Chapter 8 - Taking a Bath in a Males Body (2) (1/2)

”Siwaliw! Look! Look! It's greenish blue!! It smokes!!” She bounced several times while her gaze was stuck on the wing guy.

”Er… Right, your Highness.” Siwaliw who landed on another branch with ease, quickly averted his gaze from the 'young man' who was jiggling with excitement. He found it really awkward how his Highness looked at him and how 'he' behaved in front of him. It was because the past years, Prince Ziro had always been shy when talking, with the fact that the 'young prince' couldn't even look into Siwaliw's eyes.

But now…

'What the hell happened? He's really… how do I put this... Er… he became outgoing. Well… I… actually like it when he's like this… he's kind of cute.'

Siwaliw who still averting his gaze, rubbed his nose as though he felt as gush of hotness on his cheeks.

Clueless with what the wingman was thinking, Ziro put down all his unused clothes then started undressing. But his fingers suddenly twitched.

'Hohohoho… this makes me shy!'

When she was already halfway removing her purple robe, she suddenly stopped then her face immediately flushed reddish pigment as a realization came. This would be the first time she would ever see a male's sword, a living one!!! And who had ever thought that it would be her sword!!!

Just thinking of it, her face became anxious. No! How would be her future in this world? Is she going to marry a princess? Haha. Of course she couldn't do that. Then would she marry a prince instead? But how would they do it?

Do what?

You know… do that thing… removing clothes… touching partner's body… and intertwining above a heavenly cotton mattress.

Poof! Her nose gushed tons of blood. Just imagining these things made her head explode with white smokes. She immediately clawed her head because of self-embarrassment.

'I can't take off my robe!!! Huhuhu…'

But in a second, her handsome face grew even more anxious.

'How should I clean it? Do I need to stroke it like those in xrated films with sounds – flap flap flap? Waaa!! I can't!!! Huhuhuhu…'

No! That's not cleaning!! Waaa!! Shutttaappp!!!! My pure mind!!!