Chapter 137 - Just another long chapter... Kokabiel Arc. -NSFW- (1/2)
AN: Kinda unedited. But there shouldn't be many mistakes.
Doing some little stretches, Wang Lei yawned as he walked in the direction of the bath.
It has been approximately two months since Wang Lei has opened his café and fought with Raynares' trio.
Nothing noteworthy happened during this whole month, except the fact that he played with Ying'er.
He became fairly close with Asia that she started to get jealous of other girls who were in a relationship with him. She seems to hold feelings for him, but due to her shy nature, she does not seem to be able to tell him about it.
And the fact that she considers Wang Lei something holy that should not be dirtied — quite an annoying thought process. If she kept thinking like that, Wang Lei might end up corrupting her.
So he did what a sane man would do. First enrolled her into Kuoh with the help of Rias, then let Aika Kiryuu do her work. He has to say, he was quite impressed as she almost convinced Asia to have an intimate relationship with him.
Another thing to note that, just like in cannon, she becomes a devil. Of course, she was also his [Pawn]. But after knowing that Rias and Akeno were also my [Pawn], she had no problem in becoming a devil. And since she was his [Pawn], the annoying weakness against the prayer was removed.
Other than that, Albion and Ddraig got into a fight for some reason and destroyed the whole Kuoh Town and killed everyone to which he had to use <Time Law> to get everything back.
Wang Lei teased Sona and Tsubaki, at the same time, learning how to play chess — for the obvious reasons.
Why not use his powers? Well, he thought that it was boring and meaningless to learn something using his living-cheat abilities.
Though it was not hard for him to learn chess and excel at it, he had monstrous comprehension ability after all.
So, it did not take him long to learn and become professional in chess. Now all he needed to do was wait to use his chess abilities for the betterment of humanity, and that he would do.
After walking some time, Wang Lei reached the open bath that was connected to Himejima Household through <Space Magic>.
”Hmm. I wonder if Lavinia or Suzaku is there… hehehe~, I think I should take a step forward now,” mumbling to himself, Wang Lei reached the bath and slid opened the door.
Looking at the loli with long black hair, Wang Lei's brow raised, ”Evil?”
Evil, who was about to take her clothes shuddered, hearing the sudden sound from her behind as she hurriedly looked back.
”Master? Isn't Albion and Ddraig takes bath at this time usually?”
Her dull crimson eyes looking here and there in embarrassment.
After enjoying the view presented in front of him, a smirk took over his face as Wang Lei started to walk in her direction slowly.
”No. There are still trapped in the infinite prison of time. They will be spending some centuries there as their punishment for destroying the whole town and killing its inhabitant, even though I provided them a stage to fight in a different dimension for their fight.”
Evil nodded, hearing him as she faced her back towards him before taking her pȧntɨės showing her little buŧŧ to Wang Lei — it looked plumpy.
Though after losing her first time on Snow Song Realm, she has not done that with him again. And the one at Snow Song Realm was due to her drunk. Evil did not dare to do it during her consciousness. She was new to all of this after all.
After being sealed for millions of years, all of this was new to her. Same with the feelings she felt for her master.
But that did not matter to Wang Lei. After all, they were together for eternity and no one could separate them due to them being connected on a spiritual level.
Only by killing could one break the contract between Wang Lei and his sword spirit.
So, to Wang Lei, she could take as much time as she needed to sort out her feelings. But before that, there is no problem with enjoying their selves.
Leaning down, and hugging her from the behind, Wang Lei gently bit her red ear.
”But for now, why don't my little Evil enjoy a bath with her master?” he whispered seductively.
”Um~!” a slight mȯȧn was released as she felt a tingling sensation in her ear.
”I-I see… if master wants… then Evil has no problem…” her gentle voice, akin to a whisper, resonated in the empty room.
It was soft and gentle, yet alluring at the same time.
”Good. You really make master happy,” smirking, Wang Lei stood up and took his sleeping trousers and shirt off — undressing.
His face showing zero to no shame of being nȧkėd as he walked into the bath while calling Evil, who shyly entered behind him.
There was silence in the bath except for the sound of water droplets falling from time to time. Sitting on a seat was Wang Lei with Evil behind him, washing his back.
”I-I have completely washed your back master,” she said with a deep blush on her face as both were wearing nothing, none were hiding their privates. Though Evil wanted to but was aware that it would be futile as Wang Lei would not let her. She knew that though her master did not show it openly, he was a pervert.
”Then can you wash me from the front too?” with a not-so-pure smile, Wang Lei asked.
Nodding her head shyly, Evil went to his front and started to wash his shoulders as, slowly, she went to his ċhėst before reaching his stomach.
As she reached down at his private, Evil eyes widen as she saw his dragon erect, pointing towards Heaven, ready to pierce it.
(AN: Holy Fuck! The amount of cringe I felt while writing this line is immeasurable!)
”What happened Evil? You have still not completely washed master,” with a smirk still plastered on his face, the young fox asked with ŀust evident in his eyes.
”Y-yes!” her voice rose due to sudden nervousness. It was the first time she was seeing her master's dragon. Since before, during her first time, she was drunk. And she doesn't remember much either.
Reaching with her shaky hands, she took his dɨċk in her hands as she started to stroke it up and down. Her hand bȧrėly capturing his girth completely.
Even though million years old, Evil had the body of a 14–15-year-old girl. Making it hard for her small hands to capture his dɨċk completely.
Seeing the pleased face of her master, Evil remembered the knowledge she got from other girls while they were talking.
So, opening her small mouth, Evil gently kissed the tip of her master's dɨċk, surprising Wang Lei. He looked at her before smiling in the endorsement.
”Where did you learn it Evil?”
”I've heard others talking about it…” remembering when the Myu trio was talking about their 'secret' plan, Evil blush deepen.
”Is that so…” grinning, Wang Lei said, ”Then why don't master teach you some more.”
Using his hand on her head, Wang Lei gently pushed it forward. As if understanding his intentions, Evil opened her mouth and let his dɨċk entered her warm and slippery mouth, making him groan in pŀėȧsurė.
”Use your tongue more.”
Nodding, Evil used her tongue, swirling it around his dɨċk.
Soon, she seems to get hang of it as she did not need his instruction.
Giving a gentle suction, she took half of his dɨċk inside of her while using her tongue. Griping the other half with her other hands, she started to jerk her head up and down.
Using the same moment, she started to give Wang Lei a blowjob. Though amateurish, Wang Lei was content. Who in the world can say that they got blowjob by the deadliest sword spirit?
”Let's go Vanilla! You are too slow!” ”Please wait for some time, Chocola.”
Hearing the sound of two catgirls, Evil's eyes widen while a smirk formed on Wang Lei's face.
Slam opening the door, Chocola ran inside the bath without anything on her with Vanilla following after her.
”Chocola, be careful. The floor is slippery,” Vanilla warned Chocola, who ignored her and jumped directly into the hot water, splashing it everywhere.
”Master!” looking at Wang Lei, who had his tails out and making a rib cage around him, Chocola exclaimed.
”Chocola. You should not enter the tub before washing yourself first,” smiling Wang Lei said while patting Evil's head.
”Sorry, masta,” Saying, Chocola went out of the bath before going to wash herself.
”M-master… I think we shouldn't do—Umng~!” Evil mȯȧnėd lightly as she felt his dɨċk entering her, her breathing intensifying.
”What? Did you say something Evil?” his hand tracing down to her erect ċŀɨt and pinching it, around another mȯȧn from her.
”Ha… Ha… Ha…” with breathing heavily, Evil tried her best to not mȯȧn as to not embrace herself in front of the two little catgirls.
”Let's enjoy ourselves, shall we. It makes it more ėrȯtɨċ; don't you think so too?” with his left hand playing with her ċŀɨtȯrɨs and right with her modest ċhėst, Wang Lei tailed gentle kisses on her neck and whispered.
”Ha~… but…” ”No buts… don't worry. If you don't mȯȧn loud, they will not find out about it,” he said as he moved his hɨps gently, making Evil mȯȧn but she gritted her teeth with her hands on her mouth.
”Yes… just like that. What will they think if they found out that their elder sister Evil is doing something ėrȯtɨċ in the bathroom, in their presence? Not only will they think that Evil is a pervert, but they might also even tell others about it,” with a little moment, Wang Lei moved in and out of her tight vȧġɨnȧ as her soft slippery walls tightly clamped to his dɨċk.
”Wah~! Masta's tails are so soft!” Chocola, touching his tails, said.
”Let Vanilla play too Chocola.” Vanilla pouted, seeing Chocola playing with his tails.
”Hm? Are you alright elder sister Evil? Your face is so flushed,” Chocola asked worriedly, making Vanilla look towards her too.
”N-no… E-Evil is alrigh—mmng~!” Evil said between her soft mȯȧns, but it seems that Chocola and Vanilla did not find anything weird and they nodded before entering the tub and started to swim in it.
”Mah~. You almost mȯȧn out aloud there, Evil,” while gently ċȧrėssing her stomach, where he could feel his dɨċk, Wang Lei smirked.
With little tears in her eyes, Evil pouted, ”Master is meani.”
Of course, it aroused Wang Lei's sadistic side even more as he started to move his hɨps a little faster.
Due to Chocola and Vanilla playing in the water, and some of his tail moving beside him, the moment of water did not look suspicious.
But of course, if some other women were here, then she would have definitely found out that something was wrong.
”Umng~! Umng~! Umng~! Umng~!” with her hands blocking her mouth, Evil mȯȧnėd as Wang Lei, while thrusting, played with her ċŀɨt and nɨppŀės.
”Look at master Evil~,” Wang Lei sultrily said.
With glazed eyes and flushed face, Evil looked towards Wang Lei. Leaning down, Wang Lei blocked her mouth as he initiated a deep kiss.
”Mmng~! Mmng~! Mmng~!” now her mȯȧnėd muffled, due to her mouth being blocked by his.
Tightly gripping Wang Lei's hand — their lips parted — Evils eyes slightly opened as their tongues still colliding and coiling around each other.
If one saw them, then they could see their battle of the tongue.
Evil seems to forget her surroundings as she started to mȯȧn a little louder, but Wang Lei already erected a barrier around them to stop it from reaching Chocola and Vanilla.
”Ha~… mmng~!... ha~…. mmng~!... mo…re… mash…ta… Evil feels… good… uummnngg~!!” her mȯȧns rising as she reached her first ȯrġȧsm.
Leaning down, Wang Lei again sealed her soft lips before starting another round. While making a clone of himself, Wang Lei teleported into his room.
Both of them dropped on the bed, wetting it in the process with the water on their bodies.
Straightening up, Wang Lei started to pound inside her as his thrusting speed increasing.
”Mmng~!... more~!... E-evil feels… mmmmnnng~!” another loud mȯȧn as she released for the second time.
Licking his lips, Wang Lei turned her with his dɨċk still inside and felt an incredible sensation as her walls spinning around it.
Holding both of her hands in his right hand, Wang Lei gives a light spank on her ȧss cheek, creating a wave as her mȯȧns increasingly become louder.
The sounds of their flash hitting filled the room with Evils' mȯȧn mixed with it.
After another sensational session, Wang Lei felt Evil's wall tightening around his dɨċk even more as she reached her third ȯrġȧsm. This time, Wang Lei also released his load inside her making her ȯrġȧsm even more sensational as she felt hot stuff inside her.
Giving her some time to relax, Wang Lei lay down on the bed as Evil, as if understanding, instantly sat on him as her pussƴ grinds his dɨċk, making it wet with her juices.
With a smirk on his face, Wang Lei, looking at the flushed face of Evil, said, ”We have all the time out there Evil. I've erected a time dilation barrier. We can have as much fun as we want.”
Leaving Wang Lei, Evil had monstrous stamina. She was reaching her full strength after all. So he knew that it would take a lot of time before both of them would be completely satisfied.
A grin formed on Evil's face, not so shy anymore, ”If it makes master feel good, then Evil will stay here for as long master wishes,” finishing, she slammed herself down, taking his dɨċk inside of her in one go.
”AHHH~~!!” she mȯȧnėd as Wang Lei's dɨċk hit her wȯmb.
Wang Lei ġrȯȧnėd in pŀėȧsurė as Evil's wall was tighter than before.
'This is going to be a long~ session. Not that I mind,' a thought passed in his head before he divulged himself in carnal dėsɨrė, pleasing his partner and enjoying their time together.
