Chapter 160 - My SI Stash #60 - Another Jumpchain by Darth.Bill (PokemonXMulticross) (1/2)

-Here is a NSFW jumpchain fic! It's pretty much a mega SI crossover as the MC jump from world to world; gathering skills, allies and items. This MC starts in Pokemon! Check it out~

*Actually wondering if I should make a How to tutorial on making accounts for QuestionableQuesting, the amount of comments I get about the site is just cancer lol

Sypnosis: ???

Rated: M

Words: 170K

Posted on: (Darth.Bill)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1+2

This is a very comfortable office.

Why am I here? How did I get here? What happ-

”Excuse me William, may I have your attention?” The woman on the other side of the desk speaks up. She is not dressed like an office worker. She's wearing a gray, small, t-shirt.

”I know this is disorientating, but I think it would help you to make sense of what is happening if we just start.”

”Start what?” I ask, feeling pretty stupid.

”You are being given an opportunity to go on a bit of an adventure.” Oh, god; she's a ROB. ”I prefer Jump-chan.”

Holy crap, I am going on a jump chain?!

”Yes,” I say, immediately. ”I accept.” She giggles.

”Really, you don't have any questions or reservations?”

”I mean, yeah, I'll want clarification on some points, but a jump chain sounds like a lot of fun.”

”I'm glad. Can I assume you have looked through the jump chain materials before?” I nod. ”Wonderful! I should probably still go over the rules. What will happen is you will be given choice points, or cp, before each jump. You will spend those points on new abilities and items for the world you are about to enter. Drawbacks can be taken for extra cp. Then you will spend 10 years (usually) in that world. If you survive those ten years, you will have the option to go on to another world, be sent home, or stay in that world indefinitely. If you die, you are sent home with all you have collected up to that point. Occasionally, you will have special win conditions you can take for an individual jump. You can also use cp from any jump to improve your warehouse or housing. Also, I don't do gauntlets. Now, why don't you look through all the options right now (take a bit to plan out how you want your chain to go), and when you decide to get started, just let me know. Also, feel free to ask if you have any questions. The first two jumps have to be Pokemon and Infamous.”

With that, I go through and select my body mods. I start with perks, and immediately know I want evercleansed and metavore. Looking in the stats section, I know that I want Sense IV, which says I can see beyond the normal spectrum available to humans, which I assume means I can see into the infrared and maybe ultraviolet light, and that I can hear infra-sound. When I finish, I ask, ”Hey, so for body mod, I've chosen the ”charmer” build type. It says I get three free endowed perks; do all those have to go into d_i_c_k size? 13 inches seems like a bit much.”

She giggles again. ”No, some of that can go toward just enhancing all of your masculine traits. How much do you want to increase your manhood by, if at all?”

I refuse to be embarrassed by this conversation. ”Let's bump it up to 10 inches and call it good.”

”That's fine. Are you done looking things over?”

”No, I just finished the body mod. I still need to look through the warehouse and housing sections, then I'll want to take some time to plan out my chain.” She nods and goes back to whatever she's doing on her computer. From the sounds I'm hearing, it seems she's playing Doom.

When I look through the warehouse and the housing, I realize that taking utilities and food supply in the warehouse means you get them for free in the housing part, so I do that. Then I see some interesting items under miscellaneous.

”In the warehouse, how do stasis pods work?”

”I'm glad you asked that. Each jump-chain administrator treats them a little differently. As far as I'm concerned, those are there for if a particular jump doesn't give the option to take a companion. If you buy a stasis pod, you can put someone in it and then take them out in between jumps when you return here. Then they'll get the option to either return to their world or join you on your adventure. Conversely, you can keep them in the pod and take them out at each jump to take them with you without giving them the option to refuse, but that will keep your pod occupied.” That's interesting. I'm glad she doesn't seem to have any problems with the idea of taking someone against their will. I already know that I'm not going to be super moral about a lot of stuff in this adventure.

”And, how does 'Returning' work? Do I just get to go back to that world, or is it an option to repeat a jump and take new perks?”

She takes a thoughtful look and says, ”I think the intention behind that is just to go back to the world, but if you can convince me that you have a good reason, I might be convinced to let you repeat a jump, points and all.” Nice.

