Chapter 80 - Twins Bid Adieu To Their Better-Half (1/2)

Yue Wan's eyes exhibit a slight smile seeing those two. With tenderness in her voice, she raised her eyebrow, looked at the twin, and asked, ”Had your fun with those uninvited guests?”

Twins beamed, and with an angelic smile like an innocent pup, they ċȯċked their head to the side and said at the same time, ”We don't know anything. Did something happen to your visitors?”

Chen Ai found the two demons so adorable. She pinched their cheeks and stated, ”So, you guys were the ones who pour S**t all over Wei Wan? Not bad, Not bad.” She hugged them with an appreciation.

Tai Sun's eyebrows frowned, on witnessing the hug. He dragged her back to her seat and looked at Yue Wan. ”I have some notes and a review sheet from the syllabus for tomorrow's exam. You can use them as your reference.”

Yue Wan gestured to him with gratitude. ”Thanks, I will have to borrow those from you then. What about my request?” Yue Wan asked, referring to the errand she had asked them to do before the canteen fight.

Chen Ai buŧŧed in and expressed with an energetic voice: ”We did it! And they placed it out perfectly today.”

Soon Uncle Wang came in and informed everyone that the meal was ready. They all ate in harmony while the Twins got scolded now and then by their mother. Usually, they talked back when that happened, but today they kept silent. They wanted to act more dramatic in front of their Wife, and, as they anticipated, Yue Wan smoothed them with more and more hugs and pats.

Tai Sun made a note to himself to put more distance between himself and Miss. Yue. He did not want those two demons to drench him in various S**t. ”Kids are more dangerous than ȧduŀts nowadays.” He murmured.


At the end of the day, Yue Yeager returned home with a troubled expression on his face. After lunch, Chen Ai and Tai Sun bid their good-byes and quickly left, but as for Mr. And Mrs. Shen...well, that took a bit more time. The twins refused to leave their wife, so soon and, as a result, they had to be dragged out of the mansion, kicking and screaming. They even began making countless of promises with the purpose of staying in the Yue family home.

They promised to behave, and obey, everything that Yue Wan asked of them, as they ȧssured everything that they could possibly do with an eye to remain at Yue. However, their father knew them better than that and refused to believe in any of the words that spewed from the mouth of the twins. He figured it was easier to deal with the Little Demons than it was to provoke Yue Yeager's anger right now.

Concerning our twins, when they realized that their promises did not work, they turned to curses in order to linger with their beloved wife-Yue Wan. They even cursed their father to never have any daughters for the rest of his life.

Mrs.Shen's heart ached for her sons at first, but hearing those curses, she too joined in and dragged them out of the house. Smacking their bums, she yelled at them: ”Did you guys feed your brains to a dog? Huh? How dare you curse us with no daughters?”

Shen Ming and Shen Rui had a puffy face and pouting lips as they gazed at their mother, ”Let us speak one last word to our love.”

Mr. and Mrs. Shen turned to look at each other. They agreed that it might be easier to get the Demons to cooperate with them as long as they first gave in to their demands. Nodding their heads to the boys, they allowed them to see Yue Wan one more time. ”Fine, but don't try any tricks,” they warned.

With teary eyes and a snotty nose, the twins' bid adieu to their Better-Half. However, they knew that if they were to get on the good side of their future wife, they also needed to show their maturity and manners to the important people in her life. To that extent, they also said goodbye to their loathsome Father-in-law, who kept them away from his lover.