Chapter 136 - XXX of Angel (1/2)

”Junior sister, you should come with us. I think you will be safe with us.”

Listening to Myu, Asia could only nod dumbfound, her mind still trying to process just what transpired in front of her eyes.

Just now, she was trying to stop Freed from killing them, and the other second, he was the one dead on the floor as his blood painted the floor — her mind stopped processing for some time, so she only nodded what Myu said, not understanding of much of it.

Seeing her nodded, Myu smiled gently, ”Don't worry, Junior Sister. You will be safe with us. No one is stronger than daddy after all.”

”… I-I see…” though still surprise, Asia nodded nervously.

Asia was pure. Too pure, in fact. She was new to the outside world — the world of schemes.

To Asia, every soul was forgivable, no matter how grave the sin was — The Lord is merciful. He will forgive you if you ask for mercy.

That's why, even though Freed wanted to kill them, Asia still felt that killing him was wrong. But, at the same time, she was aware that if Myu did not kill him, then he might ra*e them and then kill them.

So was what Myu did was right? Or was it wrong?

Asia did not know. All she could do was nod and follow after her. As she was aware; aware that Freed was working for Fallen Angels. Going back to church, or abandoned church for what she heard from others, was the same as getting herself into further danger.

Her sacred gear was Twilight Healing, after all. It provided her with close to zero offensive power.

”Sister Myu... what should we do with this body? Should we burn it?” asked Nuwa, looking at the tortured bodies of humans. Then her gaze landed on Freed as the look of disgust flashes on her face, ”… and this person.”

Myu did not say anything as Su Ling'er snapped her fingers as the bodies turned to dust; even the bloodstains vanished as if they never existed, to begin with.

”Leaving them here would only cause problems… daddy said that to not let the ordinary human know about the supernatural side… it will disturb everything,” Myu nodded at Su Ling'er and her choice of erasing everything.

Placing her hand on Asia's shoulder, Myu smiled, ”Let's go,” with that, Myu, Nuwa, and Su Ling'er vanished from the house — silence taking over it.


Standing some distance away from the house where Freed and other girls were a second ago, a silver-haired man stood in the air.

”… the crows are planning something? Well, it doesn't really matter since we can kill anyone who stands in our path,” the silver-haired man said as he raised his hand, and a revolver-type gun appeared in his hands.

Hajime pointed the gun at the house down before pulling the trigger.

Silence. No sound of what a normal revolver creates happened — just silence.

Down, where the house stood, slowly started to turn into tiny blue particles as it flew in the air, scattering.

”With this, no one knows that they ever existed,” mumbled Hajime as the revolver vanished in thin air.

Existence Erasure! That was the name of the revolver Hajime used. As the name suggests, it erases the existence of the one being hit by the gun.

Nothingness! That's right. Hitting by this gun, everything will turn into nothingness. Nothing of them, or anything related to them, will remain in this world.

Things, memories, or anything else related to them — will be turned into nothingness!

In essence, this power was the same as 'Power of Existence'. And, in fact, as an Otaku. Hajime created this power by seeing that anime. It was one of his first anime, after all. How could he not bring its power to reality?

”With this, my work is done here. I should go as Kaori and Dalinda are about to come… I really missed them,” with that, Hajime vanished.

(AN: Dalinda is a dragon-man from Arifureta world. Also, the first woman to be with Hajime. She is also OC and the sister of Tio. Why did I explain it? Since I forgot about her… I can feel the same from you guys…)


”Hehehe~!” looking at the giggling Brahma Goddess, Wang Lei had an amusing smirk on his face as he was rubbing her under her chin. She seems to enjoy it a lot.

At the start, she was like an angry cat who would bite him at the given notice. But the more he played with her, the more she mellowed down. At this point, he would not be surprised as she started to act like a normal cat.

Snapping out of it, Ying'er hurriedly created some distance between her and Wang Lei, ”Grrr! You! This goddess will never forgive you for doing something like this—nya!” before she could complete her monologue, Wang Lei throws a ball in front of her as she jumped towards it.


