19 British Delegation Part 2 (1/2)

-- Early Autumn of 1454 --

--- Imperial Capital, Ostburg ---

a coach with its wheels touching the ground stopped in front of the Imperial Palace, the coachman step down and opened the coach's doors,

A woman with-expensive looking clothes and a young man wearing a black suit had step out of the coach. While walking, they're holding flags of an unknown country. As soon as they set foot on the ground, they continued to walk inside by walking upstairs in the Grand Staircase.

”That one seems like a Queen” one of the guards said while patrolling the hall,

two guards overlooked the elaborate welcoming ceremony to the British envoys from the halls of the upper floors.

”I heard that this is a new country”

”Oh really? no wonder why i haven't surely heard of that country's name before” one guard replied,

”Speaking of this visit, i heard that things in Sienna had been getting worse.”

”Why's that?”

”They say some unknown magic was being used against the Imperial Army, the 1st army of the Imperial Army to besiege Sienna had dropped from a hundred thousand into a mere 20 thousand. After receiving strange news and reports in the military situation in Sienna. The Imperial Army then sent their last relieve force into Sienna. Amounting into 200 thousand, a final resort against the Kingdom of Summerwyn.” one of the bodyguards replied,

The hall was in silence after the guard had told his companion the failing military situation in Sienna,

The British envoys are walking in the hallway while being led by the servants into the Throne room, the Queen is walking with a proper posture whilst being guarded by her loyal bodyguards.

The Prime Minister is walking near her side, it is the first time the two will be working together.

After walking through and seeing the excesses of the Imperial Palace along the way, they finally reached the doors of the Throne room.

The British envoys can remember the extravagance of the Imperial Palace. from red silk carpets in the ground, to the elaborate chandeliers in the Entrance.

”Kindly do the instructions i told you my highnesses, the Holy Emperor's presence is divine” the servant told to them,

The Queen also has a few divine status from the Anglican Church,

The Prime Minister was not a monarch but he was addressed as a highness by the servant.

The servant literally had no idea about them, so the two just brushed it off.

The doors opened, revealing the appearance of the Holy Emperor, and his court.

The two entered the door with their bodyguards, the Queen gracefully walked upright with the Prime Minister on her left side, she carefully walked and bowed to the Emperor; while the Prime Minister bowed and lowered his head.

”You can raise your head” the Emperor said,

”I am the Holy Emperor Dudendorf of the Holy Estermage Empire, as well as the Emperor-Protector of the Kingdom of Duden and Head of the Church of Reformist”

”I am the Queen Anne of the United Kingdoms of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland” the Queen replied,

”And may i know your name young man?” the Emperor asked,

”I am the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, William of the Conservative Party, Your Majesty” William replied,

”Im certain that you came here for some serious business, am i correct?”

”Indeed you are correct” the Queen humbly replied,

”Hmmm interesting..”

”We are hereby demanding the Holy Estermage Empire to withdraw its forces from the Theocracy of Esterloch, Republic of Italica and the Kingdom of Summerwyn as soon as possible.” the Queen said in front of the Imperial Court.” Queen Anne announced in the room,

The Imperial Court was shocked by the immediate demands of the Queen, the British are resolved to protect their ally states at all cost.

”What is the meaning of this?” the Emperor asked,

”We are, a country of liberty and freedom. Our country is a bastion of freedom with a connection through the past with the Crown. Therefore, we are humbly calling into the Holy Empire of Estermage to stop their invasions and oppressing weaker states.” Prime Minister William added,

”And why do you think we will do that? we don't even know if your country really exists or not”

the Imperial Court was filled with laughter from the Imperial side.

”And what is that you're holding? a flag?” the Emperor asked,

”It is the flag of our country, the United Kingdom. My people otherwise call it the 'Union Jack' sometimes” the Queen added,

”Your country's flags looks so lacking that i guess your soldiers will not be encouraged to fight with this pathetic line flag” one of the Emperor's courtiers joked,

”HAHAHAHAHHA” all of the military bureaucrats and courtiers are bursting into laughter, belittling the British envoys and causing poor diplomatic actions.

This is obviously seen as a lack of etiquette and poor diplomatic skills. This meeting of course became a diplomatic insult against the British as they're insulting two very important people from the United Kingdom.