Chapter 31 - Heroes Menagerie Pt2 (1/2)

”Now, normally we don't do these things, but if they will help All Might investigate a missing girl... this is her address.”

Mina had a dull face when she saw Naruto lie to a police officer, using All Might's name of all things, to get information from, again, the police. What was more surprising was that they didn't even check to see if Naruto was telling the truth, by trying to contact All Might himself. They just looked up the personal information of a citizen, and were giving it away to Naruto like it was nothing.

More heroes had gone missing, and it was getting worrying.

”Thank you, I'll tell All Might how much help you've been.” Naruto nodded his head, keeping a straight face through the entire lie. He didn't allow a single bit of his fib get through his voice, which was surprising considering he was normally a shitty liar... to those who knew him well enough at least. ”Please, keep this a secret... All Might is undergoing this investigation under the radar right now.” Naruto forced a smile and put a finger to his lips.

His uncle was one of the kidnapped heroes, he just knew it, and it would be bad if people ȧssumed that All Might had been captured. No doubt, this news would leak, and people wouldn't ȧssume their Symbol of Peace had gotten kidnapped. In times like this, the people would crumble without hope, and All Might being captured was the same as losing hope.

The officer nodded with a wide, hopeful smile.

It hurt Naruto to lie to this man.

-With All Might-

”Now this won't do... I knew he was injured, and I figured out how his Quirk works and the methods around it... but in this condition he has no worth... Fix him.” The Man spoke as he looked at All Might's smaller, skeleton-like form. He saw the heavy wounds, and while he never knew what caused them, he knew that this was All Might's new true form. Of course, that wouldn't do, he needed a fully healthy All Might. ”Replace the damaged organs, and place him in the Restoration Chamber for 4... or 7 cycles. Then place him back in stasis.” The Man waved off the robots to go and do his bidding.

Funny, his sensor said that All Might was ”Quirkless” right now, which was impossible considering he was using his Quirk earlier. His machines couldn't give him back a Quirk, but the damage done to his body could be repaired at least.

The greatest hero deserved that much.

He wanted heroes as they were when they first debuted, and while he had a costume replica from All Might's debut, it would do no good if All Might was in a lesser condition. He had made sure to make Midnight wear her debut costume, and all of the heroes were in their debut costumes as well. It wasn't really worth anything to be honest, other than collection purposes.

”Shall we start the cloning process for the other heroes sir?”

”... No, we'll clone them to repopulate the planet once we have cleansed this world of lesser humans.” The Man didn't want to do things out of order.

First, the world needed cleansing, then he would clone the best heroes, not to mention he was still adding to his collection.

Who was to say he would be fine with just capturing the Top 10, and the popular heroes? He was going to capture every hero who had caught his eye before ending the world, those with good Quirks, good reputations, and most of all, those who had cemented themselves as legends.

-Tsuyu's Home-

”We're really doing this?” Mina asked with a slightly down expression.

They were doing something wrong.

”We need clues to find Tsuyu, at the least least, I need something that has her scent on it... if I transform, my nose should be able to track her scent for miles.” Naruto stated with an equally upset face. They were going to be invading the girl's privacy, and the girl had saved his life too. This was to find her though, because Naruto had the sinking suspicion that she was related in some way to the disappearance of the heroes.

After she vanished, multiple heroes started vanishing as well, including his Uncle and Super Gramps. If they could track her down, then maybe that would be what they needed to help them find the pros.

So, when Mina knocked on the door, she was surprised when it wasn't a parent who answered the door, but a young boy.

”Hello Samidare, I'm your sister's friend from school, and I don't like asking this, but can we come in and check her room out?” Mina placed her hands together in a begging position. The boy looked between them with a straight face for a second, before he closed the door in their faces.

Naruto twitched.

That was a normal thing to do, sadly, it didn't help them. Naruto knocked again with a little more harshness to it, and the boy opened the door once more.

”Go away, Tsuyu isn't here-”

”We're not here to hang out kid. Your sister is missing, right? We're here to try and find her. Your sister saved my life, and she might be in danger. I know we're strangers to you, but heroes are vanishing, and right now, the two of us are the only ones looking for her.” Naruto was a lot less nice as he glared down at the child. If the boy slammed the door in their face one more time, then he was going to break down the damn door... and pay for it later of course.

Samidare looked a little put off at first, before he nodded.

”Okay... her room is upstairs, first on the right... take your shoes off.” Samidare told them as he welcomed them in.

