Chapter 30 - Hero Menagerie Pt1 (1/2)

It was silent.

Sitting down next to Naruto, his nephew, and seeing the teenager still unconscious, down on a bed with an oxygen mask over his mouth, and his arm in a sling, combined with the bandages on his head... it hurt Toshinori when he saw it. All he could do was hold Naruto's unbroken hand for support, not support for Naruto, support for himself. He had snapped when he saw Naruto being carried on a stretcher, and had gone into the USJ ready to destroy whatever villain had did this to him. Normally, all Naruto needed was Recovery Girl's healing kiss and he would be usually completely healed.

Not this time.

Before she could even use her powers, they needed to perform actual surgery on Naruto, to remove bone fragments from his lungs, set the bones in his crushed and twisted arm back into place. They needed to check his organs to make sure nothing else was vitally wounded, and thankfully, the most vital organ that had been injured had been his lungs. The rest of his organs didn't go undamaged though, and it was pure luck that the scan showed Naruto wouldn't suffer from any brain damage.

”He lost control...” Shota spoke to Toshinori seriously. ”... thankfully, only Thirteen and I know he lost control. When I was asked by the police, I told them Naruto's dėsɨrė to protect his classmates gave him temporary control over his Quirk... and he passed out because of his injuries.” Shota continued with a sigh. He had told the police a pretty big lie, but considering Naruto wasn't to blame for losing control, it wouldn't be good to punish Naruto. His Quirk had acted on it's own as a self-preservation mode, it had happened when Naruto had already been knocked out.

If Naruto hadn't lost control, Nomu could have continued to rampage... and he could have killed a lot of people before Toshinori arrived to fight him, and that would have been a horrible thing to deal with.

Toshinori bowed.

”Thank you... has there been any word from Tsuyu Asui?” Toshinori tried to take his mind off of Naruto, he had to, otherwise he wouldn't be able to face himself when he went home. All of the students were accounted for and, other than Naruto, uninjured. The only student who was missing was Tsuyu, and the only injured was Naruto. They had been looking for Tsuyu for close to 8 hours now, and there was no sign of the girl. Even those with powerful noses said her scent just vanished completely, right in the middle of the school grounds, and the other scent with her wasn't like the scent of any of the villains who had attacked.

Shota got a text, and he stood up when he looked at his phone.

”I just got a text from Midnight. She found a trace of Asui. You stay, if villains come back, you're the most suited to protect the school right now.” Shota wrapped his scarf around his neck and prepared to go and get his student back. He looked at the location again, before he left the room, and he saw Mina was sitting outside of the room. He didn't say anything to her, as much as he would have liked to, but the tears in her eyes showed that she needed to speak with somebody. ”... You can go in, I'm leaving now.” Shota told her as he quickly passed by.

All she did was nod and get up, heading into the room he just left.

-With Midnight-

”This is odd... the girl's Quirk forms state that she can secrete a slime that is slightly poisonous... but what is it doing all this way from the school?” Midnight was a little confused as she worked with her fellow teacher and pro hero, Hound Dog. The one who had actually found the trail of slime, and he contacted her to make sure it was from the right student. The two of them had tracked down the traces all of the way down to a park, and considering it was so late at night now, it was doubtful that Tsuyu had been here to play around. Not a girl her age, and not at a park for little children like this. ”What do you think Hound Dog?” Midnight asked as she looked at the traces on the slide, bending over and examining carefully.

She got no response as Hound Dog sniffed around, trying to find where the tracks went.

They stayed in the park.

”Odd... I can smell her scent here at the park, but I don't smell it either entering or leaving.” Hound Dog didn't know what to make of that. His nose had never lied to him before, but he didn't smell anyone else coming to the park, or leaving it.

Midnight went to the bushes and looked into them for anything else.

”I sent a message to Eraserhead, he should be here soon. Lets see what else we can find in the meantime Hound Dog...” Midnight stood up and turned around. She looked to her fellow teacher, only to blink and pull out her whip when she didn't see him standing. Her free arm went to her white bodysuit, preparing to rip it. ”Hound Dog, you better not be pissing on a tree!” Midnight tried to make a dog joke to flush her ally out.

