35 Chapter 35: Red Do (1/2)
'I'm gonna vomit.'
”Oh my fucking god, Ricky, relax!”
My palms are sweating.
”You think it's big enough for her?”
”Dude, that thing makes mount Fiji look small.”
He hands me the small box,
”Remember, wait for the perfect time, then ask her.”
”Ok, ok. Perfect time, then ask.”
I can feel my heart pounding against my chest
”Ok, she's coming!”
I tuck the ring into my pocket just as she steps out.
She has on a fitted dark blue dress that shows her bare back and legs. She looks breathtaking.
”Shall we go my love?”
I hold out my hand and she grabs it,
”Um, I guess so.”
A limo pulls into the parking lot and Carlos steps out,
”Well good evening, i'll be your chauffer. Please, allow me.”
He opens the door us. Kaz gets in but I stay to talk to him.
”What the hell are you doing?!”
I whisper yell so Kaz won't over hear us,
”Isn't it obvious?! I'm helping!”
”Fine, just don't fuck this up for me!”
He dramatically bows,
”As you wish sir.”
I get into the car and sit next to Kaz.
”Wow, you look...”
The car starts to leave,
She blushes,
”Thank you. But you look amazing Ricky.”
She straightens out the little flower in my pocket square.
'She looks beyond gorgeous and she's so adorable right now.'
”So, i'm guessing you still don't wanna tell me where we're going?”
”So impatient little one? We're almost there, just wait a few more minutes.”
The car stops and Carlos walks around the car,
”We have arrived sir.”
Kaz and I step out of the car and he shuts the door behind us.
”Enjoy your night.”
Kaz takes hold of my arm and we walk into the ballroom.
”Oh wow, this is lovely.”
She scans the giant room filled with people.
”Is it just me or do these people seem kinda familiar?”
I laugh,
”Babe, this is our annual meeting. I had a feeling you'd forget about it.”
”Are-are serious? It's been a whole year already?!”
”Yup, and we're up.”
I grab her arm and pull her towards the stage. I grab the mic and clear my throat,
”Buenas tardes mis Arañas Rojas. Es agradable ver a todos mis hombres y mujeres leales aquí esta noche.”
(Good afternoon my red spiders. It's nice to see all my loyal men and women here tonight.)
I put my hand around Kaz's waist. I can't see anything in the crowd except for the flash of cameras.
”Esta reunión aquí no será como cualquier otra que hayamos tenido antes, esta será sobre nuestra reina, mi reina.”
(This meeting here will not be like any other we have had before, this will be about our queen, my queen.)
She looks at me with a confused expression.
'This is it, now's the time.'