”Thanks.” Mina passed the boy and smiled, taking her shoes off along the way. Naruto went in after her, did the same, before he pat the boy's head.

”Sorry I was mean there kid. We're really going to try and find your sister though.” Naruto told the boy as he passed him. He followed Mina as the girl went up the stairs and into Tsuyu's room. When Naruto followed her, he was a little surprised to see her room looking... very normal for the most part. He closed the door behind them, before he started to glance around. ”First, we should get a piece of her clothing, something she wore recently that has her scent on it.” Naruto stated, and Mina already had that one taken care of.

She opened Tsuyu's closet and pulled the skirt she had been wearing a few days ago out of the hamper. Unlike a shirt, this would be easy to carry around for them, they could fold it up and fit in in their pocket easy. Not to mention a shirt was to bulky, and bras and pȧntɨės were too... well Mina wasn't comfortable with her boyfriend sniffing that.

”It doesn't look like she was taken from home... no signs of a struggle at least. Everything is pretty clean.” Mina looked around the room. ”Books, DVDs, CDs, Yaoi manga... seems like none of this stuff is out of place.” Mina looked at Tsuyu's well organized bookshelf.

Naruto didn't even bat an eyelash.

”We can agree to disagree on that last one, but you're right, everything seems to be normal here for the most part.” Naruto stated as he grabbed the skirt from Mina, and closed his eyes. Transforming, Naruto smelled the skirt and started to memorize her scent. The smell was sweet, she used a very nice body soap. It was a little bitter because of the very small amount of poisonous mucus on her skin. It had the female scent on it as well, hormone-wise at least, and he could smell the sour of sweat on it. The unique blend was easy for him to memorize, and with it done, he tossed her skirt on her bed. ”Lets go, once we walk around, I can get a better read on her scent.” Naruto told Mina, and she nodded.

Naruto powered down, and she followed after him as they were walked out of the house by the younger brother, and when they left, they could see the boy sending them a slightly suspicious look.

He didn't fully believe them, but gave them a chance.

”I think this is the first time we've ever gone out actually looking for hero work before... usually it just finds us.” Mina commented as they started their walk away from the house. Whenever they fought villains, before joining U.A., it had always been where they were out doing something else. This was the first time that they were actually purposely doing illegal hero work.

Naruto frowned.

”We don't have a choice... Pro Heroes are vanishing, the Top 10 are gone. See the road... no cars... no people. Everyone is scared shitless, and the heroes are all busy trying to find the other heroes... They aren't going to care about one missing girl at a time like this. We need to find her... and with her, we might find the others... and my...” Naruto trailed off. He didn't want to make it sound like he was only tracking her down to save his own life. He would track her down if she had his ball or not, but right now, her disappearance didn't seem like a coincidence with the heroes vanishing.

Mina held his hand, and smiled up at him.

They would find her together.

'He would do anything for his friends... that's a reason I love him so much.' Mina didn't say her words out loud. She just smiled, using her love as a way to get her pumped up to find their friend. She was happy that Naruto was so brave in the face of these trying times, because she might not have been if he wasn't there by her side. ”I didn't know you could track Naruto.” Mina realized moments later that Naruto was literally tracking Tsuyu down like she was an animal.

Naruto furrowed his brow, before his eyes widened.

He got a scent.

”Come on, I got a scent!” Naruto took his lowest form and started to run towards the biggest source of the scent. Mina chased after him, able to somewhat keep up with him with her athletic build.

They might just have a lead yet!

-Healing Chamber-

”What do you mean he can't be healed!”

All Might's injuries couldn't be healed through his medical science, and it was frustrating for him. Even with what they could do, they couldn't heal the greatest hero and return him back to his prime. To hear that news was absolutely frustrating, so frustrating that he thought about cloning All Might, a better one, and throwing the original away. He forced himself to calm down though, and took a deep breath. He hated that he couldn't have the original in mint condition, sure, but slightly used would be fine as well. The rest of the Top 10 were in prime condition, an All Might, the Symbol of Peace was an achievement to get on it's own. He would have to make due with what he was being given, and that might be a disfigured All Might, but he would live with it.

He hated getting second-best anything, not being able to heal All Might to his strongest was like getting a husk of the original. He wouldn't think on it anymore though, because then he would anger himself.

All Might's DNA wouldn't have his physical flaws, so the clones he would make would be fine, so all was good.

His perfect world could still happen.