She was greeted by silence.

Something was off.

A small ball dropped out of the air, and landed on the ground in front of her. She ripped her suit, and pink gas started to fill the area, coming out of her skin. Her scent quickly surrounding her. In response to that, the small ball at her feet opened up, and all of her scent started to get suċkėd up into the ball. She ripped more of her suit off, and instantly her scent was suċkėd up into the ball again. The ball made a beeping sound, before it changed colors from pink to blue, and started to release a blue gas. She covered her mouth was quickly as she could, but her vision started to fade, before she her body gave out on the ground.

”Hound Dog, Quirk: Dog... and Midnight, Quirk: Somnambulist. Pro Heroes of quite a high standard, far exceeding the average hero for sure. Though, your original costume would make you far more suited to being in my collection.”

'This scent... that little ball cancelled out my scent, and then released a scent that can knock me out... how...?'

Midnight passed out.

-The Next Day-

'Where... where am I?'

Naruto's eyes weakly opened as he winced, the morning sun shining right in them. He felt horrible, his entire body was in a ton of pain, and breathing was difficult for him. He felt like he had gone ten rounds with his uncle in his prime, and had taken a good amount of hits. What was worse, was Naruto felt an uncomfortable weight right on his stomach, which didn't really hurt, but made it harder to breath. Trying to move his body, he found himself unable to move very much, even moving his hand was a challenge for him. All he could do was lean his head, and see that Mina was sleeping with her arms and head on his stomach, her eyes red and puffy, showing that she had been crying. On his other side, he saw his uncle sitting there, awake with a cup of coffee in his hands.

This was Recovery Girl's emergency treatment room?

”It's okay... you can go back to sleep. You did it, you saved your classmates... but next time... can you save them without worrying me so much?” Toshinori wasn't going to yell or scream, or even trying to tell Naruto not to save people. He would be a hypocrite if he told Naruto to stop risking his life for others. He tried to smile down at Naruto, and Naruto tried to remember what had happened.

Nomu, that thing that he fought, all he remembered was getting smashed into a crater, then everything went black.

Naruto nodded a little.

”Uuuuuh... morning Yagi-san... Naruto! You're awake! Thank god, Recovery Girl said it would be days before you would wake up!” Mina screamed when she saw his open eyes. She jumped onto him, and wrapped her arms around his neck as weakly as she could. Tears of joy were streaming down her face. She rubbed her cheek against the side of his head, and Naruto gasped and winced in pain.

Recovery Girl took her cane, and smacked Mina on the buŧŧ as she walked in.


”Sorry!” Mina apologized as quickly as she could, holding her hurting bum with both hands. The elderly woman stood up on a chair, and looked at Naruto's condition with a critical eye. ”Is he going to be okay?” Mina asked quietly, like she was trying to keep her words a secret. Getting a good look at Naruto again, she could see that Naruto wasn't in great condition.

Recovery Girl nodded.

”How stubborn you are never ceased to amaze me. I'm amazed you were able to survive with those injuries, and kept fighting despite of them. Now, you wake up days before you were scheduled to. You must have questions.” Recovery Girl removed his breathing mask, and allowed Naruto to take a breath of fresh air. She kept it close by just in case Naruto wasn't ready to have it taken off just yet.

Naruto's mouth moved, but he didn't have the strength to speak.

Mina, and his uncle, looked like they wanted to cry when they saw him so weak. Gathering up as much strength as he could, and going beyond that, Naruto managed to sit up with a weak grunt. Toshinori helped him with a hand on his back, and Mina placed a hand on his ċhėst.

”What... Where is... where is it?”

”Where is... he's unconscious again.” Mina didn't know what to make of that question. She saw that Naruto was already asleep again, having used up all of the strength he had regained. She was pushed out of her chair, and Toshinori took, as the healing hero started to make them leave. ”Can't I stay with him longer!?”

”I'm his uncle!”

”I'm going to start another healing for Naruto, and he's going to need more rest. With any luck, he should be able to move around again by tomorrow. Until then, you two are making him push himself too far to make you happy, out!” Recovery Girl lectured both of them as they were forcefully pushed out of the room. The door was closed, and locked, behind them. Mina and Toshinori didn't know how to react right away to that, but Toshinori let loose a sigh of relief.