Hong'er and Evil clapped as You'er silently sat on Wang Lei's ŀȧp, enjoying his hand on her head. Her eyes were closed with a thin curl on her cheerily rose lips.

”!” realizing what she did, tears started to gather in Ying'er's eyes as she gritted her teeth tightly.

'Damn you bastard! I'll definitely kill you!'

Taking the ball with her, Ying'er ran back to her room. She really could do nothing against her cat instinct that rose from her bloodline — credited to Wang Lei, who took the blood of his two catgirls and created a bloodline out of it; just so he can have fun playing with Ying'er. Since, except her, no one was given this bloodline.

And Ying'er could clearly see that. But, for some reason, though she looks resentful from outside. She felt… relax. Something that she never felt in ATGverse.

She did not have to peruse strength all the time. She did not have to worry about her enemies. She did not have to worry about any potential backstabbing. She did not have to worry about the prosperity of her realm.

The more time Ying'er spent with Wang Lei, the more she felt… free and liberated; liberated from all of her burdens and responsibilities that she has been carrying as Lady Goddess of Brahma God Realm.

Placing her hand on her ċhėst, a thin smiled form on Ying'er face.

She did not dislike it, this feeling.

'But I still hate that man, after all! I will definitely have my revenge!' she thought before reaching her door and closing it or slamming it.

With a gentle smile on his face, Wang Lei shook his head before going back to You'er and petting her head.

You'er nested more into Wang Lei's ċhėst, rubbing her face with his ċhėst and purring in happiness. She really likes Wang Lei's touch, even more after the night in Snow Song Realm.

”””Daddy~! (Big Brother!)”””

Remia and Dongxue were down in the café with Vanilla and Chocola helping them, same with AnBai. While his two Heavenly Dragons were sitting not far from him, watching TV. One was eating sweets like no tomorrow while the other lollipops.

Nodding towards them, Wang Lei's eyes fell upon the new entry with them — Asia. She was curiously looking at her surroundings when her eyes fell upon Wang Lei.

Asia's eyes opened to the extreme as she looked towards Wang Lei.

Bright! He was too bright! The holy light coming from him was so much that Asia felt that she would get blind if she kept looking at it too much.

After cultivating <Solar Immortal Physique> with his light, it was something to be excepted. As it was said before, if Wang Lei wanted, he could easily make one the believer of his light, making them worship him as their God!

”H-His Holiness!” Asia hurriedly bowed, making everyone stun as to why she called Wang Lei that.

”His Holiness? I think you have mistaken me with someone, Little Girl… I am Dio!” after a couple of seconds, Wang Lei coughed, ”I mean, I am Wang Lei.”

Asia shook her head, ”Ah! Your Holiness's pureness can't be hidden! I can see it. You must be very close to God.”

Seeing a fanatical type of look from her eyes as she prayed to God, Wang Lei was weirded out. But then he realized that some characters in DxD could see whether the person was pure or not, depending on the 'light' they released.

Seeing the light around him dimming to the point of almost vanishing, Asia was disappointed. But she could still feel the pureness of his heart, so she was not disappointed much.

”I-my name is Asia Argento! It is my pŀėȧsurė to meet His Holiness!” bowing herself into ninety degrees, Asia shouted flustered.

Myu, Nuwa, Su Ling'er, and Wang Lei were looking with an amused expression on their faces.

A moment later, Wang Lei smiled before introducing himself, ”I see. It is nice meeting you Asia. Care to tell me what are you doing here?”

”Umm… I…” seeing her face that screamed that she was about to cry, Wang Lei looked back at the trio girls.

Su Ling'er nodded and explained to him what happened when they were coming back from the outgoing with Kiryuu.

Asia remained silent throughout the whole explanation.

”I-I am sorry for disturbing His Holiness!”

”I don't mind though…” looking at her for some time, Wang Lei smiled, ”Do have any place to stay Asia?”

”Eh? No, I don't… I… I was exiled from the church and was ȧssigned here… but…” looking down with a teary expression, Asia explained.

