Chapter 106: Last Minute Merchants (1/2)

Silence ruled the mountain.

As he flew over the forests surrounding it, Vainqueur’s sharp senses failed to pick up any sound outside of the wind. The goblin had warned him of fairies making their lair around the area, but none had intercepted them so far. Birds and animals had also emptied the area for miles. He could smell warm, decomposing flesh on the ground, listen to the sound of buzzing flies, but otherwise, the land seemed empty.

“Your Majesty!” Manling Victor called out from his zmey’s back, a depressed Knight Kia holding him by the waist. “Look!”

Vainqueur glanced down, noticing a trail of rotting plants starting in the middle of a forest and progressing all the way to the mountain’s shining crater. Grass had turned purple, trees had been uprooted, and the remains of deers, pigs, and fairy thralls paved this sinister road. The line was completely straight, unnatural and methodical.

Vainqueur briefly thought of his poisonous dragon cousins, who ruled the marshes and bogs of the world. Yet, if one had caused this disaster, he would have expected acid pools, random devastation, and vermin to settle in the area.

Instead, whatever creature did that made a beeline for the crater, killed everything in its path, and chased away all the locals for miles.

“This reeks of undeath and rot,” Vainqueur hummed the air.

“Yeah, I can feel the necromantic energies from up here. No wonder normal wildlife ran away.” Manling Victor turned to his fellow rider. “See, Kia? We may fight someone tough enough for you!”

“It’s all meaningless,” she replied, her eyes wandering in the distance. “All meaningless.”

Useless! Vainqueur knew she would prove unworthy of being in his party, and time proved him right! She didn’t even have the strength to ride on her own griffon, forcing Manling Victor to give her a lift on his zmey’s back!

The dragon said they should have left her behind, but Manling Victor, thinking only with his breeding sword, insisted on taking the knight along. He truly needed to push his minion into the arms of a tastier, better partner. Where was Batling Charlene when he needed her?

As they reached the frosty mountainside, Vainqueur smelled a familiar scent nearby, immediately diving instead of continuing the ascension. Within seconds, he found a fellow dragon eating roasted pigs, surrounded by a manling, a wyrmling, and a pile of items.

“Cousin Genialissime!” Vainqueur announced his presence from above.

“Cousin Vainqueur!” The other dragon abandoned his food to wave a hand at him, his dragonling looking up at his parent.

“Henry!” Friend Victor greeted his fellow manling. “Long time no see!”

“Gorynych says hello too!” the zmey said with much less gracefulness, landing nearby.

“A zmey.” Genialissime looked at the creature with disgust, but unlike Vainqueur did not ignore its existence. Instead, he turned to his dragonling, to better warn him. “And that is why you cannot hump your sister!”

“Gorynych too young for that!” the zmey defended his nonexistent honor, while his rider climbed down from his back, Knight Kia remaining where she was, lost in her own mind.

“Is that the Shining Knight?” Manling Henry asked upon noticing Kia, completely mesmerized. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh…”

“She’s had a tough day,” Friend Victor replied. “She needs rest.”

“Yes, forget her,” Vainqueur replied, focusing on dragon matters. “What are you doing here cousin? Eating trolls and burning forests for money?”

“I am making money, but we have nothing to do with this slaughter.”

Manling Henry glanced at a roasted pig. “Something killed it with an [Insta-death] effect, alongside scores of animals and plants. A very powerful [Lich], [Reaper], or more probably, a local Shinigami monster.”

“And it left no loot behind,” Genialissime complained.

“Whatever it was, it came only to kill,” Manling Henry said grimly.

“Concerning,” Vainqueur replied, but figured out he would kill whatever caused it when they raided the crater. His eyes settled on the pile of items nearby. “If it is not the loot left behind, then what is this?”

“Ah, but my newest stroke of genius!” Genialissime boasted. “You see, I was discussing with Henry the best way to make money as a dragon, and I realized something. You remember how many people asked me for help committing suicide in the past?”

“Sometimes, I wonder if the lesser races take our help for granted,” Vainqueur nodded. “We do not have to help them die, but we do it for free. I say we should charge them for the privilege.”

“My thoughts exactly. I always collected the things they left behind, swords, ringies… but they weren’t shiny enough for my hoard. So Henry suggested we sell them!”

“Like a merchant?” Vainqueur was appalled. “But that’s minion work!”

“Which is why Henry does the sale while I provide the unshinies and supervise,” Genialissime replied with pride, having found the perfect loophole. “My chief of staff even oversaw a deal with this goddess of commerce, Shesha.”

“That greedy snake?” Vainqueur breathed smoke. “She is treacherous and overpriced.”

“I know how much she hurt you, Cousin Vainqueur, but Manling Henry managed to secure an advantageous deal.” Genialissime showed them his hand and the golden, Ouroboros ring on it. “This tele-ring teleports us to the entrance of dungeons where adventurers are ready to pay extra for emergency supply, and in exchange, we grant her a one one-tenth! Win-win!”

“Money!” the dragonling said.

“My son Courageux is helping us with the business,” Genialissime said, proud of his runt. “I am teaching him how to negotiate, so that he can one day lead his own minion team.”

“We also recover the stuff left behind by adventurers who do not survive the dungeons and sell it again,” Manling Henry said. “It’s working very well so far.”

“Ah, corpse looting,” Friend Victor nodded. “The cornerstone of the adventurer economy.”

“It pays well, at almost no risk to myself,” Genialissime said, proud of his discovery.

“Interesting concept, but I leave it to you,” Vainqueur told his cousin. The dragon preferred to earn his money the dragon way, through conquest and eating lesser creatures. “Still, it would be shameful of me not to help. Minion.”

“Yes?” Manling Victor asked, immediately ready to serve.

“Buy an item for me, with your own money,” Vainqueur asked. “I want a gift.”

“This will be your first sale, my son!” Genialissime told his dragonling. “Go supervise Henry!”

The dragonling nodded, observing Manling Victor while the minion examined the stash of items. The Vizier immediately zeroed in on a white, translucent gem. “A [Psi-stone of Positive Energy]?” Henry said. “Great choice.”

“Yeah, especially since it can help against whatever creature destroyed the countryside,” Manling Victor said, turning to the dragonling. “I’m ready to give ten thousand for it.”

“More!” the tiny dragon answered.

“Twenty thousand?”

“More!” the dragonling insisted, accepting nothing but the best. “Seventy thousand!”

“Seventy thousand?!” Manling Victor panicked in the face of such a ruthless negotiator. “That’s theft!”

“You too poor?” the dragonling asked. “You too poor!”

“I’m not paying that much!”

The dragonling pouted, looking up at his angry father with confused eyes. “Friend Victor,” Vainqueur whispered to his minion. “Indulge my little cousin once removed.”

“But Your Majesty, my [Claimed by Shesha] perk already offers a twenty percent reduction,” the Vizier whispered back. “It’s that overpriced.”

“Minion, if a wyrmling doesn’t understand that the world revolves around his whims, he will grow into a shy dragon. Like a manling! I will not allow this. A dragonling’s confidence and self-esteem must be constantly reinforced, so he grows bold and confident.”