After spending some hot time with his little sword spirit, Wang Lei was now on his way towards the school. Myu, Nuwa, and Su Ling'er had already left before him. They seem to enjoy their school life.
Although it made him happy that they were, but they seem to become best-friend with Aika Kiryuu, that filled their minds with all form of pervert thoughts and ideas about seducing him — Wang Lei appreciated it.
Waving at the girls, who would scream towards him, Wang Lei made his way towards the school gate.
Just like usual, he met with the Kaichou of Kuoh Academy. She was standing at the gate with Tsubaki, checking and making sure that no student was breaking any rules.
Seeing Wang Lei approaching, Sona and Tsubaki respectfully bowed. Of course, they will. They knew that the man in front of them was even stronger than Maous.
Sona and Tsubaki have not seen his true strength, neither they have seen him showing strength equal to that of Maou. But hearing Rias, and seeing his unusual way of fighting, it did not hurt to be extra cautious.
”Good morning Sensei,” bowing slightly, Sona and Tsubaki greeted him.
Wang Lei smiled and nodded, ”As always, you girls are quite diligent with your duties.”
With her finger, Sona adjusted her glasses, ”Of course, we are. As a student council, it is our duty to make sure that no one breaks school rules.”
Tsubaki agreed with her by giving a nod.
”Just don't overdo yourself. I would be quite sad if I were not to see our cute President and Vice-President in the morning. Since seeing your cute face early in the morning has become my norm.,” leaning down, near her face, Wang Lei said.
Seeing his face so close, Sona had mild blush before she steps back and coughed.
”I appreciate your care for us. I'll keep that in mind.”
With an amused smirk, Wang Lei started to walk towards the staff room before he stopped and looked back at Sona, ”Sona-chan, you have heard from the Rias that she is my [Pawn], right?”
Sonas' brow raised before she nodded, ”I have. Why?”
”I was thinking,” looking at her from over his shoulder, Wang Lei stated, ”Do mind having a chess match with me?”
Both Sonas' and Tsubakis' eyes widen before they calmed down.
Sona has excitement flashed through her eyes when she heard about playing chess. It was her favorite game that she never loses.
But since she is going to play with someone at Wang Lei's level, she was not going to be complacent about it. Though she knew, the benefit of winning can be a lot.
So, without further ado, she had an excited grin on her face as she adjusted her glasses, ”I don't mind a game Sensei. But why don't we make a bet on it?”
Wang Lei's eyes shone with unhidden excitement when he heard the term bet.
”Bet? What will we bet?” asked Wang Lei, with an amused expression evident on his face as he faced her.
”Nothing much. If I win, then Sensei will compile one of my wishes. And if Sensei win, I'll do the same.”
Sona, despite knowing, was taking a 50-50 chance here. Wang Lei was a fat sheep in her eyes after all. Or maybe a wolf in sheep clothing? But that did not matter.
In this timeline, there was no such thing as Rias marriage. In the cannon, Sona also wanted Issei to be part of her peerage, but due to Rias urgency, her being her friend and rival, and the fact that she lost a bet, Sona would not have given Issei to her.
She had a dream. And Sona knew that the amounts of taunt and ridicule she would get from the Higher-Devils.
So, she needed power. A power to back up her dream. And who else was a better choice than Wang Lei? A person who even Maous were afraid to offend!
Since she knew that she cannot take him normally, she thought of taking this bet. A 50-50 indeed. If she won, then she can have a powerful backer backing her dream.
And if she lost… well… what worse can he ask of her? And there was another thing, if she lost, then that would make her Wang Lei's official fiancé.
But whether Wang Lei agree with it or not was another thing. Then again, if he agreed, then she would again have the backer.
So it was 90-10 maybe.
With such a big odd, she took the chance.
Hearing her bet, Wang Lei smirked.
”I'll come to the Student Council room after my lecture. I just hope that you are ready Sona-chan~. For lose, that is~,” saying so, Wang Lei walked away, leaving the excited Sona and slightly worried Tsubaki.
”Are you sure Kaichou? You might lose,” even though she knew that Sona was monstrous when it comes to chess, it still worried her, seeing the confident look in Wang Lei's eyes.
”It doesn't matter Tsubaki,” with a slight glint in her eyes, Sona continued, ”Whether I win or lose, I will definitely have benefit in this match.”
Tsubaki did not say anything anymore. She had complete trust in her [King], after all.
Classes were the same as always. Wang Lei went and thought them every topic with perfect precision and detail that they may not forget for a lifetime.
But there was another thing. Wang Lei took quite a liking to Aika Kiryuu. In his eyes, she was quite an amusing girl.
Aika had a positive expression in Wang Lei's mind. Why? Maybe because he never met a pervert girl like her.
Wang Lei did not mind her being a pervert; he, himself, was one after all.
Since he took a liking to her, he did not mind boarding her horizon and letting her see something beyond she could ever imagine in her life.
In cannon, she found out about magic and started to learn it. So he didn't mind letting her learn again in this timeline but way earlier.
With the sound of the bell resounding in the school, Wang Lei put the chalk down as he clapped his hand towards the class, ”This question marks the end of our class. Don't forget to give it a little review at home. Also to check out my café~”
”Yes, ~.”
They said in unison as they started to exist the class, not before giving Wang Lei one last look.
After everyone left, Wang Lei outside of the door where a member of the student council stood.
She was a young beautiful girl with white hair and blue-green eyes — Momo Hanakai.
Bowing gently, Momo said, ”Please follow me to Student Council room Sensei. Kaichou is waiting for you.”
Wang Lei nodded and followed after her as she led him towards the student council room.
A moment later, both reached the SCR.
”Come in,” a voice answered behind the door at the knock of Momo.
Opening the door, she made a way for Wang Lei to enter, who nodded and nonchalantly entered inside.
”I have been waiting for you Sensei,” sitting on her student council seat, behind the table, Sona said.
There was chess bored with pieces already placed on it at the table, waiting for both players.
Looking around, Wang Lei enjoyed the new faces and every member of the Student council.
'The author and illustrator really went all way to make them appealing. They all are really beautiful,' nodding, quite pleased, Wang Lei took a seat in front of the table, opposite of Sona.
”Thanks, Tsubaki-chan,” Wang Lei took a sip of the tea that Tsubaki placed in front of him, ”It's good.”
Tsubaki smiled before placing a tea for Sona and standing beside her.
”Then shall we start Sensei?” Sona asked seriously. Excited about the prospect of winning the chess, but not overly confident.
Wang Lei's smile widens, ”Of course. But you should be ready to lose, ok~”
He was excited. Wang Lei knew how good Sona was with chess. It was one of the moments where he could feel his blood boil with excitement. Even though it was not combating, but was a form of it.
”One shouldn't be too confident Sensei. I just hope that you will complete your part of the bet if you were to lose.”
”Do you think I will go back on my words?” Wang Lei asked, somewhat displeased.
”O-of course not! That was my mistake, I apologize,” Sona hurriedly denied. She was cursing herself inside her mind for saying something stupid.
But she could not help it. Since she did not know about Wang Lei's character, how could she trust him easily?
Wang Lei waved his hand as he lazily rested his back on the chair, ”Let's start.”
Sona nodded. Suddenly, the aura around her changed as she started to make her move.
Though Wang Lei looked nonchalant, he was taking the game fairly seriously; evident by fact that his eyes were completely focused on the chessboard.
”What do you think about this school Sensei?” as she made her move, Sona asked with her eyes still on the board.
”Hm? Nothing much. Since every school is the same,” not understanding her question, Wang Lei made his move.
”Same?” Sona questioned.
”Have you ever thought why there is a school uniform and everyone has to wear it?” moving his horse, Wang Lei questioned.
”To remove the social difference between students, something that I am aiming for in Devils,” moving her knight, Sona answered.
Wang Lei gave a nod, ”Indeed. To remove the social difference between the students, the uniform was introduced. So that everyone treats each other on their characters and not their social status,” moving his queen, Wang Lei continued, ”Now let me ask you a question, is that really true?”
Sona paused for a second before shaking her head, ”No. Even with the same clothing, it is close to impossible. But it is close to, and not completely,” her voice sounded determined.
A thin smile formed on Wang Lei's face, ”You are wrong Sona-chan. Without absolute power, everything will be close to and not completely. Your dream is to achieve a school with no social discrimination between the pure high-class devil and reincarnated low-class devil. But…,” looking at Sona's face, Wang Lei said, ”There is no such thing as equality. No matter how perfect a dream looks like, in the end, it's a dream and not reality.”