Talking about her past pained her.

Asia was known as Holy Maiden in Catholic Church. A miracle of God. Her Sacred Gear, Twilight Healing, gave her powers to save others.

But, due to her saving many peoples, their beliefs started to diverge.

Asia is Holy Maiden. Child of God. A miracle sent to them by God. Pray to her, and God will listen to you.

But God was dead. In the great war, God died… leaving only the system called Heaven's System. But without the controller, the God, Heavens' System was unstable.

Since peoples' beliefs diverged and leaned more towards Asia, Michael, the current overseer of Heaven thought of sending her away or at least make her stop using her Sacred Gear.

But then it happened — Asia was innocent. Since her childhood, she never had friends since everyone thought of her as a monster who could heal.

She was lonely.

One day, she met a Devil — a mortally wounded Devil.

To Asia, there was no good or bad. To her, everything was forgivable. So, seeing the injured Devil, the enemy of her God… Asia healed him.

What was the result? Of course, she was labeled as a 'witch' who saved a Devil and was outcasted from Catholic Church.

Asia was sad and hurt. Did God abandon her? Was it because she saved a Devil, making God angry at her, so she was discarded?

It pained her. Did she cry? Of course, she did. But who would listen to the cries of a witch?

”Why don't you stay here with us then? We have lots of free space after all.”

Tears started to gather around her eyes. Asia thought of Wang Lei as God's messenger. He was pure. She could see it.

So if he offered her his place, then did God forgive her?

”Sniff*… thank you…” trying her best to not cry out loud, Asia thanked him. She was glad.

”Why are you crying?” Wang Lei asked, confused.

'Was having a place to stay made her that emotional?'

”No… I am glad that His Holiness… allowed a 'witch' like me to stay at his place…” shaking her head, cleaning the coming tears from her eyes, Asia smiled innocently.

”Witch, huh…” gently placing You'er at the side, Wang Lei walked to her and pets her head, ”Who said you are a 'witch'? All I see an innocent girl, trying her best to help others.”

”But—” ”Did you not call me His Holiness? Doesn't that mean that I can tell who is evil and who is not? And I can see that Asia is a pure soul. You don't have to listen to what others say, since they are just jealous; jealous that God blessed you and not them,” ruffling her hair, Wang Lei smiled.

More tears started to gather in Asias' eyes. She never felt this… she could not describe it. It was a complicated feeling. But she knew… she was happy. Happy that someone, someone did not treat her as a 'witch'.

His Holiness, Wang Lei, did not call her 'witch'.

”I am glad… Sob*… God did not abandon me… G-god… sniff*… Uwaa!” she cried. All the pain she had suffered till now, all the bottled-up feelings that she has been trying her best to hide, all of it was released.

Asia felt relieved knowing that she was not abandoned. There was still some value in her existence.

Smiling, Wang Lei hugged her gently while stroking her back.

”You don't need to listen to others, ok? If you ever think that you are useless and no one needs you, then you can always come to me. After all, who would deny such a cute nun.”

”Um,” between her sniffers, Asia nodded as she felt tired. All the pressure she had started to vanish. She felt light.

With her head on Wang Lei's ċhėst as her hands tightly clenched his Yukata — as if her lifeline — Asia felt drowsy. Her eyelids getting heavy before she succumbed to her urge to sleep.

Looking at Asia as she closed her eyes and fell asleep. Her face looked innocent, devoid of any dirt and evil.

Leaning down, Wang Lei gave her a gentle peck on her forehead before he looked at the trio girls, who, for some reason, had tears gathered in their eyes.


At his side, Albion and Ddraig were eating popcorns. They had white tissue in their hands with tears in their eyes as they ate popcorns between their sniffers.

Wang Lei's brow twitched, seeing them.

”Here. Take her to a room. She needs some rest,” handing Asia to the trio girls, who nodded and took her, Wang Lei sighed before looking at Albion and Ddraig.

Smiling, he went towards them and sat in their center as he watched anime playing currently — Naruto.

