, but the latter had a small accident at the pool side and fractured a leg.
”You will drop by the hospital later?” she asked.
”Yes! But I can't stay long because Jena's kids are with me since Alvin needed to hit the road a lot. The kids would be having a hard time always in the car. Is there anything you want to eat?”Jisoo asked and Yanee smiled.
She's really a cool big sister. She was even taking care of Jena's children for her.
”Anything is fine, Big Sis,” she said and the other suddenly laughed.
She wondered what was so funny. But she found out fast what she meant in a while.
”Too bad, I can't bring you handsome potato for dinner,” Jisoo said as she giggled and Yanee felt her face getting red.
It seemed her time getting teased mercilessly was not yet over. Marian and Ria must have told the others about her special nickname for the potato.
”Big Sis Jisoo, you're such a meanie,” she complained which made the other's laughter ring more.
”Anyway, I'll let you rest a bit before you head out to the hospital. If there's anything you need just ring for room service, alright? see you later.”
The conversation finished and Yanee was finally relieved. She knew peace wouldn't last, though. When she met with the sisters later she knew she would be bullied again.
The people around Tohru loved to tease, but she knew that they all meant well— and that they truly cared for each other.
The flight from Japan to Seoul only took an hour so Yanee still had two hours to kill before she had to go to the hospital to have the interview with Jena at nine. Yawning, she deliberated taking a nap but decided to go against it. She would just try and sleep early tonight.
At seven in the morning, Yanee went down to the restaurant below and had an early breakfast. As she waited for her food to arrive, she couldn't help but remember the last time she was there when the potato suddenly turned up for breakfast.
Thinking about it, Yanee felt suspicious about the whole party thing. It felt like it was rather a last minute set up by the group for her to meet them. Although the fact that she had to know them to be comfortable when she interviewed them, she had a feeling that the potato secretly arranged for it so she would meet the big sisters and join their circle.