Moving his pawn, Wang Lei sighed, ”Everyone is born unequal and it's a universal truth. It is impossible to make everyone think that they are equal to each other. Aristotle once said: There is nothing so unequal as the equal treatment of unequals. People should be treated equitably and ethically, given their individual needs and circumstances, and the differences between people should be recognized and valued, not diminished.”
Looking at the scrunched face of the student council, Wang stated, ”If we started to treat a low-class devil like a high-class devil, then all their will to improve will vanish. When they can achieve the same without being the high-class, then why waste their efforts to improve? Your idea of a school for high-class and low-class is not wrong, but if you think that you can remove the disdain and social difference between high-class devils and low-class devils, then you as might as well stop Sona. That disdain is what motivates people to achieve greatness, a sort of push.”
”Like birds when they leave their children alone, without any food so they can start walking, learning to fly and get their own food. If the mother bird kept feeding the child, then they will leave all motivation of doing it themselves. So peruse your dream, but don't try to remove something that shouldn't be.”
(AN: I have no idea what I am writing anymore…)
”Checkmate,” standing up, Wang Lei started to walk in the direction of the door, ”I'll be waiting for you to complete your part of the bet.”
There was complete silence in the student council room. Sona kept on staring at the chessboard where her King was corned by Wang Lei's queen and bishop.
”Was I perusing a wrong dream all along?” a small voice, akin to a whisper, left her mouth.
”Kaichou…” Tsubaki and others worriedly looked at Sona, who was in deep thought.
Leaving the student council room, Wang Lei felt the presence of a holy aura coming from the ORC room.
'Hmm. Did Excalibur arc start?' wondering, Wang Lei started to walk in the direction of OCR.
As he reached close to it, he heard a loud sound of a tree falling.
”Dammit!” Kiba shouted as he launched in the direction of a young girl. She had chin-length blue hair with a dyed green fringe on the right side and brown eyes.
The girl calmly looked at Kiba, swinging her heavy sword in his direction that Kiba parried.
Kiba again tried to hit the girl but she easily parried his strike to the side, making Kiba grit his teeth. He was annoyed. No matter what he did, he was not able to hit the girl, making him frustrated by each passing second.
”Your 'Sword Birth' is a strong sacred gear, but…” Xenovia said as she raised her sword above her head and swing it down towards Kiba, who tried to block it but his swords were destroyed with the touch of her sword. A large gully was created on the ground, ”My sword is mass of destruction. There's nothing it can destroy.”
”This is my Excalibur. It can destroy anything that comes its way. Its' not called 'Excalibur' for nothing.”
Excalibur Destruction. That was the name of the sword Xenovia was using. A sword was created for mass destruction.
”…Such a destructive power when it isn't a real Excalibur. So destroying all 7 swords will be a difficult path.”
Hearing it, Wang Lei shook his head in disappointment.
”He is going to lose.”
Rias, Akeno, Asia jerked, hearing his voice from behind. It seems that they were not able to feel his presence before he spoke.
”… master,” Koneko silently went and stood beside him.
”H-His Holiness!” Asia, with a blush on her face, bowed.
Gently patting her Konekos' head, Wang Lei nodded towards her before again looking back at the fight.
”What do you mean Kiba will lose, master?” Rias asked.
”Because he is a swordsman without a heart of one,” a simple answer was enough for Rias and Akeno to understand.
Kiba gritted his teeth.
”If that's the case then I'll show you what a true sword looks like!”
Opening his palm, a single Katana formed on his hand. It was an ordinary Katana. Xenovia could not find anything other than that in it. No elemental.
”Do you think that a normal sword can counter my Excalibur Destruction?” with a frown on her face, Xenovia said, ”Are you underestimating me?”
Kiba ignored her and took Iai's stance. Taking a deep breath, he concentrated his mind.
”Stupid. He wants to use <Finality> with meddled heart. Utterly stupid,” Wang Lei said, shaking his head.
”<Finality>?” Rias and other had a question mark on their face.
”It is one of the sword techniques that I created. Its every move represents a single word,” he explained.