-Back with NaruMina-

”A park... a children's park?” Mina corrected herself when they started to run into the park. It was the middle of the day, but there were no children at the park. With the disappearance of heroes, parents were no doubt keeping their children inside right now. Naruto leaned down closer to the ground, and he looked around. He could see quite a few sets of ȧduŀt footsteps, but the high heels in the dirt seemed familiar to him.

Smelling the air, he smelled a very sweet perfume... the smell of a slightly wet dog, and Shota, all in the same area, but with Shota's scent appearing to be the freshest. Naruto saw slime on the ground as well, though it was nearly dried up completely. The slime gave off the same smell as Tsuyu gave off, so it had to be from her body, but a far more concentrated dose of her.

The smells led into the park... but they didn't leave.

”Eraserhead, Midnight, and Hound Dog were here... but their scents vanish here.” Naruto commented as he looked around. He wanted to find any tracks that could be a hint to what kind of ȧssailant had attacked them and taken them. So far, he wasn't finding anything of great importance to note. ”Mina, help me search the ground... anything that looks weird or out of place.” Naruto told her, and she saluted him.

”Aye aye captain!”

With that, she got down on her hands and knees and started to look around in the dirt. She would need a shower after all of this, but it would be worth it if they could find a clue to where Tsuyu was. Nothing was standing out to her though, not the children's footprints, not the small, broken coin that had mechanical wire inside of it. Not that long black hair on the ground.


”Is a small broken coin, with mechanical stuff in it weird?” Mina asked as she picked up the broken remains of a strange coin.

Naruto looked at her like she was stupid, and she gave it to him.

”I have no clue what to make of this, but I don't recognize it... I doubt anyone in our class will recognize this level of tech either... We should check with the Support Class and see if they have any geniuses who know what this is.” Naruto was pretty sure the smartest girl in the class, Momo, wouldn't know what this was either. His best guess was that it was a GPS tracker of some sorts, but he didn't want to put money on his guess.

He could be very wrong, and it could be something completely different entirely, so it was best to see if somebody else had a clue.

To the Support Class!

”I think this might be Midnight's hair too... but I'm not sure about it. I'm going to bring it with us.” Mina pocketed the long black hair, just in case it did belong to Midnight. Then they would know for sure if the woman had been here, and not just go off of her scent being there.

It was possible to fake a scent, there were Quirks that could disguise scents after all.

They needed to hurry, the longer they took, the more heroes that were going to disappear.

-U.A. Support Workshop (Later)-


”Oh shit!” Naruto pulled Mina back when the door to the workshop exploded, shooting off it's hinges. Smoke came out of the room, and was quickly suċkėd up by the vents. Naruto sighed in relief when he saw that the girl that was knocked through the door, he just noticed her, was unhurt... other than being covered in a large amount of dirt, ash, and oil.

The girl was a mess, didn't look like she had left the workshop in awhile, and was very sleep deprived.

'Holy crap, her bȯȯbs... this girl is STACKED!' Mina, with a slightly above average rack, felt inadequate when she looked at the amount of cleavage this girl showed off. At her old school, she had been the biggest around, but at U.A., she was finding girls left and right who destroyed her. She glanced at the girl, and noticed she wore no bra... and she glanced at Naruto. Then, she slapped her cheeks when she saw Naruto only quickly glanced at her cleavage. ”No.” Mina elbowed Naruto in the side, she didn't like being jealous, so she only lightly elbowed him.

Naruto rubbed where she got him.

”You're with the Support Class, I'm Naruto Uzumaki. I need to speak with Power Loader about something, can you tell me where he is?”

”Nope, haven't seen him in hours. He was called out to help somebody, I'm all here alone with my babies, which I need to get back to. Inventing my beautiful babies is more important that anything that takes up my time anyway.” The girl walked right by Naruto. Naruto glanced in the workshop, and saw it was filled with a lot of inventions.

The way this girl talked, she was the one who invented a lot of them, and a good number of them were pretty complicated.

Mina frowned.


”Then you'll do. I have a machine that I need to question, and have it rebuilt, but mostly... it's an extremely complicated machine I've never-” Naruto suddenly had the girl right in his face. She grabbed his shoulders and pushed her bȯȯbs up against him, face to face to the point she was practically kissing him.

Her eyes bulged in interest, and she had a wide grin.

”Should have started with that then! I'm Mei Hatsume, if it's an invention you need looked at, I'm more than happy to help! Come on in, come on in!” Mei grabbed Naruto's hand and started to pull him in. She grabbed Mina by the front of her shirt and pulled her as well, the two of them being practically dragged into the workshop by the girl.

That was a newfound interest in what they had.