37 Bad news, Worse news (1/2)

The lights went out and Arthur found himself back in the darkness. He's been here before ... or at least he didn't feel a sense of uncomfortableness. He tried looking around but there was nothing, just an endless void like always.

It happened since the accident took place, this space appeared ever since then and he sometimes visited or rather was forced to come by during his sleep.

Suddenly a sound flew by like a breeze:


and Arthur was astonished seeing a ghostly gas fly in his direction. It looked like fog, but every second or moment passing by it gradually took a more familiar shape, almost humanoid.

The entity floated in front of Arthur, but he still couldn't really recognize its appearance. The fog didn't condense tight enough to make facial features possible, only a thin line where the mouth was supposed to be let Arthur know where he should look at.

He tried touching this gas-ish creature, likewise did the fog-humanoid but ... their hands only overlapped and didn't truly make contact.

But as his hand was inside the fog, a flood of images ran through his mind, a room, and ... he has been here before as well!

That room, the Pokemon figures, the hallway ...

”It's my home ...kkcccccc ....”, a raspy sounded out in the void. Arthur raised his head slightly shocked, the voice came from the humanoid fog before him.

”Y-you can speak?!”

”kkkccc ... course I can speak ... kcccc”

”W-who are you? What are you?”, now Arthur felt more afraid than before, seeing something in your dream was one thing, talking to it - completely different!

”We met ... kccccc ... before in that destroyed city, I saved you ... kkkkccccc ... remember? My name is Atiqo ...kkkccc... by the way haha.”, the entity responded amused, at least that's how Arthur interpreted it, which was hard considering he talked to a faceless fog creature.

Arthur concentrated a little and found the right memory:

”Yes, I remember but ... that was a man, and you're ... eh, I don't want to be impolite but ...”

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”I get it, I'm fat, eaten too much lately, right?”

”Ehhh ...”

”Now on a serious side note, ... kkkcccc ... it seems like I used up too much energy, I don't know ... kkccc ... -rently I can't maintain my muscular-like body.”

”What does that mean?”, Arthur didn't get it.

”It's ok ... kkccc ... you will understand. Just grab the P ... kcccc... -ex and go to the Gree- ... kccc ... again.”

”Wait! What did you say?”

”... kccccc... can't stay lo-.... kccck ... see y- ... kccc... -rthur!”, before Arthur could respond in anyway possible, the fog dissolved into fine particles that flew away into all directions at once.


”His name was Atiqo ... feels like a familiar name, hmm.”

Arthur thought he could now rest again but just as the situation had calmed down and he believed the silence would reign over the dark again, he heard a sound. Its volume increased slowly but surely and then he could finally make out what that sound was ...


A huge avalance came in his direction and swept him up and covered his whole body under countless layers of ice ...


Arthur slowly regained his sight, but this time it wasn't the void that greeted him but snow, lots of snow and whiteness that filled his entire view!

He looked around sideways and found two Pokemon facing off each other in a fight. The one farther away had a broad body covered in brown fur, narrow eyes, and a wide mouth with small, visible fangs in the upper jaw. The fur on its shoulders was longer and more structured, with rectangular extensions that resemble epaulettes, it had a large, ring-shaped mark on its chest and long forelimbs ending in five claws repectively.

(A/N: Description from Bulbapedia.Bulbagarden.net)

”Is that a ... an Ursar-”

”ROOOUUUUURRR!”, a wild shout from that Pokemon interrupted his train of thoughts.

”KRIIIIEEEERRRR!”, the Pokemon opposite replied with its own wild loud shout.

”This sound, I know that, it's, ... a Sniebel!”, realisation dawned upon Arthur's mind, it was definitely a Sniebel, the shape and colours matched, but this one looked a bit bigger and didn't have a large feather on its ear.

”Is it female maybe?”, Arthur was aware that sometimes Pokemon had different body structures depending on the gender, similar to humans.

He tried to move a little but his body was seemingly stuck in the snow and didn't budge at all, so he was forced to watch the battle unfold.

The fight was fierce, both Pokemon fought like their lives were on the line, yes, it was truly a death match! No one was willing to surrender or give in, both Pokemon fought bitterly without concern for any injuries they received or dangerous attacks they delivered, it was a fight between wild Pokemon!

Using every body part they had, the highest priority was about dealing the largest amount of damage to the target!

Finally during the endgame, after much blood had been spilled on both sides, after many punches and bites had been exchanged, the heavily wounded Ursaring caved in and slowly fell onto the ground!

Arthur felt a rush of excitement and relief from an unkown source, seeing that the Sniebel had finally won! He felt his body not stuck in the snow any longer, he could break free now!

Somehow he felt an urge to run straight towards that Sniebel, a yearning, anticipation, it filled Arthur's whole body and took control over him.

But when he reached the battle scene, the view shocked him greatly. The snowy ground was coloured with a bloody red, almost creating a pond full of that liquid. On one side was the dead fallen Ursaring and a bit farther away ... lied the injured body of the Sniebel.

”NOOO!”, anxiousness and sadness poured into him as quickly as he closed in on the Sniebel's side.

She was bleeding non-stop from her body and her limbs were all covered in severe tears, wounds and marks.

”NO! Mother! You can't die!”

The Sniebel must have heard the loud shout and tried opening its eyes with the last bits of strength she had left! Looking in Arthur's direction, she raised her broken limb and carressed him on his cheeks before she lost the power to continue and her body turned frozen still in the red flowing blanket.



Two voices overlapped and transmitted their endless sorrow and pain into the boundless snowy landscape ...


The scenery changed, Arthur was in the woods now, climbing from tree to tree, branch to branch. He was surrounded by a dozen other Sniebels and together they were on a hunt for food to feed their growing pack.


Suddenly Arthur heard a shot from behind and he turned sharply around only to see one of his friends fall down the tree with a large hole in his chest.





All of his friends saw their fallen comrade lying on the ground, on the brink of death, what had happened, each wondered enraged.

Then the answer appeared by itself. A human wearing thick clothes with a brown beard showed up from the shadows, one of his hand held a long gun, smoke still rising from its ends.

”Bastard!”, Arthur's mind was filled with killing intent, and he wanted to avenge his friend!

”Hahaha, usually Pokemon have quite a thick skin and muscle tissue, not easily penetrable by most guns. But this little baby here ...”, the human looked with shining eyes at the metallic barrel of the shotgun,

”This is one of the best guns I could buy from the blackmarket, built with the latest Crystal-Infusion technology available in the market, hahaha, the price was worth it!”, his attention turned back towards the Sniebels,

”Now, please sit still and wait patiently for your turn to arrive as well, hahahaha!”, the man turned towards another Sniebel, raised his gun and let out another shot: