Ch. 499 - Gratuitous Final Stats and Stuff (1/2)
So, time for the obligatory post-final chapter post from me! It’s all number-crunching, recaps, a little bit of conversation and info dumping, some metastory... but no story here.
No, I haven’t forgotten about the couple extra epilogues and stuff. Also, I should probably gather all the trembling songs in another master post, too.
But, that’s future idle work!
As thing stand there at the end, Traveler is sitting there as a Deep Fifteen. I actually managed to load the Excel Sheet up on my Discord, so I’m going to pin it to the Announcements area there.
Notes: I don’t claim perfection in tracking Stats. There were a LOT of Stats. I also didn’t fill out all her spells towards the end, as there were a whole damn lot of them, and having some left open for emergencies IS a thing.
But still, she’s a very Deep Fifteen, if not as Deep as Aelryinth (who has bunches more Advanced Classes than she has).
Timeline-wise, the start of the story takes place at the end of Year Ten, when the citizens of Luna-Terra take their first trip off-world en masse to show an undead force trying to come from a Shroudworld how much they disapprove of being invaded. Invading a world of Power of Ten gamers already optimized to slaughter undead proved to be a VERY bad idea.
Also, there were no dead to Animate around the world, because they were already reduced to vivus, so no spontaneous Shroudlords and the like.
Traveler’s future role in the metaverse is naturally helming the first army of the Creation Crusade against the Shroud (the Cancer of Death, as it were). At first, she’ll be rescuing worlds in the middle of being invaded, stop the invasion, and increase the ranks of her army so that she can do so faster and faster.
Once she reaches a certain point, she’ll be able to assault anchor worlds that are in the middle of making Shroudgates, thus stopping multiple invasions at the same time, while breaking off another army to keep saving worlds and recruiting more people to serve.
By my estimations, there needs to be at least ten active armies who can take out a Shrouded invasion within six months for them to be at parity with the continuous invasions from all the Deadworlds already conquered. So, figure a dozen armies of thousands of Tens and Ten+’s optimized for killing undead, fiends, and constructs, all without direct Divine support.
That would give them ‘parity’ against the expansion, doing nothing for worlds already taken for the most part. Those armies would naturally be even tougher, and if they haven’t sent out investing forces, huge in number, while the older Deadworlds naturally have the most powerful Shroudlords ruling them.
Her biggest issue is of course the fact she herself can’t leave, and it is very difficult for ANYONE to leave (or enter) a Shrouded world. The trick to this is naturally the Shroudgates that bring the undead to new worlds to conquer, and so tie back to a previous Deadworld already conquered. Take that world, and all the gates leading off it are open to you, and then the ones off them, etc.
Thus, taking nexal Deadworlds will be a thing, just so forces can keep following her without needing a Shroud to collapse and having to use a Pyramid to jump to her.
With access to Perpetual Spell, she doesn’t have to worry about her previous tricks not working here and there, especially Ki Recycling. Well, that still works, but you have to use a weapon, so it is much slower.
With Commander Haru’Ara there, she has access to Legendary-class magic and magical items (only arms and armor, but he can gain more Levels!), and with the wealth of worlds, there is no doubt she’ll soon be gilt out in CL 20 magical items, one goldweight in value per day, however long it takes.
With Bey Azzar, six Wishes a day, slowly increasing the Stats of her people every day.
She’s going to be looting whole worlds worth of Stuff, such as it is, and often leaving totally empty worlds being reborn in vivus behind.
If you didn’t understand her words to Bey Azzar about the Warlock Pacts, it works out to this:
There is a limited number of Warlocks per world that the major forces, including the Alignments, can sponsor.
Those limits are AGGREGATED under the Shroud. So, if there’s a thousand worlds under the Shroud, then there are potentially 500,000 Heavenbound, for example, that can have operating Pacts under the Shroud.
They are not limited by world, they are limited by the Shroud.
So, once the Shroud comes down, they do have to quickly balance out or leave, but the armies of the Shrouded Crusade can effectively have insane amounts of Warlocks attached to them.
And she is definitely going to abuse that for everything, yes indeedy.
Final Stats!
It’s all on the last sheets of the spreadsheet, but I’ll summarize.
Her starting Stats were 8/16/16/18/12/12 Str/Dex/Con/Int/Wis/Cha.
She Nogged them all to base 18 by sacrificing a bunch of spell slots from secondary classes that she couldn’t use anyway.
Between Classes, Marks, Sustained Stat Raises, some Racial Bonuses and Age bonuses, Masteries, and the like...
Str 33, Dex 44, Con 45, Intelligence 51, Wisdom 39, Charisma 42.
Note that she is using no magic items to actively raise her Stats.
She is a 6 (15) Wizard, Ten (14) Sage/Dark Phoenix Sorceress, and 6 or 6 (10) in her Secondary Classes, which number 20 or so, and 5 in all her Theurgic Classes, with dips in some Advanced Classes that also max at 5 (such as Alchemist Bomber).
Her Total Arcane Pool is 153. This is important because she can Cast a spell from her Pool for ½ its spell level, rounded up, -1, to a minimum of 1, meaning a 4th level or less Valence for 1 pt. Killing something with a Weapon, or critting, gains her 1 pt back to her Pool as well, in the wider world (killing via spell used to apply in the story, giving her effectively infinite mana as long as she used Shards in Weapon Attack Mode).
Her Staff Clavus ended with 12 Slots (Zwolf!) and a 1.355 million gp value to it... She’ll probably enchant it as a Staff of the Magi or something for completionism. Among other things, it is +18 to hit undead.
Her Ring Einz is worth 520k, is a Ring of Telekinesis with a 750 lb limit, and effectively a +9 Ring of Protection, Death Ward, and Astral Ward (Mind Blank). It is also her Item Familiar and spellbook. She also wears a Ring of Wizardry I-V, and Ring of Prime Elemental Command (all 4 Elements).
Both items are indestructible and can’t be destroyed by any force short of a god.
She has a base 784 Skill Ranks, with another +136 in bonuses from Einz’ Skill Rank sharing.
Her Concentration check is +97, and is her highest skill. Meditation is #2 at +95. Perception is 3rd at +74. Stealth is a mere +56, but she does have +9d6 Sneak Attack damage!
Most of her active Skill checks are at least +40.
Her effective base Caster Level is 48 for all spells, with up to another +28 for Shards Spells in particular, and somewhat less than that for other types of spells. Her Spell Penetration beyond this is +9, +13 with Shards, with another +6 vs Outsiders and +7 vs Evil... and that’s without Silver Smiting or Spell Smiting.
She has +4 to the Save DC’s of all her spells from Spell Potency, with possibly an additional +7 or more, above and beyond Smites.
Suffice it to say she can smack a lesser god with spells, who should be immune to mortal magic.