Just then, Kiba opened his eyes and released his slash towards Xenovia, who had a serious expression on her face. She could feel a threat coming from him.
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Kiba's voice resounds as he released his slash.
One second… two-second… three-second… nothing happened. Everyone was confused.
”Was that all?” Xenoiva asked doubtfully.
Blood burst out of Kibas' eyes and seven orifices before he fell down on the ground, unconscious.
”””””KIBA(KIBA-SENPAI)!””””” everyone shouted as they rushed in his direction.
”Kiba! Are you alright!?” Issei shouted as he captured Kiba from the ground. He was fighting with Irina, the other exorcist girl with Xenovia, but left the match when he saw Kbia falling on the ground bloodied.
”He is alright. Just some rest and healing, he would be back to full health,” Wang Lei ȧssured as Asia started to use her Twilight Healing to heal him.
”What happened to him master?” Rias asked as she looked at Kiba with worried eyes.
”What else? He tried to use <Finality>. <Finality> represents a single word, just as I've told before. So to use it, the swordsman should also represent a single word. His heart, mind, body, sword, everything should represent a single word. But Kiba's mind was filled with thoughts of revenge, his heart was filled with hatred towards Excalibur, his sword was dull, it was obvious that he is going to get backlash,” he explained.
<Finality> was a powerful sword-style that Wang Lei had created on his impression of <Finality Scripture>. Though it was strong, if not used properly, it would give its user a great backlash. Something Kiba was facing currently.
”A human? Why is a human dealing with Devils? Don't you know that Devils are dangerous?” Xenovia thrust her sword into the ground and asked Wang Lei, who was just a human in her eyes.
”Huh? Are you serious?” Wang Lei asked, thinking that he may have heard wrong. How can someone ask such a stupid question was out of his comprehension.
”Of course, I am. As a human, you should believe in God and not the Devils. That would just make you a heretic.”
”Are you serious little girl? Sorry to disappoint you, but I am not a believer. In my eyes, Gods and Devils are the same. Just something for me to trample on,”
”Presumptuous! You are quite arrogant to say that, as a human — the creation of Lord — you would trample on him!? I can't let a heretic like you leave after you have insulted our God! I demand a duel with you!”
”Em… Xenovia… we should stop…” Irina tried to stop her friend. She was also angry at Wang Lei for insulting their God, but they have a mission to take care of. And more, they were in the territory of Devils. She was not afraid of them, but this would only create more problems for them.
Wang Lei raised his brow, ”Fight me? You are not-worthy little girl. Go and send your so-called God, I am quite free today, might as well slay a God.”
”You!” this time even Irina could not control herself.
Xenoiva has spent her whole life in the church. From her birth to now. Her belief in God was absolute. To her, God was everything. How can she bear if someone blatantly insulting their God in front of them?”
”Enough!” Xenovia shouted before she launched towards him. She rose her Excalibur Destruction in the air before vertically slashing at him.
”His Holiness!” Asia shouted sacredly.
Looking at the coming sword, Wang Lei was currently wondering about how to stop it. He had a plethora of methods to do so, and he was finding the coolest one currently.
'Leave it. There are just so many. Might as well go with Aizen's,'
As the sword reached close to him, he raised his right hands' index finger and placed it in the direction of the coming sword stick.
A sound of metal hitting resounds. Xenovia's, Irina's, and Issei's eyes become rounded as they saw that his finger stopped the sword.
Yawing, Wang Lei flicked his finger as another metal sound resounded.
Something cracked.
K-tch K-tch
More sound was heard as Xenovia and Irina looked with horror as Excalibur Destruction had cracks forming on it. Before long, it reached its hilt as the sword shattered into tiny particles.
”H-how… I-impossible…” Xenovia took several steps back as her voice filled with disbelief, ”Excalibur… Destruction… was destroyed?”
Wang Lei ignored her. Looking towards Rias, he demanded, ”So what happened here?”
His question brought Rias's attention back to him from Kiba, ”Well…” her word trails. After some talk, she explained what happened.
Just as Wang Lei thought, Excaliburs were stolen from the church. But church found the involvement of Fallen Angel Kokobiel, one of the leaders of Grigori, in it.