”And here in housing, it says I have the option to jump early if I want to. What are the rules about that?”

”Ah, that is a big one. The first is free, as you can see, but, after the first time, you will have to spend 100cp to get the option to do it again. And each subsequent time will double the cost. We don't want people skipping jumps too much.” I nod. That makes sense, and it would quickly become unaffordable. I doubt I would ever spend 400cp on that, so I can only do it three times. I'll only use them if it seems like I'm not going to survive the jump.

I grab electricity, plumbing, heat/ac, local net, housing, robots, food supply, return, and one stasis pod from the warehouse, and medical facility, book store, general store, garden, and a bunch of room improvements from housing.

Then I spend a really long time looking through all the different jumps, building a plan.

Finally, I said ”I'm ready to start and talk about the pokemon jump.” Jump-chan looks up and smiles at me. ”So, how does psionics work in this? It says telepathy, but no mind reading. They seem like the same thing.”

She nods, ”Basically, you will be able to hear surface thoughts, but not dig through their memories. You will also be able to do psychic type pokemon moves.”

”Cool. Can you tell me a little about that? In the games, hypnosis just puts opponents to sleep, but in the show it did more than that. How would it work in the jump?”

”I can see what you want; you're lucky you got an administrator that's as cool as I am about mind-control. Yes, you will be able to mind-control people, but it will need frequent maintenance to remain effective.” Double nice.

”Okay, then I suppose I should roll for my location and age.” She hands me a d-8. ”So, Johto; that's okay, I suppose. I'll eventually need to travel to Kanto, then Alola, since the pokemon I want will be catch-able in those three regions. Now I will be...” I roll, ”13 years old. I suppose that could have been worse. At least I'll be old enough that my d_i_c_k will work.” Jump-chan smirks a little. ”Now, I suppose I have a decision to make. Regarding my starter, I know that it is silly to pay a lot for something non-standard, but I am definitely going to do that. Porygon is my favorite pokemon, and I want a shiny one, so that is 250 points gone. Probably a bad decision, but f_u_c_kit.”

Jump-chan looks at me a little weird. ”Why is porygon your favorite? I always thought it looked kindof goofy.”

”I mean, sure it does. But it is also, essentially, an artificial intelligence. Mew-two can suck a d_i_c_k; porygon is the first artificially created pokemon. Even both of its evolutions are designed by humans, with the second one being a bootleg, black-market upgrade. And porygon z kicks serious ass.” She gives me a kind of shrugging nod. ”Now, I'll take drop-in, and psionics, and savant. That puts me at negative 150cp. I'll take the silenced and crippled drawbacks, which gives me another 50 points, so I'll take another two stasis pods.”

Jump-chan just nods as she enters all this into her computer. ”You know that leaves you with another 10 points, right?”

”I guess I'll take a workshop for the warehouse, as well, then.”

She nods, and looks up. ”Alright, that seems to be everything for now. Enjoy your next ten years, I know I'll enjoy watching!”

And... I'm gone.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=WHAT I HAVE BEFORE THE POKEMON JUMP=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Age: 32

Body: Medium body type; Flawless Skin and Hair; Can see and hear beyond the normal spectrum; 6'10” tall; 10” d_i_c_k; always clean; won't get fat regardless of diet

Chapter 2

So I suppose I should get a general plan going about what I want to catch here. I can only take six pokemon with me when I leave, so that leaves five after porygon. And those five should all be pseudo-legendaries, but I don't want to double up on any types, so I'll only have 3, because most of them are dragons.

So, porygon, metagross, tyranitar, one of the dragons, and two other pokemon. I really like blissey and nidoking, but I also like togakiss. I played through Soul Silver using only normal types once, and my team was: porygon z, blissey, kangaskahn, togakiss (this was before fairy type was introduced), snorlax, and a few hm slaves. That was fun.

Okay, so, I'm decided. I'll have porygon, metagross, tyranitar, dragonite, nidoking, and blissey.