Naruto was going to be okay... physically speaking.

Toshinori and Mina looked at each other, before they nodded. If anything, the fact Naruto was being so stubborn meant that he was going to be okay, and they just needed to give him time to rest.

”You head to class, I know you'll be late, but you might want to head to the locker room and use their showers.” Toshinori told her with a smile. She had been in her hero costume since yesterday, and had worked up a sweat when the villains had appeared. She deserved a nice hot shower before going to class, but she had been so worried about Naruto making it, she had stayed by his side all night. He didn't want to say it out loud, but the girl was really good for his nephew. She had been nothing but loyal to him when he was in great need, even if he wasn't awake to realize it.

She nodded her head, and stared to walk off just as Toshinori's phone started to ring.

Strange, he didn't recognize this number.

-Mt. Lady Office-

”As you can see, we're still in the red with that last stunt... it might really be best if we move out of the city.”

”Nooooo, I want to make it big, and to do that I have to be in the city.” Mt. Lady complained as she listened to one of her very few workers explain to her how bad their financial situation was at the moment. With her Gigantification Quirk, even she knew she was best suited out of the city. That being said, she still set up her office in the city so that she could bask in the praise and glory that came with being a big city hero.

There was a beep.

”Mt. Lady, there is a investor here to see you, do you want me to send him in?”

”Yes!” Mt. Lady shouted into the mic, eyes dazzling. She had the brightest smile on her face, because in all of her short time as a pro hero, she had yet to have any investors come and visit her. The closest thing to that was when she had put out her line of hair-care products to make extra money, and she met up with stores to decide which places could carry it and produce it. ”See, we're not bad off, investors means money! Now, scoot, out, I want to see at the desk and look official.” Mt. Lady started to rush the man out of his desk.

If she was sitting behind a desk, she would look a lot more business worthy, she was happy she was wearing her costume right now, it would send off the best impression!

Her adviser exited the room, at the exact same time as a man in a black suit, with slicked back black hair and black sunglasses came in. He had a completely neutral expression and face, everything about the man was very neutral actually. He had a briefcase though, and he sat down across from her.

”Mt. Lady, it's a pŀėȧsurė to meet you.”

”Always a pŀėȧsurė meeting an investor, so, are you the one investing or do you have a boss... and let me just say, I am open to negotiations.” Mt. Lady acted as cool as she could. She could negotiate how much money she could accept, and if she was going to have to undergo small style changes, or start mentioning certain businesses and items for sale.

She dropped her guard, and made herself look as naive and innocent to the business world as possible. She leaned forward and pressed her brėȧsts together using her arms.

He didn't even glance at her brėȧsts sadly.

”I come as a representative. My boss is quite the fan of heroes, and you're rising popularity has attracted his attention, as well as your powerful Quirk. There will be no need for negotiations. If you will be willing to meet my Boss, he has prepared-” The Investor spoke to her, and opened up his briefcase. Mt. Lady saw the money in the case, and suddenly became very lightheaded. ”1,000,000,000 Yen in cash, with an additional 1,000,000,000 Yen if he believes you have potential.” The Investor spoke calmly, and clearly.

Mt. Lady felt like she was going to have a heart attack when she saw the amount of money, and heard that it was only half of what she could be getting out of this. That was enough to take her out of the red completely, and put her far into the green.

”Deal!” Mt. Lady was drooling so much that when she shouted that, she accidentally spewed all over the Investor's face.

He paid it no mind.

”Very well, shall we?” The Investor stood up and reached into his pocket, putting out a small coin. He tossed it on the ground, and it opened up to create a portal above the coin.

”Well, lets not keep your boss waiting then!” Mt. Lady walked briskly towards the portal, her greediest smile possible on her face. She slapped her cheeks as she walked through the portal, and though it was strange that portals existed, it just might be because of a Quirk she didn't know about. She put on a pleasant smile, before she blinked.

She was looking at Eraserhead, Midnight, and Hound Dog, three pro heroes from U.A., and they were standing across from her with blank looks on their faces.

