18 Come, come! The Wei Familys Face 2 (1/2)

The Eternal Sanctum Yun_Yin 39440K 2022-07-23

The speaker was a young woman, dressed in a plain purple robe one could find anywhere on the streets of Jiang'an. She carried no tally or permit to enter the Imperial Palace, nor was a single adornment in her possession that signified her identity.

However, that stern word uttered from her lips was more than sufficient to quell the quarrel of the Imperial Court. Even if one were to disregard the thrown spear and its strength, that plain dress coupled with the beautiful appearance was capable of striking great fear into the hearts of the officials of Great Yong.

Simply because she was the Empress.

Rising from the ashes of common birth to soar into the air as a phoenix, the empress had begun her life as a common servant in an ordinary household. Obtaining a chance encounter after being thrown out of the manor for a simple mistake, the commoner girl had ascended to become a powerful cultivator in merely fifty years.

With a coincidental rescuing of the emperor, the aspiring youth and commoner girl had become entangled in a cultivation legend that many current youths dreamed of attaining. Battling together, braving storms and tribulations together, and sharing fortunes until the youth had risen into the Emperor, and the commoner girl the Empress.

Since then, the empress' life story had engendered an unparalleled influence over the hearts of the citizens, and her every word was obeyed without a single doubt, nor did anyone object.

Simply because the emperor was crazily in love with the empress.

Even if his elders forced him to sleep with a concubine every now and then, the emperor primarily resided in the empress' courtyard, hence Wei Xuan's snarky insult whenever the ruler of Great Yong complained about his lack of prodigious offspring.

If the emperor's imperial edict could cause winds to storm and rain to fall in the entirety of the nation, the empress' words were never disobeyed by the emperor. Hence, that single word uttered by the young woman instantly caused the emperor to withdraw his attack, waving his right sleeve to dissipate the scarlet longsword.

Pierced by her glare, Wei Xuan similarly allowed the silver pole to dissipate after hesitating for a moment.

The officials made way, returning to their original positions with suppressed complaints. The emperor sank into his chair and leaned his head against the back of his right hand as the woman slowly strode to stand a few meters before the throne.

Watching those thin red lips begin to part, the three hundred officials and one emperor all simultaneously groaned in their hearts, each swallowing a bitter taste in their mouths. Divine punishment was incoming, and could not be delayed.

”If this is the ordinary conduct of the Imperial Court if bengong isn't present,” the empress began, her eyebrow raised as she stared at each and every official. ”Then bengong must declare that bengong is not satisfied at all, and completely disappointed with you lot.”

Hearing the forceful assertation of her identity, the emperor and officials felt numbness creep up their limbs. Indeed, just from how she spoke, the empress was infuriated.

”This is the Hour of the Dragon, not the Hour of the Monkey.” The empress paused, suddenly whirling to face the emperor.

”Lu Jing Yi, tell bengong what should happen during these two sacred hours? Tell bengong, what were your very intentions and regulations regarding these two sacred hours?”


Everyone in the Immortal Court wiped beads of cold sweat dotting their brow, be it the palace servants, officials, or the emperor. The emperor's birth name was a taboo of Great Yong, capable of warranting a horrible death upon a casual remark.

Nobody was permitted to identify the emperor by his birth name, even the Royal Ancestors, yet the empress had spoken with such forceful tone.

”This…ah! Hong Yu, can't we speak of this later?” The emperor pleaded, extending his arms before his face in a defensive position.

”Technically, you aren't allowed to preside over the court, what if the public-ah!”


Without waiting for the emperor to finish, the empress directly ascended the steps to the golden throne, a slender fist swinging down from above to collide directly below the emperor's crown. The emperor clutched his forehead with both hands as he curled up into a fetal position on the throne, the empress continuing to slough hits without a single care.

”How many times have bengong told you?” The empress admonished, landing a solid fist onto the emperor's left shoulder. ”When bengong asks, you answer!”

”Ack, ah, ah!” the emperor cried, waving his arms to dislodge her fists ramming into his body.

”This emperor designed the Hour of the Dragon to discuss official governmental affairs-ah! The Hour of the Monkey was designated to discuss festive policy with a light atmosphere!” the emperor shouted as he attempted to mitigate the damage done to his face as much as possible.

”Then. What. Exactly. Were. You. Doing!?”