I also have a policy about always catching pokemon in their lowest evolutionary state when possible, so that's happiny, beldum, larvitar, dratini, and nidoran (male). Nidoran and dratini can be found in Kanto, but also here in Johto. Larvitar can be found on Mt. Silver, but also in Alola. Happiny can only be found in Alola. Dratini can be found in Kanto, but also in Alola. Beldum can be found in Sinnoh, but also in Alola.

So, all my pokemon can be found either here in Johto, next door in Kanto, over in Sinnoh, or way over in Alola. And that is nice, because I have three stasis pods, and I'm not just here to catch pokemon. And in those regions are the girls I'm taking with me. Misty, Dawn and Lillie are going to find their ways into stasis pods sometime in the next ten years.

That decided, I look down. I only have one leg. Yeah, I chose this, but damn. I'd start cussing, but I can't f_u_c_k_i_n_g talk. This is going to be a long decade.


So, it looks like this pokemon world has a version of the internet. It's also nice that Jump-chan dropped me in Goldenrod city. I'm a crippled, mute kid without a single pokedollar to his name. It would seem like that is a recipe for tragedy, but actually it works out great.

Pokemon world is full of kids setting out on adventures early in life, so there are a number of moms who experience empty-nest syndrome earlier than usual. It isn't difficult to find a lonely single woman who just let her ten-year-old wander into the wilderness and is missing having someone to take care of. A little bit of hypnosis is all it takes to get her to take me to her home and put me up for a few days. A little more hypnosis gets me the money I need to order both of the evolution discs I need for porygon, as well as some good TM's.

Porygon Z is a glass cannon, so I make sure to have a good stockpile of ammunition in the form of as many moves, in as many types, as I can get. Luckily, there is no limit to the number of moves a pokemon can learn, unlike in the games. My pokemon can exploit the type weakness of any pokemon, hit before they have a chance (usually, porygon z is fast) and do so for massive damage (it also has a really high special attack stat). I got him thunderbolt, solar beam, ice beam, shadow ball, psychic, sunny day, and hyper beam. I wanted to give him flamethrower too, but it turns out he can't learn that. I'll just save it for one of my other pokemon.

This all sets Karen (the lady who took me in) back by quite a bit, but with her daughter out adventuring, and sending periodic amounts of money back, she is not in any financial danger.

I really should feel worse about how thoroughly I'm taking advantage of her. She is kind; she is also gorgeous. Knowing that, for the moment, I'm a shota, I decide to lean into that. It is easy to put the thought into her head that a boy with a missing leg needs help taking a bath. If my hands wander a bit, clearly I needed to grab on to keep my balance. If, while she is scrubbing me down, I get an erection, well, I am a teenager. It is only natural. And really, what did she expect to happen when she, a beautiful woman (how flattering) got undressed to join me in the bath. Really, it isn't fair to me to give me this and not take care of it. She made the decision to take care of me and this is just one more way she can do that.

As I look down at her, I can see the reflection of my glowing purple eyes in her eyes. I make sure she doesn't notice that as she slides my d_i_c_k in between her tits. I'm sitting on the edge of the tub while she ”cleans” me. Unfortunately, when I was made into a 13 year old, it seems I was given a 13 year old's stamina; that's my story and I'm sticking to it. It only takes about a minute and a half before I am covering her face in my seed. I don't go soft, though; the sight of this beautiful, caring woman looking up at me with affection in her eyes and my c_u_m on her face is more than enough to keep me hard. She almost goes to stand before I place my hand on her head and guide her mouth down my length. She complies immediately and starts bobbing her mouth up and down my d_i_c_k without hesitation.

Strangely, despite de-aging me to 13, I still have that ten-inch c_o_c_k. Karen doesn't seem willing to attempt to take the whole thing down her throat and I don't want to force the issue, yet. As she works, though, her hands fill in where her mouth can't. One of her hands is on my shaft, and the other fondles my balls. This is clearly not the first c_o_c_k she's s_u_c_k_e_d. Still, my performance is only slightly improved from the last time and I can already feel my o_r_g_a_s_m coming on. I reach up and grab onto her head, not letting her pull back. From there, I fill her mouth up with c_u_m. I think some of that endowed perk went to c_u_m production, because I am producing much more than I used to.