She noticed she was standing in the middle of a... what looked like a cathedral, with a painted ceiling. Lined on the walls were large pods, with hero's names below each pod. In the middle of the room, behind the heroes, was a large pillar that went up into a hole in the massive ceiling. Heck, the walls were also lined with windows, revealing... nothing but white outside of the windows.


”Holy crap, that's your original costume!” Mt. Lady looked shocked when she saw Midnight wearing her original, even MORE super revealing costume that lacked the bodysuit underneath it. One slip, and her brėȧsts would become super exposed. This type of suit had been banned, thanks in part to Midnight herself.

She blinked when the Investor walked up behind the heroes.

”Mt. Lady, I'm pleased you could join us.” The Investor pulled out a phone, and a voice came out of it.

She thought she was meeting the guy in person?

”Wow, this is a pretty nice place you have... if you weren't investing in me, I would say this was a competent villain hide out.” Mt. Lady joked, seriously, as she glanced at the expressionless heroes.


”Add her to the collection.”

”Damnit!” Mt. Lady looked at saw the ceiling was tall enough to use her Quirk. Grinning, she was shocked when instantly, her Quirk was erased and she was unable to use it. She covered her mouth when pink gas filled the area from Midnight, and even though it was better against men, Mt. Lady covered her mouth and nose, preparing to fight them off without her Quirk if needed.'They're under some kind of mind-”

Hound Dog slammed a fist into her stomach, knocking arms away from her mouth as she gasped, breathing it a large amount of scent. She suddenly felt woozy, but maintained consciousness for a bit longer. One of the pods in the room opened up, before she was captured by Eraserhead's scarf, and thrown into the pod.

”Erasing Quirks, a fast and powerful dog, and portable knock out gas. I knew adding you three to my collection first would be a boon. Now, return to your pods, I want to keep you preserved.”

The Pro Heroes all obeyed the commands as more pods in the room, with their names, opened up. Just as Mt. Lady's pod closed, and her body was placed in statis.

-With Class 1-A-

”Man, Aizawa-sensei is sure late.” Ochaco spoke with a wide smile. This was giving her the chance to finish up the homework she forgot to do with all the excitement from yesterday. She had a wide smile on her face, because she was almost done and the teacher was 15 minutes late for class.

Several other students were just hanging around, talking with each other in small groups, while Tenya and Izuku were with her.

”It's inappropriate for a teacher.” Tenya spoke with a frown, adjusting his glasses just to show his annoyance.

Izuku waved his hands.

”He must just be exhausted from yesterday.” Izuku mentioned as the doors opened up, and Mina tried to silently enter. ”He's not here.” Izuku told her with a good morning wave.

Mina sighed in relief.

”Mina! How's Naruto doing!?” Kirishima screamed as he ran towards her. She yelped when he grabbed onto her and started to try and physically shake the answers out of her body. She was soon crowded by other students that were curious about the answer, and trying to get it from her.

”Speaking of late...” Momo whispered with a furrowed brow.

Where was Tsuyu?

”He's going to be okay, he just needs some more healing, and some rest.” Mina saw everyone who was friends with Naruto at this point sigh in relief. Kirishima even rubbed the joyful tears out of his eyes, hiccuping in a dramatic way at the safety of his friend.

She was rubbed by Kirishima and Toru, both of whom seemed to be balling, glad at the news.

”Shut up! That bastard is too strong, he beat a guy made to kill All Might, as if he would die that easily.” Bakugo snapped at them for their crying. He had the most unpleasant look they had ever seen on his face, as if it had physically hurt him to say those words out loud. Yet, even he had to give credit where it was due, because otherwise he wouldn't be able to challenge himself and push his own limits further. 'Fucking bastard... hiding so much power... I'll beat him, I'll beat all of them.' Bakugo thought with a clenched fist.

Mina hugged Toru and Kirishima, before she quickly let go of them.

'An enemy made to defeat All Might...' Izuku thought about that for a moment, before he blinked.

That seemed impossible to him, he would have to ask Naruto about that when he saw him next, and get his opinion.

”Okay class, everyone to your seats.”

Everyone was surprised when a different teacher came into the room, Cementoss, their Modern Literature Teacher, came into the room instead of Shota. It was odd for them to see the man outside of his own class actually.

