38 Oak Family Part 2 (1/2)
”I-I will drop dead ... the moment I step out of the gates?!”, he asked bewildered back, was that a death sentence on him?!
”Hahahaha, look at your face, hahaha!!!”, Daisy fell into a small fit of laughter and couldn't stay still anymore.
”S-so that was a Joke, ha...ha?”, why did all grown-ups he met make such jokes when the situation was so serious!
”No, haha, huh, I didn't lie.”, she got herself back together.
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”Daisy, please, could you be a bit more considerate ...”
”Be quiet Blue! You're one to talk, always making fun of me for not wanting to become a 'real Trainer' when we were small ...”
”What does that have to do with the situation now ...”
”Guys, please, could we not argue for a moment ...”, Gary tried to calm them down.
”You have the nerves to ...”
”Do you think you have any right to ...”, both talked back at him annoyed for butting in.
”Ehem ...”, Arthur cleared his throat a little,
”Could we come back to the 'I am gonna die'-topic just for a second please?”, Arthur asked the siblings timidly.
”Ehh, yeah, sure!”, Daisy took the chance to change the subject,
”Well, you see Arty, huh, how do I start ... You were involved in a battle right?”, she asked him.
”Yes.”, he answered unsurely. Actually he only had memories regarding the fight against the Bellsprout ... everything that came after it, the moment the Zubat and that Houndour appeared they were ... they weren't erased, but seeing those images flashing in his mind they didn't feel like 'his' memories or 'his' actions at all but felt like from somebody else instead ... it was like watching a movie happening from the perspective of the spectator ... but that was too weird for him to explain them right now.
”And you got injured by several attacks from the Pokemon, right?
You see Arty, usually Pokemon don't only deal physical damages to our bodies. There is an energy called ...”
”Dizzy, he knows what Infinity Energy is, I already explained it to him”, Gary butted in again.
”Me too.”, Blue said.
”Don't call me like that in front of guests!”, Daisy got a bit red and angry at his interruption.
”So, well, if you already know about Infinity Energy that will save us some time.”, she got back on track and became serious,
”Infinity Energy is highly volatile and very reactive towards all kinds of matter, some might evn go so far and call it 'corrosive'. Strange things happen around this energy that science can't always explain.
Lucky for us humans, we have several mechanism to prevent this type of energy to harm our bodies.
Have you known that there is a very thin acidic layer on our skins that prevents bacteria, viruses and other contaminants from invading our bodies? It's called the 'acid mantle' ”, she asked him, though it was just a rethorical question.
Arthur was about to shake his head, when suddenly a flash of information passed through his mind, and he started mumbling to himself absent-mindedly:
”The pH of our skins is between 4,5 and 6,2 which makes it slightly acidic. Our blood is alkaline on the other hand. Once bacteria that grew accustomed to our skins enter more internal tissues ...”
(A/N: Credits go to Wikipedia *bow*)
”... they encounter an environment which they are less adapted to! Oh my god, how did you know that Arty?”, Daisy was really amazed hearing this from the mouth of a 12 year old child.
”He is smart, didn't I tell you, haha, that's why I chose him to replace you Dizzy!”, Gary was also astounded but grew a little used to this unassuming little boy surprising him time and time again.
”Hmpf, don't get cocky Gary, seems like you still didn't learn your lessons yet!”, she responded with a challenging tone in her voice.
” Hahaha, I ehh... I learned it from the internet ...”, that excuse grew a bit old now he thought, but the rest seemingly accepted it as curiosity from a smart kid. He himself wasn't sure what the heck just happened to him!
”Daisy, please continue.”, Blue asked her.
”Fine. The point I was trying to make Arty is that we humans have a similar protective layer against Infinity Energy! It's invisible and covers every one of ours cells. I can't really tell you how it's done ...”, she looked sideways at Blue who shook his head,
” ... but it's there. Or it should be there at least ... in your case Arty, it disappeared!”
”What?! So, do I really die now?!”
”No, not anymore ... for now. Disappeared might not be the perfect expression. A more fitting term would be ... 'exhausted'!
You somehow exhausted so much of the 'Natural Energy' in your body that there wasn't enought for maintaining this safe layer around you anymore!
This by itself is quiet an impossible feat but I get side-tracked here.
The problem was that during the whole course of the battle you sustained a lot of Infinity Energy- infused attacks!
The corrosive energy penetrated your body and without that invisible layer the situation was completely helpless for you. Falling unconscious is the smallest problem you could have gotten ...
You're lucky my brother was quick to react and bring you here, our Mansion is built on top of an Energy Vein. It permeats this whole building with rich Natural Energy that currently acts as a counter force towards the imbalance inside your body.
So long as you stay here, the corrosive properties won't harm you and after some time your protective layer will be re-established again.
Otherwise, any step outside our territory could make those energy residues go wild again and lead to accelerated cell apoptosis which means ...”
”Nothing good I guess ...”, Arthur said with a grave expression on his face.