Karen looks up at me tenderly as she nurses all of the e_j_a_c_u_l_a_t_e from my member. I do go soft this time, and we both move on to finishing the cleaning. She makes no mention of anything we just did, treating it as completely normal.

She lets me sleep in her daughter's, now vacant, bedroom and makes sure I know which room is hers and that I should feel free to wake her up at any point if I need anything. Once she leaves, I take a look around the room and in the drawers (free potion, score), and I fall asleep.

The next day, I head to a local cafe to meet with a pokemon breeder that lives in the area. I found him online and he says he has an egg that contains a larvitar. I had checked his credentials and he seems to be legit, but I am sure to keep an eye on his thoughts as the deal is going down to make sure he isn't trying to cheat me. Luckily, he's on the up and up.

As I walk back to Karen's (on the prosthetic that she bought me), I start planning my next move. I think I am going to take the Magnet Train to Saffron in Kanto from here and try to get me a dratini and a nidoran. Having looked the Game Corner up online, I found that a dratini costs 2800 coins, and that coins are $1000 for 50. So I would need $56000 to buy it outright. I don't think Karen even has that much, and even if she did, I wouldn't feel good about taking it. So, that's it then. I'll have to rob the Game Corner. They're Rockets, any way; f_u_c_k them. Then I'll head down to Vermilion and go through the Digglet Tunnel (after stocking up on repels) and head to Viridian to catch me a male nidoran.

Then over to Cerulean to catch me a Misty.


Karen is sad when I psychically tell her that I'm leaving in the morning (on a train, with tickets I bought with her money). I make sure that she always knew this would only be a short term thing, but that, if I have to leave tomorrow, she'd like to keep me close tonight.

Lying in bed together, she cuddles me into her. She is wearing a set of cotton pajamas, and I am wearing my boxers. The way she's holding me, I am using her t_i_t_s as a pillow. Out of curiosity, I look into her mind to see if she's trying to turn me on, but it seems completely innocent on her part. Still, she is understanding when she feels my hard-on press into her t_h_i_g_h.

”I'm sorry, sweety. I know I'm being clingy and that that (she indicates my d_i_c_k) is my fault. Do you want me to help with it again?” As she says this, her hand slides down and grasps my c_o_c_k through my shorts. I nod.

”Of course, William. I'd be happy to take care of you.” When it becomes obvious that a hand-job is what she is offering, I bury my face in her c_h_e_s_t. She, of course makes no move to stop me, even as I start unbuttoning her top. Luckily, a hand-job through cloth is insufficiently stimulating to get me off right away, so I have time to enjoy things as I clamp my lips around her n_i_p_p_l_e. She lets out the quietest m_o_a_n as I suck on her tit and grope the other.

As things continue, I start groping beyond just her b_o_o_b_s. I reach under and grab a handful of a_s_s while my other hand goes down her pajama pants. I hypnotically plant the idea that ”Oh, he's just curious. A young man should know the intricacies of the female body before he embarks on the journey of life.” She makes no move to stop me from fingering her. At this point, she starts to have a hard time giving me the hand-job because I am grinding into her, humping her t_h_i_g_h. She decides to just let me do it, her arms going around me as she holds me to her. ”That's it, baby, let it all out.”

I hold it in and push forward. I slide down her and pull off her bottoms and p_a_n_t_i_e_s. She, still acting under the ”let him explore” suggestion, allows this. From here, in an attempt to slow my own approach to o_r_g_a_s_m, I continue to finger her while orally stimulating her c_l_i_t_o_r_i_s. Thankfully, she is shaved; I don't enjoy getting hair in my mouth.

I make sure to get her as aroused as possible without making her c_u_m (monitoring her thoughts to do so). I do this because I want to take her without hypnotizing her into accepting it and that would be easiest if she as horny as possible. Still, as i slide up to start s_u_c_k_i_n_g on her n_i_p_p_l_e again, she tries to stop me from putting it in. Because of the way we are positioned, with me lying flat on her and my arms under hers, she cannot reach down to block access, but she says, ”William, you need to stop here. I'll help you with my hands or mouth, but you shouldn't put it in there.”