”Sir, where is Aizawa-sensei?” Kyoka asked with a raised hand, the first among them who was willing to voice her thoughts on it.

Cementoss looked at her.

”He's resting right now, but he'll be back as soon as he's ready to teach again. Don't worry, we're sure he's in no danger.” Cementoss then proceeded to start giving out the lessons.

-With Ryuko-

”Seriously? Can't I enjoy my day off without some villains deciding to attack me?” Ryuko wasn't exactly dressed for a fight, wearing a swimsuit for starters since she was at the beach. She just wanted to relax, and suddenly she was met with several masked men surrounding her. All of them with slicked back hair, black suits, and briefcases. They had white masks covering their faces, and were standing politely... with guns pointed at her.

The life of a hero was a difficult one.

Thankfully, her swimsuits were made of the same material as her clothes, so she could transform without worrying about destroying them. Going up to her dragon form, she looked down at the men and gave them a glare.

Guns wouldn't hurt her in this form.

”She's using her Quirk, open fire, go for her wings first like the Boss said.” The men opened their briefcases and pulled out ammo for their guns. Switching to the prefered ammo, Ryuko swiped at one of them. The one she swiped at shot her elbow, and a small blue ball impacted her scales, exploding and covering her elbow in a thick case of extremely cold ice.

The men started to fire at her wings, weighing them down heavily with thick ice that started to form on her. They iced down her legs to the ground, freezing her in place. She wasn't even given a fair chance to struggle before her neck was completely cover in ice.

The cold quickly started to sap her strength, as her eyes started to close. She transformed back into human form, and slipped out of the ice, hitting the ground as a shivering mess. The men fired at her again, and froze the lower half of her body. Two men changed ammo, while she laid on the ground helplessly. She was shot in the neck by two small darts.

She was out cold moments later.

”Pro Hero, Ryukyu captured. Transporting to base.” The man's cold, neutral voice spoke as they captured the woman.

-With Endeavor-

”Oh, so you bastards think you'll be able to fight ME!?”

Endeavor shouted as he summoned forth flames, and threw them at one of the men. He was surprised when the man's suit wasn't even burned as he walked through the flames, a light green force field flickered around the man, all of the men around. They walked and formed a circle around Endeavor, as quickly as they could, before they opened up their briefcases and dropped thick metal plates on the ground.

Endeavor had just been in his office, when these men had broke in and interrupted him. When he told them to leave or be fried, they simply told him his resistance was useless.

”We know all about your Hellflame... and without oxygen, flames can not live. Without heat, they have trouble starting.” The seeming leader spoke, they all looked the same.

”I... I...” Endeavor suddenly found he couldn't breath. All of the air in the room was quickly suċkėd into the plates. He formed a quick flame, but the room's heat was drained as well. Without heat or oxygen, his flames quickly died into nothing. He ran at one of the men, hoping to beat him and break his machine.

He hit a barrier preventing him from going a step further, as all of the men drew closer to him.

”You're popularity, status as a hero, and strength are all remarkable. The Master wishes to add you to his collection.” The Leading Suit spoke as Endeavor was shot with darts, his strength even more quickly fading away as he was grabbed.

'... They... created a plan unique... to capture me... they analyzed my fighting style and my Quirk... who are these... bast...' With those as his last weak thoughts, Endeavor passed out. The men grabbed him, and packed away their capture tools.

”Endeavor, captured.”

-With Gang Orca-

”We don't wish for violence, a peaceful surrender is the best course of action.”


Gang Orca was underwater, looking all around him as men in black suits surrounded him, surprisingly agile underwater like him. They were holding briefcases, that they were opening to reveal strangely shaped guns.

”A hero never surrenders-”

That the the go for them to attack, and Gang Orca felt like his head was splitting open the second they pointed their weapons at him. He writhed and shouted in pain as extremely powerful sonic waves ȧssaulted his head harder than he had ever experience before. He couldn't see straight as they attacked, all of his senses went haywire, before his eyes rolled up into the back of his head.

Two of the men swam over to him.

