Chapter 49 - The Opportunity to Rebel (2/2)
”You have been cursed.” Time had paused. I knew what happened next. My mother and Crono die. But for now, they stood in the doorway frozen in time.
Thanatos was staring at the It. HIs back towards, he was pondering something.
”I ȧssume you have noticed what happens when you touch something?”
”Yes. What is it?”
”We took a soul from the underworld. It wants something to replace it. A soul for a soul.”
”So, I have to take a life?” There very thought appalled me. As a priestess of Thanatos, I prevented unnatural deaths. I thought I was doing my duty trying to save Solskin and Mordred.
”What?” Shock made my arms go numb.
”Your soul is bound to the underworld now. Anyone you touch will have their soul dragged to Hades.”
”Is there anyway to stop it?” Desperation clawed at my throat.
”Sadly no. I can only prevent souls from escaping, not prevent them from entering.” Thanatos stated bluntly.
Then it hit me. A demon functions like a soul. ”What if I claim a demon?”
Thanatos's eyes opened wide. ”Yes. You could. It would certainly banish them, if not kill them permanently. But, it doubt it would lift the curse. The demon soul would not enter the underworld.”
”But, I can you this to fight them?” I was onto something.
”Again, yes. But you felt that tremendous pain. You might die in the process.”
”But it is only a chance, not guaranteed.” I began to become excited. Finally, we can fight back.