39 Potions, Potions and Potions! (1/2)

Arthur couldn't really understand his mother's sudden change of mood, but well, maybe she got sick or something, she's definitely working too much lately.

He put these things aside and thought back to his talk with Daisy about Sniebel's condition ...


”Good, if that's taken care of we can-”, Blue wanted to begin but got interrupted by Daisy, geez, no politeness amongst siblings.

”Hey, what about Sniebel, don't you want to know how he is?”, she asked Arthur without regard for Blue's angry stares.

”Yes, please, I really want to know!”, Arthur responded instantly. Even if his memories were a bit fuzzy, he still knew that Sniebel had put up his life at stake to defeat those villains and save him. Arthur would never forget something this critical and he knew that was a debt he might never be able to fully pay up.

”His condition is now stable, but that's a really broad term. He's had a concussion, several broken bones especially in his arms, a huge load of blood loss ... I nearly head to rob a blood bank to get enough blood together!”

”I-I ... I will pay it up, don't worry!”, he replied anxiously. The Oaks had already done so much for him and he didn't want to owe them even more, this would be impolite. Even though he didn't have much he would still remember this kindness and pay them back somehow.

”What? No, forget that, hahaha!”, Daisy began to chuckle.

”Arthur, you're my friend, and friends don't owe each other! We didn't do this so you could pay us back, don't worry about such small stuff!”, Gary rebuked him a little.

”Yes, don't worry Arthur, saving a life for something so worthless as money, I would do it a thousand times more for you and your Pokemon ... but please don't have any thoughts about getting yourselves into more danger, ok? Hahahaha!”, Blue also waved him off with his one only arm.

”But didn't she say she had to use up so much blood?”, Arthur asked confused.

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”Oh ... so it was like that.”, he didn't get embarrassed about this, he simply didn't know about this system.

”You will learn about this later in school, so don't worry too much, haha!”

”What about ... Potions? Do they exist?”, somehow he felt like he had seen this before somewhere ...

”Potions?”, she had a surprised expression on her face all of a sudden.

”Yeah, like Super Potion, Hyper Potion, Max Potions ... Full Restore?”

”Pff ... HAHAHA!”, Daisy couldn't hold herself back and fell into laughter, much heavier then before,

”where, where hahaha, did you get this, hahaha?”, she was barely able too ask.

”I-I don't know ...”, but now he definitely felt embarrassed, did he say something wrong?

”Oh boy, that was ... I haven't heard something this funny since, since Gary tried to eat Pokemon Berries and had too fart soooo loud, pfff hahahaha!”, old memories sprang up in her mind about her dear little brother holding his butt anxiously.

”HEY! Don't bring that up in front of guests!”, now it was Gary's turn to feel irritated.

”Hahaha, to get back to the potions, Arty, did you play too many games? They sound like straight from an RPG, srsly Hyper Potion, Super Potion, Max ...pfff, HAAHAHA!”, she tried it but couldn't resist when repeating those same words again.

Blue took over for her, while she was incapacitated:

”Yes, Arthur, I guess you're a bit too young, but there are some stores in the city that sell potions. But those are either fake products or extremely highly priced items. When it comes to Pokemon medicine there is a whole slew of medicines similar to the human side, but the term 'Potion' is a bit more special in the professional Pokemon World.

Potions have existed since time immemorial, passed down from one generation to the next according to history, and they have many miraculous abilities like instantly healing up a Pokemon's injuries in but a moment of time! Lost limbs, infections, stress, whatever you could name, 'Health Potions' could heal it probably. Myths say even the dead could be brought back but ... well that's a myth.”

”Then, why do we still have Pokemon Centres?”, Arthur asked even more confused than before.

”Well, the answer is quite frankly: War! Humanity's history is quite long Arthur, many wars have been fought, many factions rose up and declined. And the spread of informtion wasn't that great in ancient times, lots has been lost or added into over time until nobody was really sure how to create the exact right Potions.

And the last place where historians believe the complete formulas for all possible Potions to have been located at once, was the Great Library of Alexandria ...”

”Oh ...”, realisation dawned upon Arthur's face when he heard that name.

”Yes, you know about it I guess. A wealth of information, a marble of humanity's accomplishments ... and all that turned into ashes ...sighhh!”

”Nowadays when people talk about Potions, they mean the products made by certain clans from different parts of the world like e.g. oriental east asia, especially China. It's said, or at least they claim that their version of the 'Health Potion' is based on the most complete formula that currently exists on earth.”, Gary continued,

”It could be true, Ancient China has been a similar powerful force as Ancient Greece or Rome, maybe they were indeed able to preserve their information and secrets to a much larger extent and continue doing so until our modern era. Nobody can say that for certain as our neighbour's lips are tightly sealed on this matter.”

”And they don't want to share this information because ...”