His eyes rolled back to where they were suppose to be, and he punched at the men. He was then ȧssaulted by more sonic waves, only this time, the men near him switched their ammo and shot capturing ropes at him. His legs and arms were tied up, and he was forced to bȧrė the mind-rending pain. He struggled for several minutes, but even he needed air.

He passed out, and a man placed an oxygen mask on his face, before injecting him with a knock out drug.

”Gang Orca, captured.”

-In the Mountains-

”Don't worry, the Wild Wild Pussycats are here to save you! We'll get you out of there in a jiffy!”

The team of 4 heroes all went towards the collapsed cave. They had been called and sent to rescue several people who had called for him with a cave in, and being a mountain rescue team, they had been the first team that been chosen for this job.

Tiger started to use his body to grab tree trunks and move them out of the way.

”Pixie-Bob reporting for duty, lets clear away this earth!” Pixie-Bob shouted as she placed her hands on the ground, and the collapsed cave started to fix itself, boulders crawling out of the cave and into the open. It moved slowly so that no more cave in's would happen.

'Don't worry, we'll save you soon.' Mandalay thought as she sent out thought waves into the cave.

She would reassure the victims until they were saved.

They were a well oiled team, and Ragdoll looked around everywhere excitedly, but she was blinking in confusion.

'Weird, I don't see anyone in the cave... no living or dead people anyway.' Ragdoll didn't know what to make of that. With her Quirk, she could see 100 people at a time, even if she didn't have her eyes on them directly. Yet, she couldn't see any people in that cave.

Tiger started to squeeze through the cave in, before he was gone from their view.

'Okay, be careful in there Tiger. Pixie-Bob, try and build up support structures, make them a good exit.' Mandalay gave out instructions to her teammates. As the leader of the team, she had to make sure everything was good to go.

Ragdoll furrowed her brow.

She still couldn't see any people.

”I found them!” Tiger's voice was heard loud and clear, which only caused Ragdoll to furrow her brow even more in confusion.

People her Quirk couldn't see?

”Perfect, and Pixie-Bob is nearly done making an exit, are they injured at all?” Mandalay called out her question. Seeing that there was enough space for her to go in as well, she traveled into the cave after Tiger. ”I'm coming in!” Mandalay vanished into the cave after.

Pixie-Bob sent Ragdoll a thumbs up.

”We're nyanderfull.” Pixie-Bob made a joke, and Ragdoll nodded with a wide smile. Pixie-Bob finished clearing out the cave in, and with sunlight, thye looked in and saw that there was nobody there.

Not even Mandalay or Tiger were there.


”I don't see any people.” Ragdoll stated, before a coin dropped on the ground in front of them. A portal opened up, and a small horde of men in suits came out of the portal before it closed, and the coin destroyed itself. ”... I still don't see them with my Quirk.” Ragdoll pointed out with more confusion.

Pixie-Bob jumped next to her.

”Get ready to call for help, we don't know what their Quirks are!” Pixie-Bob was pretty sure she had a good idea what happened to their teammates. She prepared to use her Quirk, and the earth under them stirred to her call. The man all opened up their briefcases, before they pulled out rods and stabbed them into the ground. Pressing a buŧŧon on top of each rod, her control over the earth around her was instantly ruined.

Electricity ran through the ground, and as she gained control over it, the electricity ruined her control.

They had negated her Quirk!

”We need to get out of here, and warn-” Ragdoll started, but didn't get far into her statement.

The men shot them with tranq-darts, with the two women going down. The men surrounded them and tied them up, getting them ready for transport.

”Wild, Wild, Pussycats have been captured.”

-After School, Class 1-A-

”Man, those villains must have taken a lot out of the teachers. Aizawa-sensei and Midnight were both missing today. I hope Tsuyu is feeling well.” Sato commented as he sat down with Sero. School had just ended, and everyone was getting ready to go home.

Ojiro nodded.

”It's certainly odd, but with the villain attack yesterday, things must be pretty hectic for them.” Ojiro commented in a normal way. He tried to be understanding of the teacher's situation. They were all lucky they didn't end up like Naruto, or worse, dead with the villain attack. It was hard to imagine what it was like for the teachers to have to balance pro hero work, with teaching right now, not to mention they could have been injured as well.