Chapter 94 - Please Bother Us (1/2)
”Yes,” Yanee murmured as she sipped on her glass then placing it back down. ”Like the sudden takeover of Niji of my company?”
If she had her phone camera on, she'd have loved to take a photo of the startled potato right at that moment. True enough, her hunch was correct. Tohru James had something to do with the takeover of her company. She looked at his face, taking in any shift in his expression.
Her heart was pounding, wondering if he would lie to her or not. On one hand, she was hoping that she was just being overly paranoid, but on the other, she knew she already found out the truth. She was hoping he'd tell her everything. If not…
Yanee smiled bitterly. Trust, it was really so hard to give. This was the reason why she didn't dare try to see something more in anyone's gestures no matter how strangely good they might be. But…
But she's only human, and Tohru James was an attractive potato, she'd give him that. No matter how much she tried to fool herself that she was just misreading the situation since she started being attracted to him too— alright, she'd been attracted and aware of him since the beginning, it was getting more and more difficult for her not to notice. If only he didn't confess to her she'd have continued to turn a blind eye and wouldn't dare think about it. But that was not the case anymore.
In this situation, there were only two possible reasons. One, he's just a Young Master who's messing with her. Two, he's the real deal. So, which one was he? Yanee's heart somehow leaned over the last one, but her fear and insecurity were much too great to easily believe. Alas, she didn't think she wanted to know any more for now.
Just as she lowered her head, not expecting an answer anymore, he reached out for her hand.
”Yanee,” he called out her name in a soft, yet urgent tone.
She looked up but didn't remove her hand. Instead, she found herself staring at the very worried face before her. In the time she'd spent with her boss, she had seen him mostly with either a working poker face or a teasing one. This was the first time she'd seen him so nervous.
She knew he was guilty just based on his expression. But she couldn't find herself getting angry, and she wondered why. On the other hand, she also wondered if there's a reason for her to be angry in the first place. Why? Because if what she thought he did was true, then didn't that mean that this guy would do everything to get closer to her?
Also, what was she going to complain about? It's not as if he was already her boyfriend who lied to her. He just confessed to her that he liked her. Whatever he did to get close to her enough so he could confess was not his fault, right?
Women did that as well; she wouldn't be a hypocrite and deny that fact. In fact, women who were in love schemed more and worse. To research on romance, Yanee had forgotten how many green tea bitches and white lotuses she had read from novels. Remembering all those things made her cringe, cry in frustration, and feel ashamed of womenfolk.
It also made her wonder how many stupid things she did out of love before. However, things were different at the moment. She was not the one yearning for the prince this time. It was the prince who dove inside a pretty gift box, placed a ribbon on his head, and delivered himself at her doorstep.
And Tohru James, one of the five most eligible bachelors of the generation in Tokyo was here for her…
Thinking about it, heat crept up her cheeks.
”Oh grandma, look at how long and wavy my hair is….” If it were possible, she'd have blown out a sėxy whistle.
”Urgh… What am I thinking?” she grumbled but was not articulate enough for the other to hear and it looked like it made him panic more. The hands holding one of hers tightened as he leaned forward.
”I'm sorry. I— ”
Yanee interrupted his apology by placing a finger against his lips, surprising him again as she shook her head. ”You don't have to apologize.”
”I… don't?” Tohru looked totally confused now that she itched to take pictures. She felt times like this one would be rare. ”I mean I transferred to your company with a purpose,” he added hastily, confirming her suspicions.
”Well, your technique's weird, I'd give you that,” Yanee commented making him flinch. ”But I'm not mad at you. We won't cross paths if we didn't work together,” she said thoughtfully.
Ah, yeah. Yanee surmised that was indeed the reason. Even if they were both from rich families, she had long known that Tohru's circle was way above hers. One, because of his friends; next, was because regardless of how much he dressed simply, Yanee could recognize the brands he wore. Just the watch the potato wore on his wrist was enough to buy a house.
”Just don't… don't keep me in the dark in the future.”
In the future…
”In the future?”Tohru asked suddenly looking as hopeful as a little boy promised with something good. ”Do you mean…”
Realizing what she said, Yanee surprised herself as well. She coughed to cover her embarrassment. ”Under observation,” she said without looking at him directly.
”Under what?” he looked totally confused and this time, Yanee laughed.
”Under observation,” she said and this time more firmly. ”I accept that you're crazy enough to like me, but I'm not ready to be in a relationship with you, yet.”
”Oh…” Tohru murmured looking like a lost puppy.
If he had dog ears, they'd have been folded in melancholy right now. But the hand holding her didn't let go. His fingers pressed on her palm as if urging her to change her mind.
”I'm scared,” Yanee confessed. ”Being with you sounds wonderful and I really acknowledge the effort you put through just to meet me again. I said under observation because I'm still afraid but…”