Chapter 49 - The Opportunity to Rebel (1/2)


I sat in this small quiet house, away from the noise of the city. It was kind of serene in a sense. There was a small library in the bedroom. For hours, I browsed the tiny selection and read. There was precious little to do here.

Dracoth remained silent. With my newfound optimism, I thought I had won and Dracoth had left me. But, the realist in me said otherwise. I still had that nagging uneasiness burning in the background of my mind. I still had the unnatural powers that a Dracoth had.

From what Astaroth said, Dracoth would be back. So, I prepared. I drew every single mental protection magic circle and rune I knew. The hideout soon become like my jail cell. Covered with symbols and drawings. But this time, there was purpose behind them.

Night came down during this time. The Hunter slipped while my nose was buried in a book.

”Hello.” His back was turned towards me. He had taken off his cloak, folding it over his arm. He turned around and I got my first good look at him. Beyond his weathered and aged features, I could see the almost unnatural features a half elf. The round features juxtaposed against angular features of an elf.

”Emmyth is my brother. Half-brother.” He continued getting ready for the night, treating those words like leaves on the wind.

”Say what?” I jumped up in confusion.

”I was an illegitimate child of Emmyth's father. Half elves are treated like dirt in the family. Emmyth was the only one who saw me as family, a person.” He paused. ”He left to study under Ash Tarot. He walked right into that demon's clutches. Forced to host C'Dor because it was convenient. I was a hunter for the family, a servant, until I finally got fed up. I made my way here from the Elven Kingdoms to find out Emmyth was already C'Dor.”

”Shouldn't you be against the Three Kings then?”

”I fell for the oldest trick in the book. Work for me and I will help you.” The Hunter chuckled quietly. ”I was so desperate.”

He began pouring a glass of water, before sitting one the couch and resting his eyes. He stopped talking. Even my prodding had little effect. Taking the hint, I left, entering the bedroom. Before the doors closed, the Hunter called out something.

”Don't go back to your friends yet.”

He was as frank as ever. ”I am using you as a bargaining chip to join with them. It would be best if we both work together. Don't worry, I am making my move soon.”

Standing still and considering the options, I decided to go along with it.
