-1 List Of Primary Characters 1 (1/1)

BERTRIM ACADEMY Riesilver 8900K 2022-07-23

Shea Crimean > Sister of Paul, Kind but not weak, and open minded. Adopted mother of Aye. Works as a Professor in the morning and a Hotel Manager in the evenings. Has a young face with golden eyes and Auburn hair. Graduate of Hotel and Tourism Management.

Paul Crimean > The older and only brother of Shea and Adopted father of Aye. He is hard working and approachable always called by his friends as Mr. Preacher during counselling time. Has a dark brown eyes and wears glasses with Black hair. Graduate of Information Technology.

Rei Aye Crimean > Adopted daughter, has a black hair with a small portion of silver hair infront and silver to grayish eye color, wears glasses or contact lences to mask it. She is plain to look at but has a talent for her photographic memory. she likes to read during her past time. Taking up Medicine.

Ritz Eve Palmer > Best friend of Aye, cheerful and optimistic, and very creative. She likes to write songs and draw. Compared to Aye she's beautiful and taking up Architecture. Has a red hair and green eyes. She likes to invent things.

Len Scott Vienapole > with Asian features and friend of Aye and Ritz. He likes to hack for fun and has a pre-training for weapons and martial art. Has a Black hair and golden brown eyes. Taking up Criminology.

Carl Barron Roque > Uncle of Akira, a widow and a businessman. One of those who funds the Essai University. Has a graying hair and blue eyes.

Akira Enrich Roque > An orphan, never knew her family due to an accident. He lives with his uncle and the successor of his uncle's estate. He is good looking as they say, with dark black eyes and black hair. He plays lawn tennis, has a good sense of humor and friendly. Taking up Business Admin.

Arthur Robles > Best friend of Akira in the University and twin sister of Analyze. Good looking too with Blond hair and amber color eyes just not seen when he wears his glasses. Likes to read and hack, taking up Information Tech.

Analyze Aris Robles > Twin sister of Arthur. She's beautiful with Slight blond hair and golden brown eyes. Learned to fight to protect herself from men, because she hates them the most. Taking up Geology.