20 Grand Duchy of Gardenia (1/2)
-- Late Summer of 1454 --
The fort of Reńaiss in the southern marches of Summerwyn just fell to the Imperial Army under the leadership of General Clause.
Along with the defection of Pro-Imperial Nobles in the Kingdom, the fall of fortress of Reńaiss clearly made the fall of Summerwyn power in the region of Gardenia.
-- Grand Duchy of Gardenia, Vyonne --
The Grand Duke of Gardenia, which is a vassal of the King of Summerwyn. Is one of the King's loyal allies and is part of the Bretagne Faction.
The Grand Duke is also one of the oldest houses in the continent, responsible for the creation of the House of Bretagne and other major Dynastic Houses as well.
Vyonne, which is located 30 kilometers away from the fort of Reńaiss. Is the Capital of the Grand Duchy. It is located several miles south from the mountain ranges of Gardenia and is surrounded by vast plains.
Vyonne has a population of 189,000 people, being the third largest city in the Kingdom. Vyonne is famous for it's innovative agricultural methods and is known as the Kingdom's breadbasket.
The Grand Duchy of Gardenia has been traditionally agricultural throughout it's history, and it's vast farmlands that was blessed by fertility by the river Reońe which flows from the mountain ranges of Gardenia until the vast Prospera Plains in the Empire.
After the fall of Fort Reńaiss, the military office in Vyonne received the news of the fall several minutes after the Imperial Army infiltrated the fort.
-- Military Office, Vyonne --
The local generals stationed in Vyonne are alarmed at the sudden fall of the fort. As such, they all gathered in the Military Office situated in the city in the early morning.
It was midnight when the Imperial Army surprisingly besieged and infiltrated the fort. The fort swiftly fell to unknown circumstances and the officers in Vyonne we're suddenly woke up.
The loyal general of the Grand Duke, Charles walked inside the strategy room and grabbed the attention of the military officers.
”Everyone Listen!” Charles shouted in the room,
Charles grabbed everyone's attention in the room, he took his map with him and began to use wooden pieces to explain the military situation.
”It is currently summer, a perfect time for military campaigns” he added,
he placed the star-shaped wooden piece as the Royal Army in the city of Vyonne. And a square-shaped wooden piece located in the fort of Reńaiss for the Imperial Army.
”The fort of Reńaiss had fallen to the Imperial Army, i hypothesize that the Imperial Army will march as early as today.” he said,
his' subordinates we're shocked by his calculations. But if he is indeed correct, the Imperial Army could immediately sweep in the Gardenia region.
”Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas for military plans right now? if not, have any questions?” Charles added,
a young man, wearing his lightly-decorated uniform stood and said ”Yes sir, i suggest we do a retreat to Sienna”
the officer's we're shocked by the young man's suggestions and thought it was absurd to sacrifice the Grand Duke's domain.
”But, if we want to save not just Gardenia, but the Kingdom as well. We must retreat behind the great mountain ranges or lost more men and resources here in the uneasy plains” he added,
the men can't deny the point the young man added, but everyone's opinion on the matter still remained divided nonetheless.
Charles began to think in deep thought, he is the most superior military officer in the Gran Duchy lower than the Grand Duke. He must choose his decisions wisely as it will decide the lives of thousands.
He thought the young man's strategy's positive and negative effects on the entirety of the Kingdom.
He thinks that, it is not honorable for the Royal Army to just leave the city as they are leaving their responsibilities in protecting the king's subjects against the onslaught of the Imperial Army.
”But, it is our responsibility to protect the subjects of the king and the grand duke” Charles added,
”However sir, far more of the king's subjects are going to be affected if we continue to be irrational” the young man replied,
other than leaving the region to Imperial control, the Kingdom's food supplies will also fall and another food crisis might ensued again in the Kingdom.
The room was left in silence, even though there are a lot of people in the room. The strategy was mainly discussed by the two people.
Then suddenly, a huge knock on the door had grabbed everyone's attention. 'Come in', Charles said and the doors opened to a Palace guard.
”Yes Sir!, a movement of a supposedly huge army guided by torches can be seen several kilometers away from the wall. Estimates vary it from a hundred into two hundred thousand. We identify the army probably as the Imperial Army” the Palace guard said,
The officers we're shocked not just Charles' prediction became earlier as thought, the Imperial Army is now marching in front of themselves waiting for their deaths without any concrete military plan.
”Everyone listen to me immediately, i got a plan” one officer stated in the room,
”We shall defend the city of Vyonne until to the last man!, but we shall not just defend the city. We must inflict much casualties against the Imperial Army while sustaining fewer casualties in the Royal Army”
”Thus, i propose the Vyon plan” the officer added,
the room was filled with mixed reactions towards the officer's proposal, the Vyon plan named after the founder and the first grand duke of Gardenia, Vyon. Was a military strategy concerning a huge strategic retreat to the mountain ranges of Gardenia.
The first part of the strategy comes with an anticipated invasion from the east into the plains of Gardenia, if the fort of Reńaiss where to fall. And a huge military force is invading and is capable of destroying the Kingdom. If the Vyon plan is adopted, the Royal Army located in the capital city of the duchy, Vyonne. Will leave the city bringing with them all of the city's ammunition and military supplies, after leaving the city while the city surrendered to the invading force.
The Royal Army will relay the message to Sienna to deliver magic telegram message all over the Grand Duchy of Gardenia to burn the crops and flee behind the mountain ranges of Gardenia. Minor cities and towns behind the mountain ranges will be responsible for the refugees needs. The refugees will bring with them all the crops and livestocks salvaged with them, while the Royal Army is on the retreat behind the mountain ranges. They will burn the crops and escort rural inhabitants to seek refugee in the north.
Thus, within a month or two. All of Gardenia's food production will significantly decrease and this will only leave the Empire more mouths to feed.
”I believe it is a necessity to do it now” Charles said in the room,
everyone had no choice but to agree on Charles' decision. It is really a tough decision for everyone but it is the best bet they can do right now.
”Very well, Vyon Plan will be commenced now!”