Chapter 9 - General Makai (1) (1/1)

”Fools! How could that be?! I, the Great Asmodeus, saw her with my own eyes and kill her with my own hands! She was dead! I smashed her skull! I ripped her heart! How could she be alive?! You impudent fool! Are you telling me I am such an effete?! How dare you?!!”

Such vociferous pride, King Asmodeus stood and briskly strode towards his servant. However, from his fury laid a strong surge of uneasiness inside his heart. That alone should tell he was truly scared of the former Princess General Makai!

”B-but your majesty! Please here me first!” With all his thick skin, the eunuch just shut his eyes and smudged his face on the floor.

”The knights said it was indeed true. And they said General Makai was immediately taken by King Wenscelas!”

King Asmodeus' face went ugly. He immediately gritted his teeth as his eyes burst crimson fluid. He was actually telling himself not to believe such foolish lies however his anger couldn't hide the fact that he was indeed affected. With those words came from his servant, his lips just shut together until his whole body just froze in an instant.

It was because he knew from himself that he was the traitor in disguise! Two-faced king! Just to ascend on the throne of the country Goetia, he poisoned the former Empress and the former king leaving their daughter, Princess Makai who was still in the journey towards King Wenscelas of the country of Hestias for a Peace Treaty, be the only heir of the throne. With avid glint of greed in the heart of Asmodeus, who was the current Prime Minister that time, he commanded his knights and cruelly ambushed the princess in the Hell Tundra Valley. With no one knew what really happened, all the Goetians trusted Asmodeus to be the next king!


With such turned of events this time, cold sweats immediately broke on his temple. If Princess Makai truly rose from the dead and was taken by King Wenscelas, should he be rushing towards them? In would be his doom if the whole truth would be exposed!

”Prepare a coach! We are going to Hestias!”

Meanwhile, in the vast country of Hestias due west of Ophir, laid a grand palace which was hugged by bountiful trees that exuded freshness! Truly a place for tranquility and solitude!

If you look at it, you would almost think this would just be a deserted forest where high level danger beasts should be found. But on the contrary, just a little pace around the corner, you would found yourself lifting your chin and drawing your jaw down at the houses prodigiously hanging as though it festooned those mellow yet pharaonic trees.

With this terrain, almost all of the people who lived here had winged bloodlines matching with this environment.

”I am very sorry, sir. But I am really confused for now. I truly have to apologize.” A perturbed look of a regal figure from a young lass loquaciously sitting in front of a buoyant man around an age of forty, humbly said. She was no other than Princess Makai and in front of her was King Wenscelas, wearing a yellow robe clipped with beads of pearls around the hems with his noble crown.

”Ah. No need you to worry princess. I also have to say sorry for asking so many questions at the same time. I just couldn't believe my eyes that you came back to life! Last five years, I almost curse your family when you hadn't come on our treaty… until… I found out all of your, including you had been killed. That really ticked my conscience.” King Wenscelas made a rueful sigh as he put the cup of tea on the table.

The two of them were actually sitting on elegant cabana reared at a frightening height of the tree. They looked like sitting into thin air with just pieces of wood supporting them below.

Just seeing the height from they were seated, Princess Makai couldn't help but to frown, clenched her teeth and pinched her ŀȧps. As when the breeze flapped, this hanged hut swayed gently. And an instant, with great tremor in her heart, she immediately widened the gap of her feet as though she was rudely sitting like a guy. She also grabbed her thɨġh as clenched his teeth. Her face crumpled when she knitted her slender eyebrows.