BERTRIM ACADEMY Riesilver 71870K 2022-07-23


I am Aye, they say I was born in the month of September. I am living with my parents but not my biological one, although, for me I consider them my real parents. They took me in, adopted me really, and I took their last name Crimean. I grew-up not knowing any of my real parents and I never asked them, I didn't mind.

”Aye! come down now or you'll be late. You have an entrance exam for college.”

”Thanks mom!, I'll be there in a minute.”

I forgot to mention that I'm still in highschool. I'm only seventeen but my mom wants me to take an exam for scholarship in college. I go to a nearby public school, a 30 mins walk. I do have friends but I rarely go out with them, so I'm more left out. I'm alright though, for real!

” Aye, here are the things you should. bring and God bless you child.” Paul said.

”And don't forget to meet us after your exam.” Shea added.

Aye left and went straight to the train station. She looked at her watch and saw that she has less than 20 mins left before the exam starts. As the train stops she stayed near the exit area and run as fast as she can to the examination building. 8 mins left and was able to find the room and took her sit. The exam started at exactly 9:00 am, she was less nervous and more confident to take the exam. She finished it after an hour and a half. She left the area quietly not to disturb the others and looked at her watch. She still have an hour before meeting her parents. She decided to walk around and watch other people do their own business. She actuallyy enjoy watching them talk loud like they can't hear each other, running from or to, gossips and arguments in the public area, and others who go non stop shopping, How busy the world is? She realize. She then reached the meeting place 25 mins early and looked for a spot to sit. As she continuously watch outside through the glass window, she saw 5 people carrying boxes and entered an abandoned shop, after 10 mins of waiting. No one came out.

”Excuse me, do you have any order in mind?” the waitress asked pulling her out of her trance.

”Uhmm..., I'll just have a cup of coffee, thanks” she replied and looked back at the window again.

After 15 more mins. of watching, 2 person came out holding a gray case and was on a hurry to leave. Once they left the perimeter the old shop started to crumble, one by one the front roof falling then the blocks but before Aye could stand-up and leave someone called her name.

” Aye, how was the ex...” her father started asking but interrupted by a loud crash on the ground. Smoke and dust started to cloud the place.

” What just happened?” Shea asked her brother.

”It was an old shop, at least their were no people who work there now.” he replied

”Your mistaken dad I saw 5 people entered the shop but only 2 came out in a hurry before the place fell.” Aye said to them.

All the three of them went out and look at the shop to help but before they could, someone already announced that it was empty.

”Oh! thank you Lord, no one got hurt.” Paul said.

”I think we better Leave, we'll be late if we stay here longer.” Shea mentioned.

”Were are we going?” Aye asked

”We are going to meet an old friend of ours and we are having late lunch with him.” Her mother answered her.

Aye then went back in the cafe, paid her bill then took her things and coffee out. She never mentioned to anyone what she saw that day and never bothered to think about it.

They took a taxi going to Atterir Hotel, a prestigious hotel for the elites and other known individuals, it also host different occasions. They reached the place early. Walking along the lobby a receptionist guide them to the dinning area. It is found in the second floor to their right and they were ushered to a table where they met the wealthy owner of the only library near the city.

”Hello Mr. and Ms. Crimean, it has been 18 years since the last time we met. Come and sit with us, these are some of my staff and friends.”

” Your right it has been 18 years and you got older but still strong even with a cane.” Paul answered him

”Ah... but death is inevitable my friend.”

”That is true, very true.”

”Now Ms. Crimean, who is this? your child? or your brother's? And why didn't you told me that one of you is married.” The man inquired.

”Well... yes and no. Aye is our daughter but not one of us is married. Her real name is Rei Aye given by her biological parents but we adopted her and she took our last name. That made us her...”

”mother and father.” The man added and smiled.

”That's right!” Shea answered back smiling.

The conversation went on and on while the food was being served. Everyone ate while conversations on different topics were out, from books to economics, to politics, even personal experiences. The late lunch went to snacks and almost reaching 5 in the afternoon. Aye was able to find someone to talk to, she's 9 years older than her and a college professor, teaching science related courses. She is pretty and can make anyone comfortable, they talk about the news, researches and their opinion on it, her school, and her aspirations in life. Their conversation was cut short, because her friend has to leave and Aye let her leave after saying goodbye. She has no idea where she works but was satisfied knowing her first name: KEREN.

”Well! we have to go, it is already 4:35pm, maybe... Mr. Bien when you return again, you might want to visit us.” Shea suggested.

”Yes, of course, I think we also need to leave. Bye my friend..., Ms. Shea and Aye, it has been a pleasure to meet you both.

”Goodbye and thank you for the meal Mr. Bien.”. Aye replied.

”See you when we see you again, my friend.” Paul followed.

Everyone started to stand and say their goodbyes and all one by one took their leave.

”Father, I'll have to go to the rest room, would it be alright that you wait for me?”. Aye asked them both before they reached the door.

”Of course, take your time, we'll be waiting for you in the lobby.”

Her parents left her and walk along the hall then the stairs going down to the lobby, while Aye went in and looked for a rest room at her left side.


The phone was ringing for three times before the house maid reached for it. The caller was asking for Mr. Roque, and the caller was connected to the master's study phone.


”Hello! Mr. Clark, you called, is their any thing I could do for you that you called this early in the morning?”

”We______ll, sorry to call on you this early Mr. Roque. What's with the formality Carl? anyway the reason I called, as one of our business partner, you are officially invited to attend the conference and bring your nephew with you.”. Clark said to him.

”You called this early in the morning just to invite me and my nephew. Since when did you become your own secretary and messenger at the same time?” Carl answered back laughing at him.

”Actually, the letters should have reached everyone yesterday but a problem came up. So, to finish everything I have to do it myself.” Mr. Clark explained annoyed.

”Why don't you just say that you fired again for 106th time that secretary of yours. Where and what time will it be?” Carl asked.

”At Atterir Hotel, it will be an early dinner at 5pm and the venue would be private by that time.” He answered not bothering to answer his first statement.

”We'll be there then.” Carl answered and put down the phone.

Just after Mr. Roque have talked to the phone, he asked for his nephew from his butler.

”Rune, call my nephew.” He ordered.

Rune left and went to find this master's nephew. He found him in the courtyard playing with a friend, Sera, the youngest daughter of the head butler. The master's nephew treat Sera his sister.

”Excuse me sir but your uncle wants. to speak with you now, he's in his office.”

”Did he mentioned what is it about? Sera and I are still playing.”

”I think it's urgent sir but I don't know what is it?” Rune replied.

”I'll be going then, once uncle say now it is now! So... Sera why don't we have this match for next time.”

”What! no way! I was already ahead of you by 2 points.” Sera said.