Irina and Xenovia were given the mission to retrieve the Excaliburs at all costs. But since this was the territory of Rias and Sona, the duo came here to inform them about their activity. So, they would not disturb them.
After some talkback and forth, Xenovia insulted Asia. Issei got angry. The fight happened and here they currently are.
Hearing it all, Wang Lei nodded. He was not surprised or anything as he already had knowledge from the novel. But he still listened to see if something changed, doesn't seem so.
”Since you are done here, you should take Kiba inside. He needs some rest.”
Rias and Akeno nodded before talking Kiba with him, inside the ORC room.
”Now… what should I do with you two,” with his hand on his chin, Wang Lei lightly spoke.
Xenovia, who was still in the shock of seeing Excalibur being destroyed, flinched. Her heart beating faster due to nervousness.
'Church never said that there was someone like him here!' she cursed inside her head.
”W-we will leave now. It was our mistake that fight broke out,” Irina said, ”I know Xenovia shouldn't have taunted Asia Argento, but since you've broken her Excalibur — which could have or would definitely cause you trouble with the Church — I think we are even.”
Irina knew that the man in front of her was definitely not some ordinary human. His body did not release any impressive aura like those of powerhouses or battle-hardened veterans. And yet, she felt like she was standing in front of a behemoth that would devour them at any given moment. She instinctively felt fear. She wanted to leave as soon as possible. Though they have lost an Excalibur, they can't do anything about it. They will just inform the church and let them deal with it.
Wang Lei gently smiled hearing her. Problem with the church? When did he give a flying fuċk about other factions? The more problem he caused, the happier he was. After all, if he causes trouble, more people will come after him, it was always fun to break their will and drown them in despair.
”I know. Me destroying your sword indeed made it even for you insulting Asia—” ”Then—” ”But… that does not change the fact that you raised your sword against me. And I'm really a forgiving kind you know.”
Xenovia's and Irina's bodies tighten, hearing him. Both ready themselves for the fight.
”So you will have to receive a punishment for attacking me, an ordinary weak human.”
Xenovia's and Irina's faces twitched.
'What ordinary human?! No ordinary human can destroy an Excalibur, even though it was the fragment!'
”W-what punishment? As long as it is feasible, we will accept it,” Irina said, quite nervous.
”Well…” Wang Lei tailed his words with a smirk on his face, ”Have you ever thought how it feels like to be a cat?”
”So is this what 'He' sent us, huh… is this what he meant when he said that he can make his as strong as a Maou? This is really a pretty good modification.”
When they first send his body to Hades, who said that he has the perfect thing to modify it, they never thought that he really would change his completely. That's why Valper Galilei was surprised.
'To think that there was a method to increase one's power, though by modifying, but still, to an extent of a Satan. Fascinating! Truly, marvelous!'
”Even though he is just a skeleton that spends his whole life in his hell hole, he still has some pretty good stuff. To think he would take a piece of World Eater, even during the chaos of Great War.”
Kokabiel nodded, satisfied with the thing before him.
It had a build of a middle-aged, gruffly-looking man with black hair. Its body was masculine, quite so, that it looked unnatural to look at. It was buffed. Something impossible for a normal being to achieve. It was standing about two and a half meters tall with spikes coming from its back. Sharp, extremely sharp at that.
Even Kokabiel felt trepidation, seeing those spikes. His instinct told him that he would die if they were to hit him. Or, at least, mortally wounded.
Its hand was like that of claws of Dragons. Spiky and sharp. Pointing slightly inward. There was a black, grain size, gem at the center of his brow, gleaming ominously. Its eyes were completely black, abyssal black as if to devour everything in it.
It stood in front of them, completely silent and still. Without any sign of life in it.
”Heh! And with this, our plan is almost ready to execute. Ready the Excalibur fragments and merge them with them. I want it to become an unstoppable killing machine. After killing the sisters of Maou, we will use it to kill the Maou,” Kokabiel crazily smirked, ”I will show the world that Fallen Angels are a superior race to all!”
”T-this! What did you do to us-nya?!” Irina hurriedly blocked her mouth, eyes widen. Surprise by the fact of what she just said.
Originally, Irina was a young beautiful woman with violet eyes. She had long ċhėstnut hair that was tired into twintails, each held with a blue scrunchy.