21 Battle of Sommen Pass Part 1 (1/2)

Summer is about to end, the early signs of the Autumn season can be seen in the continent.

the Grand Duchy of Gardenia has fallen to the Imperial Army, after the fort of Reńaiss had fallen in a quick succession against the Imperial Army. The Imperial Army immediately went ahead to march in Vyonne the ducal capital of Gardenia had been infiltrated and captured by the Imperial Army within less than an hour.

The Grand Duke along with his loyal men flee the Palace just in time through the secret tunnels in the Palace. The Imperial Army hoisted the Imperial Insignia after the sun had just risen a day before Autumn.

-- Ducal Palace, Vyonne --

The Imperial Army temporarily took a halt to their advance. General Clause and some other high-ranking military officers gathered in the Ducal Palace. They for a while indulged in the Grand Duke's Palace and looted the Grand Duke's property.

His men looted and plundered the city after it fell, the Imperial Army forcibly took women and took them. All the abled-men we're forcibly used as laborers for the war effort.

The behemoth bombard used earlier in the battle was gallantly displayed in the city plaza, with men guarding it to prevent any act of sabotage.

Meanwhile in the Palace, Clause received a telegram from the Emperor.

”It is an honor to see you, you're highness” Clause humbly greet the Emperor.

”Raise your head, may i know what is the current military situation in subjugating Gardenia?”

”the fortress of Reńaiss and the grand ducal capital of Vyon is captured by the Imperial Army. But we failed to capture the Grand Duke.” Clause replied,

”Very well, how was the behemoth? did it contributed to your success?”

”Yes your highness, the behemoth astoundingly torn apart the city's defenses in an instant and the city immediately surrendered.”

”There we're no garrisoned troops?” the Emperor asked,

”There we're men atop the walls, but we had found traces of a huge army evacuating immediately in the barracks in the city in which there's a sign of people leaving in an instant simultaneously.” Clause replied,

”Very well Clause, you done well enough. I am looking forward to see the capture of Sienna before winter begins. Expect handsome rewards waiting here.” the Emperor replied,

The Emperor called off and the conversation ended, Clause can't wait to capture Sienna and began calling the other officers and begin a new offensive through Inner Summerwyn.

”Ok everyone, we will now begin our planning to a new military offensive on the Kingdom of Summerywn. This time our military forces for the first time will start to have difficulty in terrain. As this is the first time again to venture inside Inner Summerwyn. For centuries Summerwyn had become the continent's foremost power and bullies our glorious Empire. But things have changed! it is the time to bravely pass through the Sommen Pass in the south and capture the Siennese crown!” Clause remarked on the room,

”Long Live the Empire!” Clause cheered in the room,

The military officers gathered in the Grand Duke's living room, the living room is filled with luxurious couch and high-grade wood tables decorated with gold.

Clause placed the continental map on the table and all gathered in the table whilst sitting in the couch.

”Ok so according to the plan the superiors and i made earlier, the Sommen Pass which is south of the mountain ranges of Gardenia is our gateway to inner summerwyn. We will march onto Summerwyn Pass and march again for several kilometers into a nearby fort, Fort Rose. We will besiege the fort using normal bombards and wyverns and capture the fort in quick succession. If the fort quicks earlier than usual, we will capture fort Rose and make it our base of operations here in Inner Summerwyn. We will place the behemoth there since transporting it is difficult and we won't use it besieging the fort because we will take the pain of fixing the fort's walls”

”And after replenishing for a while in fort Rose, we will finally march with a hundred thousand into Sienna, and a week later a number of 50,000 troops along with the Behemoth will be sent to Sienna to capture the city real quick”

”Thus, Sienna might fall before winter begins. Any questions so far?” Clause asked in the room,

everyone understood the plan clearly and no one asked any questions afterwards. Clause proceeded to dismiss the meeting and went to rest in the Grand Duke's bedroom.

He replaced the blankets and pillows in the bed for his comfort and decided to close his eyes so that he can get enough energy for the Autumn campaign.

-- Early Autumn of 1544 --

in the Grand Ducal Palace where the former local ducal flag and Summerwyn royal flag used to fly over the flagpoles of the city, are now replaced with the Imperial Insignia all throughout the city.

the sun had risen and the leaves had began to change its color and fall from its branches, Clause had woken up from his bed and immediately went to the living room of the Palace.

There, is the other military officers waiting. They are now preparing for their 15 day march onto the Sommen Pass, they are following the plan made by Clause with the Imperial General Staff.

the Imperial autumn offensive had begun. A one hundred fifty thousand Imperial Troops had prepared themselves in the city, along with them are carrying several bombards and the behemoth.

Transporting the behemoth is a logistical nightmare, but it is their best bet to capture Sienna in a quick manner.

it's been 5 days since the city had fell to Imperial Occupation, the Imperial Army had enough rest and supplies to continue the Autumn Campaign.

The early successes on the Grand Duchy of Gardenia had saved the Imperial Army a lot of manpower and supplies due to their superior firepower.