Placing both Ddraig, who blushed but did not say anything, and Albion, who struggled her best to free herself, Wang Lei started to watch anime.

”Grrr!” Albion growled, but she knew that she could not fight with Wang Lei. So she gives in and started to eat popcorn.


”What?! What do you mean that Freed died and Asia was taken away by someone!?” Raynare shouted towards Kalawarna, who had a deep frown on her face.

”That is right, Raynare. Asia was taken by some random magician girl who killed Freed. And I think it is the same person who killed Dohnaseek. I told you that we should do research about it.”

Kalawarna was also agitated, hearing that Asia was taken away. But mostly, she was angry at Raynare, who did not listen to her. And this was the result — Asia being taken away.

”Che! Who thought that this random magician was after Asia? Since we have no other choice, we will just take her from him directly! Where is Mittelt?”

”I am here~!”

Looking at where the sound came from, they saw a girl with blond hair styled into two twin tails and blue eyes. She looked a cheerful type of a girl if one ignored the deformed human beside her — dead.

Seeing her, both Raynare's and Kalawarna's faces scrunched, ”Leave that disgust lowly human, Mittelt, and ready yourself. We are going to the place where that human has taken Asia!”

After doing some research, they had found the signature of Asia's sacred gear coming from a café called Nekopara Café.

”Hai~! Just give me a second~,” saying, Mittely cut the head of the human before cutting his all limbs and turning him into small pieces and throwing them at the side, where one could see other pieces from other humans.

Ignoring her, Raynare's wings, with a pop, revealed themselves as she flew in the sky with Kalawarna and Mittelt following.


”Aww~! She is so cute~” a girl shouted as she hugged the small cat girl, rubbing her cheeks with her.

”Leave Chocola! Only Vanilla and Master is allowed to hug Chocola!” said the other small catgirl, who was wearing a maid uniform of the size of kids.

”Ae to Senseis' café!” another girl, tasting a cake, shouted.

”Right! I might become addicted to the taste of this café!” her other friend agreed to her as they also took a bite from the cake and a sip from their cups.

”… it looks like a normal café, Kaichou,” said the bespectacled girl as she adjusted her glasses while looking at the other customers.

Sona was looking at her reflection in her cup before sighing.

'Am I overthinking? I can be sure that this guy is definitely is not a normal human. Or why would he go to meet with Rias on his first day of school?'

Looking at the catgirls, a small smiled form on her face. They were cute that even she wanted to hug them, but she controlled her urges to do that.

Taking a bite from her cake, Sona again sighed, ”This is really a tasty cake. I wonder who cooked it?” she wondered.

Tsubaki nodded at her as she also thought that this cake was the best she has eaten; even their royal chefs are not good at baking cakes.

”Here is your order, miss.”

Looking at the stoic, Anbai, Sona nodded.

When she first saw her, then saying she was shocked would be an understatement. She never thought that she would see such a beautiful girl acting as a maid in some normal café.

Bowing a little, AnBai, who was wearing maid uniform, left.


Hearing the sound of the bell, both Sona and Tsubaki looked in the direction of the door and saw Akeno and Rias with Koneko beside them.

There was a little surprise in Sona's eyes before she saw them coming towards her.

”Ara~, it isn't the student council president? What a coincidence!” Rias said to Sona as Akeno bowed towards her before sitting beside Tsubaki with Koneko at her side.

”Rias? Indeed. What a coincidence for me to meet you here,” Sona nodded before taking a sip of her cup.

Taking a seat beside her, Rias called for her order that Chocola took, making the eyes of Rias and Akeno into stars.

But before they could hug her, Chocola ran as if sensing danger.

”Ahem* so? Why are you here Sona? Don't tell me that you are here because of the advertisement that Mas—Sensei did.”

Sona's eyes narrowed before she nodded.

”Indeed. I am here because I heard that Sensei has a café and was inviting students, giving them a discount. I also heard from my servants that the taste of the cake was really good here, so I thought of giving it a try. What about you?”

”I am here to meet Sensei,” without hiding anything, Rias said.